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Women in Black



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Your Voices of Support

"Putting women in detention because they are calling for equality will only cause them to become even more active and inspire others to do the same. The solution is to listen carefully to what they are saying about equality and do something to bring it about!", Jean Pauline, Bay Area Women in Black.

"Human rights are universal. They belong to all people, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth o other status. The women of Iran deserve to be treated as full and equal adult citizens with rights and freedoms equal to those of men in their country", Alice Dahle, Speech-Language Pathologist, Amnesty International. Amnesty International.

"I am writing on behalf of a small group of women from a town in northern Italy. We are connected with the international network of Women in Black. We support the fight of Iranian women for democracy and equality", Adele Prina.

"Women's movement in Iran is a beacon of hope for all campaigners of human rights in Iran and wider Middle East. All the best for their success. Equal Rights for All", Hossein Bagher Zadeh.

"As interim Secretary General of Amnesty International, I am delighted to sign up to this call for gender equality in Iran. Amnesty International has been actively supporting the calls of Iranian women's rights defenders for equality for several years. Please add Amnesty International's name to the list of supporters", Claudio Cordone, Amnesty International.

"Iranian womans are wise and have a lot to bring to feminist caus", Anne Pellotier, painter.

"Freedom for everyone in Iran, regardless of gender, ethnic group or religion!", Alice MacArthur.

"We defend the respect to the free organization of Iranian women and their rights to criticize the laws that discriminate women, as in the "Family Protection Law" proposal. Currently, there are 21 women political prisoners in Iran, according to Gender Equality in Iran, among them the feminist activists Somahey Rashidi and Mansoureh Shojay arrested by the end of last December.", publish in our international newsletter of  World March of Women.

"It is with great pleasure and admiration that I salute all the brave and fighting women of Iran. Your tireless work for democracy and human rights have been and continue to be epoch-making. Women's human and civil rights must be defended, all over the world, and your consistent and creative efforts are a model for women worldwide. Women are the bearers of civil society and the foundation of democracy. Your untiring efforts carry the future of democracy. From Sweden and from FI, The Feminist Initiative, we wholeheartedly support you!", Gudrun Schyman, Spokesperson for The Feminist Initiative, Sweden.

"Spread this information through our volunteers and partner organisations.", Emma Mirzabekyan, Women Resource Center NGO.

"We are organizing petition signing, educational flyers on Iranian women's situation in Iran, at our work places we are publicizing the violation of women's rights in Iran.", Iranian Women for Human Rights.

"I am the Executive Producer of WBAI's Feminist radio show and I will be spreading the word on our shows in March. Please keep me posted.", Fran Luck, Joy of Resistance: Multicultural Feminist Radio @ WBA.

"I can help raise awareness among my acquaintances in person and through blogging.", Laura Philpott.

"AIDOS will send news from the women's movement in Iran to the women's organisations, journalists and media practitioners in italy and other european countries and will organise whenever possible meetings with and presentations by Iranian women activists.", Daniela Colombo, Associazione italiana donne per lo sviluppo.

"I can disseminate through our associated information about iranian woman situation to support them.", Marzola Maria Cristina, Coordinamento donne filt veneto.

"I have loads of mailing lists, I teach to women workers at local university and can reach lot of people and tell them abot Iran and Iranian Women", Nara Ronchetti.

"We will try to emphasize in our society this question which we consider the most actual and important!", In solidarity, Women in Black.

"We will add Freedom and Equality on our website. We are on many listserves, we will post the link to women groups in south asia and other parts of the world as well as in pakistan!", Kishwar Sultana, Insan Foundation Trust.

"We are with you and willing to support you by sharing your messages to other friends", Ms. Azra Roohi , Association for Peace and Prosperity , Pakistan.

"I will collect at least 200 Signature.You have to put my fathers name also in, he recently passed away, but he always wanted his name in this list: Dr. Ali Nasseri", Pooya Nasseri.

"Telling stories through Facebook, email, and other social networking sites", Jessica Aleman-Schippe.

"We'd like to help collect the signs in Kyrgyzstan to statement "Freedom and Gender Equality in Iran", Staff of Human rights center "Citizens against corruption"

"I can write an article and get it published on a newspaper in Morocco.", Sarah Alavi

"I really appreciate Your Work" Esha, USA

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A Letter signed by 155 Iranian Women Activists:
We Stand In Solidarity with Tunisian Women:
Statement by Iranian Women’s Rights Activists
 (French, Arabic)

The world was taken by surprise at the show of will of the Tunisian people, who stood for their rights and took significant steps in ensuring their right to self determination. Like the rest of the world, Iranian women’s rights activists are watching closely the developments in Tunisia. We as Iranian women’s rights activists want to express our solidarity with the people of Tunisia, and women in particular, as they embark on an exciting, yet difficult process of building democracy and ensuring human rights and rule of law in their country.

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Protest outside the United Nations Offices in Genève, Switzerland by a group of women’s rights activists.

‘Free Nasrin Sotoudeh’

Press Release No. 1

Freedom-Loving People of The World;

The life of Nasrin Sotoudeh, an Iranian human rights lawyer and women rights activist, is indanger. Nasrin was arrested by Iranian authorities on 4 th September 2010 for her activity indefending human rights in Iran and has been held in prison for more than 103 days. Theprosecutor has charged her with propaganda against the state and also for actions againstnational security. Under Iranian law the accused can only be held in custody for a maximumof seven days without charge after the preliminary investigation has taken place.


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More than 300 social and political activists: Prison Terms Served in Exile Constitute Additional Cruelty against Prisoners and their Families

This declaration is signed by organizations like the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and Amnesty International. Signatory to the names in alphabetical order is as follows.

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, Amnesty International, Partners for Rights, CSBR, United4Iran, International Coalition Against Violence in Iran (ICAVI), Kanun Democracy Azerbaijan

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Release Nasrin Sotoodeh

Release Nasrin Sotoodeh

With the increasing pressures the maneuvering room for human rights defenders and human rights lawyers is becoming greatly constrained.  Vivid examples of these pressures include some of the following: the closure and prevention of the activities of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, the repeal of accreditation of lawyers to practice law, the arrest of human rights defenders and lawyers.

Nasrin Sotoodeh, a brave human rights lawyer and women’s rights activist, was arrested on September 4, 2010. She has been on a dry hunger strike since Sunday October 31. This is the second time that she goes on hunger strike since her arrest to protest her inhumane situation inside the prison. The concern over her health and wellbeing is at an all-time high, as officials have refused to provide clear explanations about her situation or allow her family to visit her. She also has been denied visits with her lawyer since her arrest.

Nasrin Sotoodeh is a social activist, women’s rights activist, human rights lawyer, children’s rights activist and one of the leading campaigners in the fight to end child executions.  Nasrin is also a member of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, a center formed by a few lawyers committed to justice, who have dedicated their professional life to the cause of civil rights, to teaching it and to defending it.  Their commitment is so great in fact that the defense of human rights has become part of their daily lives.

Sotoodeh’s main demand in courts and the prosecutor’s office has been the rights of her clients.  The consequence of demanding the law, especially given the few laws that safeguard civil liberties, has been her arrest and imprisonment.  We, as signatories of this petition, demand the unconditional and immediate release of Nasrin Sotoodeh and other imprisoned human rights lawyers and view their continued detention as illegal.

To sign, please click on Release Nasrin Sotoodeh


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Sentence Confirmed For Award Winning Journalist, Jila Baniyaghoub; 1 Year Jail And 30 Years Ban From Journalism 

An appellate court in Tehran upheld an award winning freelance journalist’s verdict.Jila Baniyaghoub who is also an activist in the Iranian Women’s movement, is now facing a mandatory sentence of one year in jail and a 30 year ban from journalism.Throughout the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran, only one other journalist, Ahmad Zeidabadi, has been so severely punished.

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Defense of Human Rights is not a Crime: Release Nasrin Sotoodeh and Mohammad Oliayeefar (Deutsche Version)

With the increasing pressures the maneuvering room for human rights defenders and human rights lawyers is becoming greatly constrained.

Vivid examples of these pressures include some of the following: the closure and prevention of the activities of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, the repeal of accreditation of lawyers to practice law, the arrest of human rights defenders and lawyers, and the continued imprisonment of human rights lawyers such as Mohammad Oliayeefar.

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Prison Terms Served in Exile Constitute Additional Cruelty against Prisoners and their Families (Persian version)

The human rights situation in Iran has reached an alarming stage. A large number of civil rights activists, political, ideological, religious and ethnic minority prisoners as well as journalists and women’s rights activists are either in prison or facing increased pressures at home.
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Two Statements with 1600 Signatures Call for the Immediate and Unconditional Release of Nasrin Sotoodeh, Human Rights Lawyer and Women's Rights Activist

Nasrin Sotoodeh, human rights lawyer and women's rights activist was arrested on September 4, 2010 and has been on hunger strike since September 24 and has been denied the right to contact her family and her lawyer.  Several statements have been issued objecting to her detention and calling for her release.  Recently two statements were issued and nearly 1600 persons have signed these statement calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Nasrin Sotoodeh.  The statements and related news appear below.