Faces of Cancer ... Faces that Care

Voices of hope

Voices of hope

These men and women have been in the battle against breast cancer.

When you buy or think pink, know where your green is going

When you buy or think pink, know where your green is going

Read the fine print and look to a charity's finances before buying products touting donation.

Optimism can help, hinder patients

Optimism can help, hinder patients

Though fatalistic thoughts have a proven track record, experts say the push to think positive may stifle emotions and imply that happiness...

Early puberty link to breast cancer risk doesn't convince all experts

Link between puberty, breast cancer questioned

Does trend toward early puberty enhance breast cancer risk?

Why can't we squash pain of mammogram?

Why can't we squash pain of mammogram?

Is it possible that medical science could come up with a new screening technology that eliminated the discomfort?

Future of breast cancer vaccine looks hopeful