Archive for March, 2008

From the Depths Touring East Coast in April

A couple of the survivors of Requiem—not to mention other bands such as Intense Youth, Auryn, Balaclava, Network of Terror, and Catharsis—are in a new band now, From the Depths. Some of you may have seen them at their first out-of-state show in early March at the National Conference on Organized Resistance in Washington, DC. They’re heading north next week for ten more shows, including one following the NYC anarchist bookfair. The tour dates and relevant information can all be found below.

They’ll have a great deal of literature with them, mostly free, and are eager to compare notes with other anarchist organizers and adventurists.

Tour dates and info after the jump.

Wasted Indeed: Anniversary Edition

anarchyandalcohol.jpgFor the past four years, we’ve had the essay “Wasted Indeed” available in half-sized zine format through our downloads section. The tract originally appeared in Inside Front #∞—this time, we’ve included the original companion piece “An anarcho-primitivist case for straight edge.” In our experience stocking literature tables, these texts have been widely well-received from drinkers and non-drinkers alike (See Matt Power’s Article in Harpers ) and this redesign and addition is long overdue. You will find the new has replaced the old in the Zine Downloads and is accompanied by a reading version for those maniacs who might choose pixels over paper.

Yellow Orwell Postcard

We printed this postcard on the letterpress in our garage and for the last month we’ve been sending it out with every order—and we’ll have enough to last at least another couple months.

Image of the back after the jump.

Scandalous Stickers Support Bicycle Bomber

Last week, a lone bicyclist left an explosive device at an army recruiting center in New York City’s Times Square, damaging the windows and entryway. It is widely suspected that this is the same bicyclist who targeted the Mexican consulate with an explosive device last year on the anniversary of Brad Will’s murder by Mexican government officials. No one was injured in either event.

Despite maintaining an extensive network of security cameras and a police force that is among the biggest standing armies fielded by any nation, the NYPD faces serious challenges in identifying the alleged bomber. At first, the press reported that a communiqué (“We Did It”) and “rambling political manifesto” had been sent to Capitol Hill claiming credit for the bombing. This proved to be a false lead; in fact, it was simply an unluckily-timed letter from a California liberal. Officials are now pointing to alleged anarchist involvement.

A funny joke and a PDF of a funny sticker after the jump.

Tabling at Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair

The Far East Cell will have a table (two tables, in fact!) at the 13th Annual Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, taking place on March 22th & 23th in San Francisco [sweet Google Maps link here]. This year, our eighth straight, we’ll have our usual stacks of free posters, stickers and papers, as well as the new Rolling Thunder #5, Expect Resistance, and all of our other books and magazines. See you there.

2008 CrimethInc. Convergence July 16-20

This summer’s CrimethInc. convergence will occur July 16 to 20, in or near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For now, you can download a two-sided quartersheet flier announcing the date and location. We’ll have more details available soon.

Please email with questions—or, even better, to offer to provide resources, bottomline tasks, or introduce unknown quantities into the equation.

It’s going to be a busy summer, and we’re hoping the convergence can contribute to everything else that’s happening without losing its unique character and function. We’ve made efforts not to double-book it with other radical events, but as some have not been announced yet, it’s possible that there will be some overlap. Although the dates of the convergence are now essentially set in stone, anyone who has information about other events scheduled for this summer is encouraged to get in touch. Please circulate news of the convergence dates far and wide, as well, so others know not to double-book.

CrimethInc. Convergence in Harper’s

The 2006 CrimethInc. convergence is described in this month’s issue of Harper’s. The subcollective responsible for maintaining this blog is divided about this description; some of us consider the author’s story a facile caricature of politicized dropouts, while others [hereafter appearing as "Ed."] find his depiction of the convergence as even-handed and honestly introspective as any non-anarchist mainstream journalist could be expected to pen. On one hand, the author suggests that the convergence kitchen was likely to give everyone dysentery [seems more like a joke at the author's expense than anything.—Ed.], an aspersion we challenge anyone to substantiate, and at another point, he causes one character to parrot a cliché straight out of some Maoist anti-dropout screed: “I’m glad everyone’s so wasteful . . . It supports my lifestyle.” [Not in the convergence section, however.—Ed.] On the other hand, he allows that the convergence itself is intelligently self-organized, is envious of the freedom and initiative of the participants, and ultimately only faults them for potentially being “naïve” and “idealistic.”

Anyway, be it hatchet job or principled journalism, here it is; the section about the convergence appears on page 62.

On the Road to Holocaust in Israel

Far from being ashamed at maintaining the world’s closest current equivalent to South Africa’s apartheid, last week the deputy defense minister of Israel publicly threatened Palestinians with a “holocaust.” In a rare moment of muted criticism from the corporate media, a Reuters article admitted that

Critics say at least 68 deaths in Gaza in February and 62 in January are a disproportionate response to 3 Israeli deaths in a year.

Even if you don’t take into account the enforced disparities in living conditions, access to resources, and self-determination—when you compare the raw numbers, 130 Palestinians killed over two months to 3 Israelis killed over twelve, it’s hard to continue seeing this simply as a case of Israel defending itself.

Sadly, there are still some radicals who insist on that interpretation of events, against every indication. We’ve added a new text to the reading library, “Antinationalist Nationalism: The Anti-German Critique and Its All-Too-German Adherents,” addressing the way this perspective has developed in Germany. This article originally appeared in the third issue of Rolling Thunder and unfortunately remains relevant today.

New Vinyl Stickers


After retiring our expect resistance sticker that had served us well for many years, we are happy to debut our new vinyl stickers—dark grey and key lime green are the new red and black, you heard it here first. We had 7,500 of each design printed and every paid order gets one of each included for free—we’d say it’s a safe bet they’ll last at least five months.