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Carrington Blog

An elegant, end-user customizable blog theme.

v2.2 — Preview | Download

Carrington Text

No graphics, no frills, just a showcase for your content.

v1.3 — Preview | Download

Carrington Mobile

Optimized for advanced mobile browsers and basic phones/PDAs.

v1.1 — Preview | Download


WordPress CMS Theming Made Easy

Carrington is a CMS theme platform for WordPress that makes it easy to create unique looks for different categories, post types and comments just by creating custom templates.


XMPP Standards Foundation

The XMPP Standards Foundation is an independent, nonprofit standards development organization whose primary mission is to define open protocols for presence, instant messaging, and real-time communication and collaboration on top of the IETF’s Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).

The XSF site is the central repository of information on the XMPP protocol.

Updates to Blog, Text and Mobile Themes

We submitted these to a week ago, you can track the progress here. In the meantime, you can download the updates from the Google Code project page.

Posted in Announcements, Carrington Blog, Carrington Mobile, Carrington Text.

Carrington JAM 1.4

Carrington JAM (Just Add Markup), our theme skeleton for use in creating your own theme based on the Carrington framework, has been updated to version 1.4. Carrington JAM version 1.4 is now available. This includes Carrington Core 3.0.1 and updates to the comment functions to utilize the latest built-in WordPress core features.

Please download from the themes page and be sure to check out the recently updated and expanded developer documentation.

Posted in Announcements, Carrington JAM.

Carrington Core 3.0.1

We’ve updated the Carrington Core to version 3.0.1, this includes the following features:

  • Added nonces to settings page
  • Made title of settings page filterable
  • Made menu item title filterable
  • Support custom post types in AJAX archives
  • Version # now tied to WP release # (this version, 3.0.1, released during WP 3.0)

Get the code from the public SVN directory:

Posted in Announcements.


My Swim Coach

MySwimCoachOnline is a membership site that provides workouts to it’s members. The service requires single-item purchases of workouts or a subscription. The site has the ability for corporate re-branding, allowing affiliates to have custom domains and look-and-feel to match their company image.


  • Membership capability with subscriptions and single item purchase capability
  • Customized login, registration and password recovery: taking out the WordPress hoops for a memberships
  • On-site purchase with Paypal Payments Pro integration and Paypal offsite purchase
  • Promo code capability
  • Purchase Tracking for promotions, single item purchase and subscriptions
  • WordPress 3.0 Custom Post Types
  • Custom Post Type queries/search
  • Easy administration with a workout builder for front end post creation
  • WordPress 3.0 Custom Menu Management
  • Member preferences to deliver the workouts immediately on login
  • Future workout notes capabilites
  • Social network integration
  • Print CSS for workouts
  • CSS3 styles

A simple site delivered with custom WordPress plugins and a WordPress theme.

Carrington Core 3.0

We’ve released a new version of the Carrington Core – the engine that powers the Carrington framework. This version has a few moderate list changes, some of which are pretty interesting. In particular:

  • Added support for custom post types (WordPress 3.0)
  • Support for child themes (including adding templates and plugins in child themes that do not exist in the parent theme)
  • Allow custom functions to be filtered into the Single and Comment template selection process (already supported in General context selection)
  • home.php is now only used in is_home() situations, not is_front_page() (reverses feature requested and added in v. 2.5)

Other changes:

  • Make the posts_per_page setting work as intended (only on initial query)
  • Support for nesting templates inside sub-directories in misc/ and forms/
  • Removed use of deprecated function `get_the_author_ID`. Replaced with 2.8 `get_the_author_meta` (since 2.8.0). Users of versions of WordPress prior to 2.8.0 should be aware this change will cause problems for them.
  • Define required Carrington settings in a more forgiving way, making it easier to use just part of Carrington on a site when desired
  • Make gallery settings (implemented in CSS) specific to each gallery
  • Added changelog

Get the Carrington Core 3.0 release from the public SVN directory:

Posted in Announcements, Development.


INK Design

The concept for this site was to make a premium Wordpress powered theme to showcase the art and design work of Kamran Samimi in a slick, modern way. The site is made to handle many projects which can be filtered by type (categories, tags). Each project opens and closes in the same page seamlessly via ajax. A cool feature of this site is the full screen, randomized background images that change upon each refresh or page change.

Some of the inspiration from the site came from as well as the popular Cargo framework. The site makes use of many CSS3 techniques, jQuery, jQuery Masonry, jQuery Backstretch, and of course the Carrington Framework.

Child Theme Support for /plugins

Plugins added to the /plugins directory in child themes will now be auto-loaded after the /plugins files in the parent theme. The revision, for those inclined to review it.

Child theme support is getting broader testing and is working well from what we’ve seen. An updated release of Carrington is probably due in the near future. If you’re seeing any issues with child themes with the latest Carrington core code, please open a ticket.

Posted in Development.


WordPress HelpCenter

WordPress HelpCenter not only acts as a way to get immediate support questions answered, the website also serves as a hub for affiliates, theme and plugin developers, and provides detail on WordPress HelpCenter pricing.

The theme encompasses all the plugin and theme detail pages, including FAQs. It also drives the user / affiliate dashboards where plugin and theme details can be submitted to the WordPress HelpCenter.