1 October 2010

Pakistan shuts key Afghan war supply-route

By Keith Jones, 1 October 2010

Pakistan shut down a pivotal US-NATO Afghan war supply route yesterday following a NATO attack on a Pakistani border post that killed three Pakistan Frontier Corps troops and injured three others.

Cambodian garment strikers victimised as unions enter talks

By John Roberts, 1 October 2010

As soon as the strikers returned to work—at the behest of the unions and the Hun Sen government—employers began to suspend factory delegates.

Brazilian election points to continuity of “Lulaism”

By Bill Van Auken, 1 October 2010

Brazil’s October 3 election appears set to deliver the presidency to the Workers Party candidate Dilma Rousseff and cement the continuity of the pro-capitalist policies pursued by incumbent President Lula da Silva.

Australian soldiers charged over civilian killings in Afghanistan

By James Cogan, 1 October 2010

The incident is typical of numerous operations routinely carried out by the Australian and other allied special forces groups to suppress Afghan resistance to the US-led occupation.

Teacher ranked “less effective” by the Los Angeles Times takes his own life

By Tom Carter, 1 October 2010

The outpouring of praise for the tireless work of Los Angeles teacher Rigoberto Ruelas, Jr., who appears to have taken his own life after labeled “less effective,” exposes the complete fraud of the “Grading the Teachers” campaign, supported by the Obama administration.

US Medicaid enrollment climbs to 48 million

By Kate Randall, 1 October 2010

A new study shows that 48 million people are now enrolled in Medicaid, the highest number since the inception of the health care program for the poor.

German Social Democrats take up racist program of Thilo Sarrazin

By Justus Leicht, 1 October 2010

The SPD leadership has made clear that to implement its rightwing agenda there is no need for Thilo Sarrazin, who is to be expelled because he was too flagrant in revealing the real content of the its “integration” policy.

Scottish National Party defers independence referendum

By Stephen Alexander, 1 October 2010

Plans for a referendum on Scottish independence by the minority Scottish National Party government have been withdrawn from its legislative programme for the remainder of the current Scottish Parliament.

India-China relations strained

By Vilani Peiris, 1 October 2010

Tensions between India and China stepped up a notch last month after reports that thousands of Chinese troops were in the Gilgit-Baltistan area of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir near the border with China.

New in German

Wahlen in Lettland: Sparkurs soll fortgesetzt werdem

Von Markus Salzmann, 1. Oktober 2010

Die lettischen Parlamentswahlen finden vor dem Hintergrund einer tiefen wirtschaftlichen, politischen und sozialen Krise statt.

Europaweite Proteste gegen Sparpolitik und Kürzungen

Von unserem Korrespondenten, 1. Oktober 2010

Bis zu 100.000 Menschen nahmen am Mittwoch an einer Demonstration zum Gebäude der Europäischen Union in Brüssel teil, die vom Europäischen Gewerkschaftsbund (EGB) organisiert wurde.

Russlands Präsident verteidigt autoritäre Herrschaft im Namen der "Demokratie"

Von Wladimir Wolkow und Andrea Peters, 1. Oktober 2010

Der russische Präsident Medwedew legte am 10. September auf dem World Political Forum in Jaroslawl sein Verständnis von „Demokratie“ dar. Seine Auffassungen passen zu einem Land, in dem die soziale Ungleichheit atemberaubende Ausmaße annimmt.

"Ein Drehbuchautor schreibt mit den Augen"

Suso Cecchi d’Amico (1914-2010): Pionierin des italienischen Kinos

Von Richard Phillips, 1. Oktober 2010

D’Amico schrieb in ihrer über sechzigjährigen Karriere mehr als 110 Drehbücher, und viele davon wurden wahre Meisterwerke (z.B: Die Fahrraddiebe von Vittorio de Sica oder Der Leopard von Luchino Visconti).

New in French

Paris saisit l’occasion de l’enlèvement au Niger pour semer la panique de la « guerre contre le terrorisme »

Par Kumaran Ira, 1er octobre 2010

Ces dernières semaines, les autorités françaises ont mis en garde contre un risque majeur d’attaque terroriste qui serait préparée en France par al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (AQIM) qui a revendiqué dernièrement la responsabilité de l’enlèvement de sept travailleurs d’entreprises minières françaises au Niger.

La scission au sujet des élections régionales grecques souligne le cours droitier de la SYRIZA

Par John Vassilopoulos et Alex Lantier, 1er octobre 2010

Des conflits surgissent au sein de la coalition de la « gauche » petite bourgeoise grecque SYRIZA au sujet de la nomination d’un responsable de haut rang du PASOK comme son candidat lors des élections régionales à Attica.

Other Languages


The stench of dictatorship

1 October 2010

The raids carried out by the FBI against antiwar activists last week are an ominous warning to the entire working class of the extent to which basic democratic rights have been dismantled in the US.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP publishes program: “The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the US”

30 September 2010

The SEP in the US has published a printed version of its program, including graphs and illustrations. The program was adopted at the First National Congress in August 2010.

SEP public meetings
The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the US

21 September 2010

The Socialist Equality Party is holding a series of meetings throughout the US to introduce its program.

An important series of meetings in Berlin
American historian Alexander Rabinowitch to speak in Berlin

By Ulrich Rippert, 18 September 2010

Professor Alexander Rabinowitch, the renowned American historian, will hold a public lecture at the Humboldt University in Berlin in mid-October.

Indianapolis Auto Workers’ Struggle

Indianapolis workers face fight against threat to close GM plant

By Jerry White, 30 September 2010

In the aftermath of their vote against a 50 percent wage cut, Indianapolis workers confront a struggle against plans by General Motors to shut their factory.

More letters to the Indianapolis rank-and-file committee

30 September 2010

These letters were sent to workers in Indianapolis who are fighting against attempts by General Motors, JD Norman, and the UAW to force through a 50 percent wage cut.

Full coverage of Indianapolis GM workers struggle »

Committee Against Utility Shutoffs

MPSCDetroit residents blame DTE Energy for September 7 fires at regulatory hearing

By Lawrence Porter, 1 October 2010

Angry Detroit residents denounced the administration of Detroit Mayor David Bing and utility monopoly DTE energy for the devastating September 7 fires that swept through the city.

Visit the CAUS web site »

Arts Review

Even the RainToronto International Film Festival 2010—Part 3
Even the Rain and the need for dealing with complexity

By David Walsh, 1 October 2010

Even the Rain (Tambien la lluvia), from director Icíar Bollaín (Spain) and screenwriter Paul Laverty (Britain), was one of the most serious and complicated films screened at the Toronto film festival.

Partei für Soziale Gleichheit Founding Congress

The Historical Foundations of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit
Part three

1 October 2010

We are publishing in serialized form the document adopted by the Founding Congress of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Socialist Equality Party) of Germany on May 23, 2010. Today we post the third part.


European Union sharpens its austerity measures

30 September 2010

The EU has significantly increased the pressure on highly indebted member states to reduce their deficits through harsh austerity measures.

US House passes anti-China trade war bill

By Barry Grey, 30 September 2010

The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a bill giving the executive branch the power to impose punitive duties on exports to the US of any country whose currency is labeled “fundamentally undervalued.”

At Wisconsin rally, Obama shows contempt for his “base”

By Patrick Martin, 30 September 2010

After two years of right-wing rule—bailing out Wall Street, escalating war, and stepping up attacks on democratic rights—Obama returned to the empty slogans of “hope” and “change” before a rally in Madison, Wisconsin.

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa

1 October 2010

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

25 years ago: Israel bombs PLO headquarters in Tunis, killing 73

On October 1, 1985, an Israeli squadron of eight F-15 fighter jets bombed the headquarters-in-exile of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Tunis, Tunisia, killing 73, among them 12 Tunisians. The PLO had moved its headquarters to Tunis in 1982 after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

More »

50 years ago: French intellectuals and artists censored

The de Gaulle government on September 28 banned about 140 leading French actors, writers and academics from appearing on state-owned television and radio programs or in state-run theaters in order to muzzle their criticism of France’s colonial war in Algeria.

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75 years ago: Italy invades Ethiopia

In the early morning hours of October 3, 1935, Italian troops invaded Ethiopia, launching the Second Italo-Abyssinian War. The invasion was led by General Emilio De Bono, who had drawn up plans for an assault on Ethiopia as early as 1932 on the orders of Italian Premier Benito Mussolini.

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100 years ago: Massive clashes between workers and police in Berlin

On September 28, 1910, a force of 600 police—100 of them on horseback—invaded the district of Moabit in Berlin to break up a demonstration involving tens thousands of workers, the third consecutive day of clashes in the German capital.

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Videos and Images

Inferno on Moenart Street in Detroit

CAUS and SEP hold press conference on Detroit fires

Detroit fire victims charge DTE Energy with negligence

Nick Beams explains Socialist Equality Party election program

Video series: The Gulf oil spill

Vale Inco strikers and supporters in Sudbury, Ontario speak

Detroit resident speaks on utility shutoff

Friend of Detroit fire victim denounces utility shutoffs

Shutoff victim speaks to WSWS at DTE public relations stunt

Scientist says government policy contributed to Gulf Coast Spill

Louisiana workers denounce BP’s oil spill response

Lawyer for family of worker killed in blast says BP guilty of negligence

SEP candidate addresses Oxford Union

Hearing of the Citizens Inquiry into the Dexter Avenue Fire

Detroit firefighters discuss impact of utility shut-offs and budget cuts

Citizens Inquiry chairman speaks at press conference

Dexter Avenue fire victim’s son speaks to the WSWS

ISSE members speak at San Diego rallies

Neighbors of Detroit fire victims oppose utility shutoffs

Interviews with neighbors of Bangor Street fire victims

Sister of fire victims speaks on utility shutoffs
NUMMI auto workers denounce UAW intimidation
Locked-out California Borax workers oppose concessions
Boron, California mine workers denounce company lock-out
House fire
Family members denounce deaths in Detroit fire
Detroit teachers
Detroit teachers speak out against DFT Contract
Handful of jobs offered at Detroit jobs fair
Handful of jobs offered at Detroit jobs fair
H1N1 distribution interviews
Thousands line up for Swine Flu vaccine in Michigan
Ford workers speak on contract rejection
Ford workers speak on contract rejection
Ford workers speak out against concessions contract
Ford workers speak out against concessions contract
50,000 line up for housing assistance in Detroit
50,000 line up for housing assistance in Detroit
ISSE members speak on education cuts at rally
ISSE members speak on education cuts at rally
Detroit residents speak on utility bills, social crisis
Detroit residents speak on utility bills, social crisis
OU video
Michigan’s Oakland University faculty strike has student support
Detroit teachers denounce pay cuts
Detroit teachers denounce pay cuts
Detroit city workers oppose concessions, layoffs
Interviews at Los Angeles health care clinic
Interviews at Los Angeles health care clinic
Workers continue Vestas occupation on Isle of Wight
Workers continue Vestas occupation on Isle of Wight
A conversation with Windsor municipal workers
A conversation with Windsor municipal workers
New York City workers speak against cuts in healthcare and social services
NYC workers speak against cuts in social services
Flint vid
Flint, Michigan and the bankruptcy of General Motors
MI auto vid
GM workers on bankruptcy and plant closings
MI auto vid
Michigan auto workers and families speak on plant closures
GM vid
GM workers speak out on concessions contract
Protesting students and parents speak to the WSWS
Protesting students and parents speak to the WSWS
Chrysler workers speak on concessions vote
Chrysler workers speak on concessions vote
UK Visteon workers speak on occupation
UK Visteon workers speak on occupation
GM and Chrysler workers oppose more concessions
GM and Chrysler workers oppose more concessions
Chrysler workers oppose Obama auto plan
Chrysler workers oppose Obama auto plan

WSWS interviews G20 protesters in London
Pontiac residents speak on schools crisis
Detroit jobs fair
Workers interviewed at Detroit jobs fair

Ford workers: “Now the fight is with our own union.”
GM workers videoGM workers denounce concession demands Chrysler workers oppose cuts
Chrysler workers oppose pay cuts, concession demands
London demonstration against Sri Lankan war
Over 100,000 demonstrate in London against Sri Lankan war
Funeral for Michigan man frozen following utility shut-off
Exposing Franco's mass graves
Bay City, Mich.: “Shutting somebody's electricity off in the dead of winter is criminal”
Bay City, Michigan residents speak on death from utility shut-off
London protesters speak to the WSWS
WSWS interviews London protesters
London demonstrators protest Israeli assault on Gaza
London demonstrators protest Israeli assault on Gaza
Chrysler workers denounce pay cuts
Chrysler workers denounce pay cuts
Griffiths and Walsh
The Writer and Revolution: A conversation with Trevor Griffiths

more Videos »