Blog Catalog


new york
A poet at heart.

A lover of life.

An iconoclast with nihilistic tendencies.

My politics is friendship.

My philosophy is happiness.

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steveboss00 I truly loved your blogs, especially the Aphorisms blog. I have added that one to my Blogroll on my blog. You can find it here: Take care and stay in touch

October 13th 2010


Ladygoodwood well done Marty! It seems the old broadcast link still works, I got a broadcast from you and one from TimeThief and i have just posted one too. lets hope they keep this back door open. Smiles Juliana

October 13th 2010


readingraynes Pssst! Thanks for the follow!

October 13th 2010


gurushabad Thanks for your visit and reading my blog. God bless.

October 12th 2010


BusinessLife All is well creative fellow. Having fun on Broo and being mommy, reviewing homework, traveling back and forth to 2 different football practices. Feel free to come up with some words on this!! :)

October 12th 2010


BetsyIckes Thanks for viewing my blogs!

October 12th 2010


Rivy Ops...looks like I got too long winded. Anyway...will hopefully be resettled there by year's end. Will definitely resume web activity. blogging. etc. And keep in touch with you and all the friends I have encountered here. - Ralph

October 12th 2010


Rivy Hey, NP - about my moving back to childhood town - Well, it's a mix. Although only 3 to 4 hours away, I hadn't been there in about 15 years. Parents had died. Sisters had moved. So little incentive to return. (I liked Fayetteville - the university town) Plus I had no car (then or now) to make an imp

October 12th 2010


JessicaMaybury hello :) this new blogcatalog thing is freaking me out. hide!

October 12th 2010


shanazAL Mart! Hey did you just remove and then add me! lol What are you up to??

October 12th 2010


fullet Thank you for adding me, Marty. I'm touched! — I have the feeling that the new BC has erased many of my followers. Maybe it's just my imagination though.

October 12th 2010


HollytheHousewife WhTcha been up to mister???

October 12th 2010