Miliband promises policy shakeup

Labour leader Ed Miliband has pledged to fundamentally change his party as he initiates a major policy review.

Ed Miliband returns from paternity leave today

May loses 7/7 battle: Secret evidence may be heard

Theresa May's attempt to hold some of the hearings into the 7/7 attacks behind closed doors has been scuppered by judges today.

52 people died in the atrocity five years ago

Govt mulls cigarette packaging ban

Cigarettes could be packaged in brown paper wrappers, under plans being considered by the government.

No more pretty pictures: tobacco packaging could be scrapped

Speakers Corner

Comment: Cameron should join euro-liberals

David Cameron's allies in the European Parliament continue to dwindle to an unsavoury hardcore. The Liberal grouping is far closer to his sensibilities.

Edward McMillan-Scott is a vice-president of the European Parliament

Comment: How the nanny state survived the 'big society'

Even in the midst of the 'big society', the war on smokers survives.

Analysis: What Lib Dem leaflets teach us

Liberal Democrats getting ready to fight Oldham East and Saddleworth are determined to prevent voters realising the seat is now a three-way marginal.

Elwyn Watkins has been bombarding Oldham East and Saddleworth voters with literature

New peers: Full list

New appointees to the House of Lords have been announced. See the full list here

Full list of new peers

More News

Campaign to free Britain's last Guantanamo inmate

William Hague should be pressing for a timetable for the release of terror suspect Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo Bay, Amnesty International has said.

One UK inmate remains in detention in Guantanamo Bay

Council tenants could lose 'home for life'

Lifetime tenancy agreements for new tenants in social housing may be set for the scrapheap, as ministers announce a radical overhaul in a bid to bring down waiting lists.

Local authorities will have far greater flexibility to set tenancy lengths under the plans

UK's 'anti-semitic' Saudi schools to be probed

More than 40 part-time Muslim schools and clubs are teaching elements of the Saudi curriculum which include anti-Semitic material, an investigation has revealed.

The schools are not officially endorsed by the Saudi government, its embassy has said

Spending cuts 'make multiculturalism more important'

The government is being warned not to move away from multiculturalism just as spending cuts impact on ethnic minorities.

Multicultural Britain has been a subject of heated debate for several years

Thinking again: Labour embraces civil liberties

Labour began its retreat from its counter-terrorism policy today, with Ed Balls openly admitting the party was wrong on pre-charge detention.

Balls: Even 42 days was a step too far

Cable: We haven't betrayed anyone

Vince Cable has launched into a robust defence of his party's decision to U-turn on tuition fees, insisting the Lib Dems never broke a promise.

Cable: 'We didn't break a promise'

Cameron's pledge to business ahead of immigration cap

The immigration cap can be installed without threatening businesses in the UK, David Cameron has insisted.

Cameron: Immigration between Britain and the rest of the EU is pretty much in balance

School sport cut prompts Cabinet row

Plans to cut £162 of sports funding for schools have sparked a Cabinet-level row, according to media reports.

School sports funding may be under threat if the move goes ahead

Thousands march for peace as Cameron confirms Afghan deadline

Thousands of people have marched through central London to demand a withdrawal from Afghanistan, after David Cameron confirmed a 2015 departure date.

Anti-war marches have been making their way through London since the conflict began in 2001

Not 'so good': Young quits after Cameron rebuke

David Cameron's enterprise adviser Lord Young has resigned after downplaying Britain's "so-called recession" in a newspaper interview.

Lord David Young has quit over his 'never had it so good' comments

Issue of The Day


Should the UK have a monarchy?

With Prince William and Kate Middleton getting married, republicans are becoming more vocal about their opposition to the monarchy.

The monarchy: national symbol or legacy of inequality?


Eco Geek

The backstage news from the Greenpeace communications manager is not nearly as dry or geeky as you might expect from the biography or the name.

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Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill

The Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill abolishes the Child Trust Fund and the Health in Pregnancy Grant and repeals the Saving Gateway Accounts Act 2009.

Savings accounts and health in pregnancy grant bill

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Unemployment is an economic indicator that refers to the number or proportion of people in an economy who are willing and able to work, but are unable to get a job.

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