Thursday - September 16, 2010

Katy Perry Sings 'Ur So Gay' to Get Revenge on Unrequited High School Crush (Updated)

Failed Christian rock singer and current national embarrassment Katy Perry was performing at her old Santa Barbara high school on Tuesday when she spotted a former crush in the audience. She decided then to dedicate her worst song to him. More »

Which Male Singer Makes Passes at Guys Who Wear Glasses?

He brought a beard to a fashion show but only had eyes for guys in specs. This star is supporting her meth-addled ex and this reality star is dating a former stalker. But does he wear glasses? More »

Kim Kardashian's $100,000 Purse Shopping Spree, and Other Recession Hardships

See the shopping bags in this picture? The stuff inside is worth more than your college education. Are Annette Bening and Warren Beatty on the rocks? Will Christina Hendricks do nude scenes? Thursday gossip asks hard questions. More »

'Everybody Draw Mohammed' Cartoonist Goes Into Hiding

Molly Norris, the Seattle cartoonist whose joking suggestion for an "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" earned her a fatwa from religious extremists, has been forced into hiding, for her own safety. More »

DaiJyoBu Ginger Candy is being recalled in California due to "an elevated level of lead." Nice. Comment »


'I'm Out This Bitch Like Steven Slater'

[Pope Benedict XVI prepares to deplane without incident on his first trip to Third World Britain today. Image via AP]

Escaped Cobras Terrorize Toilets In Southwest China

Over 160 illegally-bred cobras escaped a laboratory in southwest China earlier this month, and they have been turning up all over town "in outdoor toilets, kitchens and on the streets." Most have been caught, but "five or six" remain free.

Spot the Difference: Doctored Egyptian News Photo Edition

Can you spot the difference between these photos of world leaders at the Middle East peace talks? That's right! One was photoshopped by Egypt's state-run newspaper to put Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in front of the group instead of behind. More »

Rush Limbaugh Fooled by Wikipedia

"Everybody in the world knows you don't believe anything on Wikipedia," Rush Limbaugh told his listeners last year. So, uh, it must be embarrassing for him that he just used Wikipedia as a source—and got his facts wrong. More »

Arrow, the soca musician who wrote "Hot Hot Hot," (you know: "Olé olé/Olé olé") has died. Comment »

Pope Aide Compares Britain to a 'Third-World Country'

Cardinal Walter Kasper, who helped plan Pope Benedict XVI's visit to England, will no longer be accompanying the Pope on his journey, "for health reasons." Certainly not because he just gave an interview comparing Britain to a "third world country." More »

The Big Brother Finale: Consider Your Summer Sabotaged

Slippery wieners, nasty hair extensions, fake terminal illnesses and one Zingbot 3000. Sadly, these are only the things we'll take away from this summer's installment of Big Brother. And here's how it ended: the good, the bad, and the nausea-inducing. [Gawker.TV]

More Americans Getting High Than Ever Before

Oh no! Illegal drug use in America has risen to the highest level since 2002, according to a government report, driven by increases in the use of marijuana, ecstasy, and methamphetamine. Here are some of the figures: More »
Wednesday - September 15, 2010

D-Day: Walrus Edition

[A USGS wildlife biologist observes tagged walruses near Point Lay, Alaska. (Pic AP)]

Jon Stewart on Christine O'Donnell: "The Palin Is Strong in This One"

Tonight, Jon Stewart opined on last night's primary elections. Most notably, he discussed nutjob Christine O'Donnell's victory in the Delaware Senate primary—she's like Sarah Palin, but worse! Then, Stewart and panel hilariously broke it all down. Video inside. [Gawker.TV]

Wisconsin D.A. Sexted Domestic Abuse Victim While Prosecuting Her Ex-Boyfriend

Calumet County District Attorney Kenneth Kratz sent 30 suggestive text messages to a 26-year-old woman while he was prosecuting her ex-boyfriend for allegedly choking her. One gem: "You may be the tall, young, hot nymph, but I am the prize!''

Your Final "Ryan the Real World Homophobe" Update

Tonight brought us the Real World finale, and—even though he was forced out of the house weeks ago—Ryan was back! Inside, video of all of the psychotic stupidity from tonight's episode that you've come to expect from him. [Gawker.TV]

Pedobear Panic Hits Tulsa, Oklahoma

We've already explained how the cuddly Pedobear is an Internet joke—not a 'mascot' pedophiles use to lure their prey. Reporters and police in Tulsa, Oklahoma obviously don't read Gawker. In America's Heartland, a full-blown Pedobear Panic is underway. More »

Four Questions Google Still Needs to Answer About Its Creepy Engineer

Google issued a short statement yesterday confirming our report about David Barksdale, the ex-Google engineer fired for violating users' privacy and spying on minors. But the statement did little to answer some big questions about Barksdale's conduct and Google's policies. More »

Live Blogging Top Chef: The Season Finale

Welcome to our end-of-season commenting blowout. Join us! Because the site of the Top Chef finale is Singapore, tonight's live-blogging party will be dedicated to that late, great figure of Singaporean history, Ngiam Tong Boon. More »

Sarah Palin Can't Remember Name of Tea Party Candidate

During a chat between Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly tonight, O'Reilly commented on Tea Party candidates, like New Hampshire's Ovide Lamontagne. Unfortunately, after O'Reilly couldn't remember Lamontagne's name and asked Palin for help, she too appeared stumped. Awkward video, inside. [Gawker.TV]

Make Up Session

[A model gets the full beauty treatment backstage at the Eva Minge show this afternoon, the second-to-last day of Fashion Week. Image via Getty]

Did a Man Mysteriously Fall from the Sky In New Jersey?

Three employees at a veterinarian's office in Egg Harbor Township, NJ say they saw a man fall from the sky on Tuesday, sans parachute. An exhaustive search has turned up nothing. This is pretty disconcerting! More »

Koran Hero Has a Dream: 'I Want to Be in High Times' (Updated)

Jacob Isom—the rattail-coiffed hero who swiped a Koran from right-wing fanatics and ran—has a dream. "I want to be in High Times," he told me by telephone. Then he showed me a t-shirt screenprinted with his face. More »

Comment of the Day: Reaping the Crazy You Sowed

Today we all laughed and cried at the primary victory of Crazy Christine O'Donnell, jerk-off queen of the First State. What are the normal Republicans going to do??? Well, hopefully learn an important lesson, if one commenter has their way. More »

Craigslist's Hooker Listings Are Officially Dead

After silently turning off its Adult Services section earlier this month, Craigslist has made it official: Its listings for escorts, masseuses and barely disguised prostitutes of all sorts have been terminated. More »

Meet Kanye West's Stylist and Trusted Confidant: A Yale Undergrad

Say hello to Cassius Marcellus Cornelius Clay, a Yale sophomore whose life changed at Barneys one day, when fashionable rapper Kanye West complimented him on his shoes and, eventually, invited the lad to travel the world as Kanye's right-hand man. More »

Claire Danes Gives Courtney Love the Look of Death

Both Claire Danes and Courtney Love were celebrity guests at the Narciso Rodriguez show yesterday. Check out this hilarious glare NY1 caught Danes shooting the wasted rocker's way. Francis Bean wishes that look could kill. More »

Justin Timberlake, Nerd God

Who would have thought the Facebook movie's breakout star would be Justin Timberlake? Apparently the singing, dancing, tequila-brewing genius put out a surprisingly strong performance in The Social Network. Well enough, maybe, to take an obscure nerd international. More »

Darlene's Boyfriend Makes More Money Than You Could Ever Dream Of

Not as much as Roseanne won in the lottery, but still a lot. Also today: House's sexy doctor lady gets a new movie role, as does sexy Kevin James, while Robert Redford's latest movie gets a deal. More »

Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Kathy Griffin reenacts Oprah's latest giveaway, the cast of Glee covers "Empire State of Mind," Ken Jeong is hysterical on Lopez Tonight, and Mel Gibson sports a crazy mustache to avoid paparazzi. More »

What's Going on with Marc Jacobs and His Ex-Boyfriend?

Marc Jacobs and his ex, Lorenzo Martone, were spotted (and photographed) hanging out at the V Magazine party Monday night after Lorenzo attended Marc's fashion show. Are they just friends? Are they back together? Don't become the new on-again-off-again, Lorenzo.

Delaware Tea Bagger Christine O'Donnell: AIDS Prevention Gets Too Much Funding

Long before Tea Party backed candidate Christine O'Donnell won the Republican primary in Delaware, the conservative firebrand was arguing that the government was spending too much money fighting AIDS and said condoms wouldn't stop the disease from spreading. More »