
The Irony-Free Facial Hair Fest

[The 2010 European Beard and Moustache Championships took place today in Leogang, Austria. Take that, Brooklyn. Image via AP]

James O'Keefe's Sex Dungeon Boat Stunt Too Gross for Andrew Breitbart

Here we were thinking conservative screamy dude Andrew Breitbart was a reality-distorting robot incapable of feeling shame. But his protege James O'Keefe's creepy plan to trap a "hot blonde" CNN reporter on his love boat was too much for Breitbart. More »

Iraq now owns the world record for time taken to form a government. Comment »

Couple Sues NYC for Displaying Son's Brain in a Jar Without Permission

17 year-old Staten Island resident Jesse Shipley died in a car crash in 2005. His parents didn't realize that his brain had been removed during autopsy for tests. They found out in the worst way imaginable. More »

Is The Velvet Underground's Moe Tucker a Tea Partier?

A woman named Maureen Tucker last April attended a Tea Party rally in Georgia, because she's "furious about the way we're being led towards socialism." Is it Maureen "Moe" Tucker, former drummer for The Velvet Underground? Here's the video. More »

Shia LaBeouf Reignites Twelve Year-Old Feud with Frankie Muniz

Shia LaBeouf: feuding with Frankie Muniz. The Kardashians are moving to New York. Miley Cyrus wore short shorts to a 21+ club. Britney spears is sued by another maid. Saturday Gossip Roundup is having a flashback. More »

Watch These People Climb Around In a Raging Volcano

Filmmaker Geoff Mackley from New Zealand shot an impressive video from the Marum Volcano on the South Pacific island of Ambrym of people climbing insanely close to waves of molten lava. Some of them get to wear cool suits, too. More »

Britain Decides Druidry is Actual Religion

Britain's Charity Commission today announced that Druidry is an "ancient pagan religion," and granted The Druid Network charitable status. The move makes Druidry the first pagan practice to be officially recognized in Britain as a religion. [AFP; pic: Getty]

Bill Maher Releases Another Embarrassing Christine O'Donnell Clip

Bill Maher vowed to release a clip of Christine O'Donnell on Politically Incorrect every week until she appears on Real Time. Tonight's revelation: O'Donnell was more than a witch—she dabbled in Buddhism and Hare Krishna, too! Video inside. [Gawker.TV]
Yesterday - October 1, 2010

Play Misty for Me

[A couple huddles to stay dry while braving the rain from Tropical Storm Nicole in New York this morning. Image via Getty]

Let Us Each Other Tell Happy Tales

This has been a sad slog of a week for humanity, with suicides, overdoses, abuses, and intolerance of everything brought to the fore. Can we take a deep breath as we approach the weekend and think happier thoughts? More »

10 Things You May Have Missed On TV This Week

In this week's compilation of pop culture crap, the Sister Wives define the normalcy of their sex lives, Oprah has a crooked toe, and Tina Fey reveals who she thinks was the worst-ever host of SNL. [Jezebel]

Rick Sanchez Fired From CNN

CNN anchor Rick Sanchez recently went on an anti-Semitic rant, essentially implying Jews control the media. Well, CNN just fired him. More »

The Winners of Our Snooki Book Contest

We're sure that Jersey Shore's Snooki, the greatest literary mind of her generation, needs no help writing her upcoming novel A Shore Thing!, but still we charged you with penning the first page of her book. Your submissions were genius. More »

Rahm Emanuel's Replacement Is Obsessed With Cats

Barack Obama named his former Senate chief of staff, Pete Rouse, to replace Rahm Emanuel as White House chief of staff today. What's this guy's deal? Well, he's a much quieter, behind-the-scenes type. And he's into cats. Really into cats. More »

Was the Rutgers' Web Voyeurism Incident a Hate Crime?

As the uproar surrounding the suicide of 18-year-old Rutgers student Tyler Clementi escalates, prosecutors are considering whether they can charge the students who broadcast video of Tyler making out with a man before his death with a hate crime. More »

J.K. Rowling: "I'm Not Gonna Say I Won't" Write More Harry Potter Books

Oprah Winfrey's final season started with a screaming women-filled bang (here), and the surprises keep coming: on today's show, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling revealed that she may not be done with the series. Fanboys and fangirls, rejoice! Video inside. [Gawker.TV]

Conde Nast's launching paid video-on-demand from Golf Digest and the New Yorker. Funner than reading! Comment »


Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Steve Wozniak appears on The Big Bang Theory, every 30 Rock flashback into young Liz Lemon's life, Between Two Ferns mashed up with The Social Network, and Community pops and locks its way into our hearts. More »

Project Runway: Accentuating the Positive

Doesn't it suck when a reality show makes you cry? Project Runway is supposed to be about sewing and drama, but instead we got a number of heartwarming moments. Can we get a refund? More »

iPhone 4 Smugglers Caught on Tape

Even though the iPhone 4 is for sale in China through legitimate channels, there's a short enough supply that smuggling the devices in from Hong Kong is still big business. Especially, it seems, for these two ladies on a subway. [Gizmodo]

Jersey Shore: Trash Bags Last Stand

Like when Godzilla finally topples and his flame breath is extinguished, so has the creature known as Trash Bags been defeated on Jersey Shore, the greatest sociological experiment of our time. She will not be missed. More »

Meet the Billionaire Banana Heir Who Calls Himself 'Cobra McJingleballs'

Justin Murdock—billionaire Dole Food heir and Avril Lavigne's ex-boyfriend—faces a sexual harassment suit for calling an employee a "whore," telling her to suck his dick, and requiring her to start a Facebook account for him as "Cobra McJingleballs." More »

Finally, the Sexy Russian Cybercriminal You've Been Waiting For

Now that sexy Russian spy Anna Chapman is but a stale post on the Facebook wall of our sad lives, we've been waiting patiently for a sexy Russian criminal to fill the void. Enter Kristina Svechinskaya, cybercriminal More »

Rahm Emanuel Chokes Up During White House Farewell

Rahm Emanuel resigned as White House chief of staff today to run for mayor of Chicago. For someone with such a hardened, Machiavellian reputation, his farewell speech — during which he choked up — was surprisingly eloquent. Where's the rage? More »

Fox News Innocent of Anything It May Have Done, Because of Obama

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing Fox News for retaliating against a former correspondent who'd complained about sex and age discrimination. You know whose fault this is? The biased NObama administration's, naturally. More »

Excited HarperCollins Editor Says "Fuck List" Author Is "Female Tucker Max"

It's surprising that it took more than 12 hours for these emails to arrive regarding the PowerPoint Fuck List out of Duke — but arrived they have. The first one is courtesy of the Ari Golds at William Morris Endeavor: [Jezebel]

Coolest Flight Attendants Ever Perform Safety Dance to Lady Gaga

Being a flight attendant isn't always exciting. The crew at Cebu Pacific Airlines, however, found a way to spice up a normally mundane safety demonstration: by setting it to Lady Gaga and Katy Perry songs, and dancing their asses off. [Gawker.TV]

Facebook CEO Hires a Circus to Distract from The Social Network

Not content with doling out $100 million to help Newark schools, Mark Zuckerberg took the next logical step to counteract The Social Network's portrayal of him as a scheming nerd-villain: hiring Cirque du Soleil for a massive PR industry party. More »

Rick Sanchez Melts Down, Says Jews Control the Media (Updated)

Permanently confused CNN anchor Rick Sanchez has stuck his entire foot in his mouth with his latest gaffe, which isn't really a "gaffe" so much as "textbook anti-Semitism." Did you know that Jews control the media? Rick Sanchez explains. More »

Maximum penalty for possessing one ounce of weed in California: $100 fine, no criminal record. Comment »

Tina Fey Plays a Wine-Fueled Round of "Who'd You Rather" With Andy Cohen

Just when you thought you couldn't genuinely like Tina Fey any more, she went ahead spent her Thursday evening drinking wine alongside Bravo's Andy Cohen. The show notoriously gets their guests filled with alcohol and Tina was in rare form. [Gawker.TV]

Gillette's March Towards Ten-Blade Razors Halted—For Now

Ever since The Onion's faux-editorial "Fuck Everything, We're Doing Five Blades" came true in real life, it's been clear that the razor industry would just keep adding blades until it was forced to stop. That time has come. More »

They Tried to Take My Picture in Rehab and I Said... Sure, Why Not?

[Lindsay didn't pose for this grainy picture of her at the Betty Ford Center, but she's holding a coffee and cigarette just like it's any other paparazzi shot. Image via INF]
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