The Incomplete, True, Authentic and Wonderful History of May Day - Peter Linebaugh

Peter Linebaugh's overview of the historical roots of the traditional workers' day.

The Green

Between the war and the Revolution - Camillo Berneri

Camillo Berneri

Italian anarchist volunteer Camillo Berneri, speculates on the possibility of intervention in the Spanish Civil War.

There are many among us who have arrived at the point of describing the armed intervention of powers which have economic and military interests opposed to those of Italy and Germany.

The anarchists in government in Spain: Open letter to comrade Federica Montseny - Camillo Berneri

Letter from Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri to anarchists in the Spanish Government during the revolution.

Dear Comrade,

It was my intention to address myself to all you comrade ministers, but once the pen was in my hand, I addressed myself spontaneously to you alone and I did not wish to go against this instinctive impulse.

Atamansha: The Life of Marusya Nikiforova

Biography of Ukrainian anarchist guerrilla who fought with the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine.


The Ukrainian anarchist Maria Nikiforova (1887–1919) has sometimes been compared to Joan of Arc. Like Joan she started from humble origins and, improbably, became a ferocious military commander who was captured and executed by her sworn enemies. And, like Joan, she was a fanatic who pursued her goals in a violent, ruthless fashion.

On militarisation of the militias

Interview with Italian anarchist militant, Camillo Berneri, in Spain on the situation of the revolution and war.

Interview in 'Spain and the World'

The first question we asked Camillo Berneri concerns the military situation as he saw it.

Iowa: Statewide Strike for the Eight-hour Day, 1891

Description of the 1891 miner's strikes for the eight-hour day in Iowa. From underground newspaper Free Flowing (February 1977), published out of Ames, Des Moines and Iowa City.

"Labor is the creator of all wealth," argued one What Cheer miner during the 1891 statewide strike for the eight-hour day. "They rob us while producing their wealth." The anonymous miner had a good deal of evidence to back up his claim of robery.

The Sioux City Free Speech Fight, 1915

Description of the 1915 free speech fight in Sioux City, Iowa by the IWW. From underground newspaper Free Flowing (July 1977), published out of Ames, Iowa.

"If you all will shut your trap,
I will tell 'bout a chap,
That was broke and up against it, too for fair;
He was not the kind that shirk,
He was looking hard for work,
But he heard the same old story everywhere;

[i]Tramp, tramp, tramp, keep on a-trampin,
Nothing doing here for you;
If I catch you 'round again,
You will wear the ball and chain,

Williamson, George, 1939-2007

Obituary of Scottish activist, libertarian socialist and Solidarity member, George Williamson.

George Williamson, who has died at the age of 68 of cancer, showed rebellious tendencies from an early age - at a school prizegiving, with six others he refused to stand for the national anthem. While an architect by profession, he was also a political activist with a very independent cast of mind.

The unknown revolution, 1917-1921 - Voline

Kronstadt workers and sailors demonstrate in 1917

Complete text of Volin's extensive work on the Russian revolution, its usurping by the Bolsheviks, and workers' rebellions against the new regime which were crushed. Currently being compiled...

History of the Makhnovist movement, 1918-1921 - Peter Arshinov

Nestor Makhno, with comrades

The full text of Peter Arshinov's definitive history of the revolutionary Ukrainian guerrilla movement led by anarchist Nestor Makhno.

Translated by Lorraine and Fredy Perlman. Published by Black & Red/Solidarity, Detroit/Chicago 1974. This edition obtained from the Digital Text International website. The Nestor Makhno Archive has altered some spellings and corrected some typographical errors. Further corrections by Text from