Attending a conference like BlogWorld Expo 2010 is definitely an investment. The costs of a conference pass, travel expenses, food and entertainment can add up pretty quickly. That's why once decide to make this investment you need to make sure you're prepared to get your money's worth. Having attended BlogWorld Expo the last 2 years, I know that three days in Vegas can fly by pretty quickly, and, unless you have a game plan going in, you might find that you just spent a lot of time and money and didn't get a whole heck of a lot out of it. This will, however, not happen to you because you are reading this blog post and so you will be prepared.
Since BlogWorld is held every year in Las Vegas--where 7 is a very lucky number--I will give you my 7 tips for getting your money's worth at BlogWorld Expo 2010:
Create a schedule. This seems simple, but you'd be surprised at the number of morning conversations I've had with people at BlogWorld who show up not knowing who is speaking that day or who they should go see. Take the time before you even step foot on the plane to Vegas to look through the conference schedule, identify the speakers who can best help you achieve your goals and create a schedule that suits your needs. Having a schedule will not only help to ensure that you attend the sessions that are most valuable to you, but will also help you take full advantage of your down time, which brings us to tip number two.
Utilize your down time wisely. There is a lot to do and see at BlogWorld. It will be a very busy three days, but you will undoubtedly have some down time each day. Make use of this time. Look around at BlogWorld and you'll see you're surrounded by amazing people and have access to some really cool new products. Take advantage of it. Network. Find someone your audience would be interested in and do an interview. Knock out a blog post about what you learned that day. Try out a new product and review it. Above all, know what you want to get out of your BlogWorld experience and use your down time as a productive time to help you accomplish your goals.
Hit the town. BlogWorld conferences end at 5pm every day, but the BlogWorld experience extends far into the night. Make sure to check out the BlogWorld site for official parties and take a look around for unofficial conference-related events too. You never know, you may do your best networking over a slushie, playing a hand of poker or grooving to tech karaoke.
Go offline. I know that going offline at a social media event seems a little bass ackwards, but hear me out. I'm not saying to totally cut yourself off. Using Twitter to send out conference updates or to keep track of everything going around on you is a great idea. As I mentioned in tip number two, writing a blog post or two may also be a good idea. My point, however, is that BlogWorld is an awesome chance to interact with people face-to-face and make the type of connections you can't make online. So, at least for a little while, go offline and enjoy the flavor of the meat space.
Be ready for the big question. You'll be meeting a lot of new people at BlogWorld and most of them will start by asking, "What do you do?" For a lot of us, what we do is a fairly complex subject and one about which we're quite passionate. That's why it's important to take a little time and think about how you can briefly and succinctly answer the question while hitting on the points that are most important to convey.
Have all the necessary accessories. What you'll bring to BlogWorld will depend on what your goals are. Since I am there to network, promote BlogCatalog and share my BlogWorld experience with the Blogcatalog community, I take business cards, a laptop, a small camera and my iPhone. These four items are all I need to complete the tasks that are important to me. Identify what tools are necessary for you to have, but be careful not to overload yourself.
Filter and organize. There is a lot of information shared at BlogWorld. There are business cards, pamphlets, press kits, and fact sheets. All of this information is important to the people producing them, but it may not all be important to you. Knowing what is important to you and filtering out all the rest will make your life much easier. Eliminate the superfluous stuff and organize the valuable stuff so that when you go to write about a product or connect with someone the information you need is easily accessible.
I'll be heading out to BlogWorld Expo 2010 next Thursday and I am excited about getting yet another chance to make some new friends, learn a few things and have a lot of fun with a bunch of great people. If you'd like to see what I'm up to during the conference, or maybe you'll be there and you'd like to connect, you can find me on Twitter under @BlogCatalog.