
Ed Miliband is more dangerous than you think

Mon Sep 27 09:43AM
Moving left isn't the problem it used to be. The new Labour leader is the right man in the right place at the right time.

By Ian Dunt

There's a lot of nonsense being talked about Ed Miliband since his Labour leadership win. He's Red Ed, too far to the left. He's too geeky to be elected.

If it sounds rehearsed it's because it is. The right wing press, Blairites and the Tories have been practising these arguments for months. Like journalists preparing two different stories for the result on Saturday afternoon - one for Ed and one for Dave - they were ready to be deployed as soon as the announcement came. The conclusion is always the same: Ed Miliband can't win a general election. This is Labour retreating to the left, as it did in the eighties.

It's nonsense. Firstly, Ed Miliband is tough. He stood against his older brother, who was widely regarded as the natural successor. He demolishes Commons opponents.
He is able to articulate a given message well - particularly on immigration, a key weak spot in the Labour armour. He is likeable, which has an effect on the journalists who will try to tell readers what to think of him. He is not a left-wing radical. He was responsible for the last Labour manifesto, which was hardly a little red book. His policies are not extreme, unless you think Iraq, 90-day detention and ever-rising inequality constitute a centre ground. He has said nothing - precisely nothing - during the campaign which deserves the 'Red Ed' moniker which the tabloids are trying to anoint him with.

There is something geeky about him, to be sure. But we are not in the business of reducing politics to showbusiness just yet. We have been down that road with Tony Blair, if you remember, and the messianic turn he took should not be disassociated from it.

Ed Miliband is to the left of his elder brother, who the media and the parliamentary party wanted to win. The Tories were said to be more fearful of the centrist older brother, or at least that's how they briefed the press. This is an old and exhausted political assumption. In fact, the British political centre point has shifted to the left. The establishment, and certainly the media establishment, has been slow to realise, but since the financial crisis voters do not accept arguments about the efficiency of the market or the inequality of society. We have consistently underestimated the game-changing nature of this event. To brand Ed Miliband's approach 'old' Labour is ironic, because it's a view that's behind the times.

Many right-wingers secretly understand this. The financial crisis banished forever the view that the market was more efficient, more modern, than any alternative. It also brought the issue of social justice to the forefront of political debate in a way it simply wasn't during more certain economic times. When people's sense of aspiration is challenged, they are more likely to take a critical view of the rich. The view that any move to the left, no matter how moderate, is politically fatal is simply wrong. But it is in the interest of many of the people who propound that view that we continue to believe it.

The next election hinges not on charisma, or left and right, but on the 2010 Budget. If its forecasts are accurate, Britain will be recovering by 2015 - when we next go to the polls. If the coalition got the economic argument right, the public will re-elect the Tories (the Lib Dems won't get the credit - it's one of their many problems). If the coalition got it wrong and the economic malaise drags into 2015, Labour will benefit - but not if it is too consensual on the economic agenda. Ed Miliband can unite the left against cuts in a way his brother simply wouldn't have been able to. He can use the rhetoric and the momentum of public disenchantment in the most natural and vigorous way. David Miliband would have been more cautious, for fear of being labelled a leftie. If the coalition gets the spending cuts argument wrong, he is the candidate best placed to take advantage.

The mock anger about the unions' role in getting him over the finish line is similarly misguided. These are not dark union barons in secret smoke-filled rooms anointing a Labour leader. These are members, paid up, making up their own mind. They are not somehow exempt from constitutional standards of political association. The tone taken towards unions by much of the broadcast media over the weekend seemed to suggest they were innately malevolent forces.

In the Commons, Cameron is going to have some very tough times with his new opponent. Ed Miliband is an impeccable parliamentarian, able to use logical arguments, lucidly expressed, to reduce an opponent to rubble. As William Hague found out against Tony Blair, success at PMQs does not necessarily translate into success in the country, but it is a vital arrow in the quiver. It nudges voters one way while watching the evening news, if anyone does indeed still watch it.

His victory is also good for the country. Ed Miliband's views on civil liberty rule out a return to the bad old days should Labour win the next general election. For those of us who care about such things and who spent the last decade or more tearing our hair out at the way New Labour treated British freedoms, we can breathe a sigh of relief. We won't be returning to the darkness anytime soon. We should stay vigilant, but the battle is well on the way to being won. Break open the bubbly.

The leadership decision also marks a more significant shift in the political history of Britain. The defeat of David Miliband means there will be no return to Blairism, the strategy which consciously robbed political debate of meaning and reduced it to triangulation and strategic manoeuvres. Left and right are words which designate views about the allocation of resources, not tags to be avoided. We are tantalisingly close to returning to an era about ideas and debate. It won't be pretty, but with a coalition in power and Labour taking a more principled, left-of-centre stance, we are heading towards something more healthy and appetising - or so it appears.

Let's be clear. There are faults with Ed Miliband. He switched from Labour manifesto writer to civil liberties advocate a little too quickly for my liking, suggesting some chameleon tendencies. He comes across much better in person than he does on TV. He has not developed that intangible but vital quality of appearing prime ministerial. The first might be wrong and if not wrong, irrelevant. The second is surmountable. The third may change given four years of opposition.

The attacks will soon begin. The media will savage him, as it does anyone succeeding on the left, in a more vicious and aggressive manner than he had imagined. All intellectual arguments fall to nothing when the media succeeds in these tasks, because they create reality. If they convince enough people he's a limp leftie incompetent, then people will vote on that basis.

But my hunch is they will fail. If the Tories couldn't win an election against Gordon Brown, they shouldn't be cocky going into one against Ed Miliband, following massive spending cuts. Ed Miliband may just prove to be the right man in the right place at the right time.

Comments21 - 30 of 362

  1. I cannot recognise the person described by Ian Dunt as being Ed Miliband, rubbish is too polite a word for Ian's article. I am 81 an ex MD of a medium sized manufacturing company and remember only too well the damage wreaked by left wing politicians and Union leaders in the past, I had to deal with the latter!
    I worry most when closet Communists claim that they are not really communists, wasn't Ed's Father a Marxist? Ed Miliband just does not stand a chance, the electorate won't tolerate any more left-wing leaders,

    rhrouse From rhrouse on Mon Sep 27 11:43AM

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  2. Look at the mess the last Labour government got the country in! Does anyone really feel that a Labour government is re-electable under whichever leader they choose. The only way they can get back in power, is if the coalition make a bigger @#$%-up than they did ... which, lets face it, would be practically impossible!

    jeffreyglass From jeffreyglass on Mon Sep 27 11:49AM

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  3. The problem is not that the previous leaders failed to articulate on immigration, it's the complexity of immigration and it's ability to burn their mouths like they are eating cold potato which is the problem. Any leader who tries to take on immigration unwisely, will get get seriously burnt.

    wodgot From wodgot on Mon Sep 27 12:00PM

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  4. 21, The usual Macarthyite smears, how original your post is. Straight from the Sun and Mails headlines. Some of you males are barely literate.
    22, The bankers caused the depression, not Ed Miliband, typical Tory male.

    tracymann11 From tracymann11 on Mon Sep 27 12:01PM

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  5. Ed Milliband - GREAT! Now get ready for Gutter Press assassination attempts. What an easy ride Cameron was given - particularly by the B.B.C. finance and economics departments. Turkeys voting for Christmas! Let's just see fair coverage of Ed.

    stewartvghthompson From stewartvghthompson on Mon Sep 27 12:08PM

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  6. Ed Miliband's Dad was called Adolphe Miliband & changed his name to Ralph after he entered the UK illegally at the outbreak of WW2.
    He was an academic Marxist theorist who spent his life lecturing about Marxist theories which is a really usefull subject!!
    I can't remember the last time I needed the services of a Marxist theorist but I can distinctly remember the last time I needed the services of a plumber!!
    Like father, like son, he ain't called Red Ed for nothing!!

    derjuggmeister From derjuggmeister on Mon Sep 27 12:10PM

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  7. Labour has moved off the middle ground. In truth, it never belonged there in the first place. "New" Labour is dead. So we are back to the bad old days of endless strikes, brain drains, restrictive practices, winters of discontent, malnutrician, lousy pay, no promotion..........

    neilhnnh From neilhnnh on Mon Sep 27 12:33PM

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  8. "Labour Gives you More" that's their Logo, and along with More Fuzz came MORE BENT FUZZ, that's simple mathematics, the IPCC has now crashed. Filth and Corruption should be Tatooed on Labourites.

    pgoldthorp From pgoldthorp on Mon Sep 27 12:40PM

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  9. Dunt, "me thinks thou doth protest too much" . Talk about a "used car salesman" , your support for Ed(are you sure you ,ve got the right one?? After all, if loyal members of "labour" can,t tell the difference it,s got to be hard for you). It seems to me you,re trying to turn an old "banger"into a rolls royce ( or should that be a young "banger";) Tough??? Where was tough when "the honest kind of a guy" took us to war?? Tough?? when the first bribe he,s offering is £25 THOUSAND pounds for each child . Again we see someone telling us "the bankers caused the depression" The "new labour"mafia" didn,t help by turning a blind eye to what was going on when collecting the banking taxes, did they??, it wasn,t our faults when we, the people took 125% mortgages, or hocked the credit card up above what we could pay back, NO it was all the banks faults. Easier to blame others and conveniently forget our own contributions to the mess we,re in. T he problem is that under "new labour" and Brown we would never have known how big the mess really is. In the "new labour"way we would heave been told that Brown had "everything under control" while he was busy putting the country in hock for the next fifty years!!! But that wouldn,t matter would it because some one else would be paying for our jobs and todays lifestyle!! Greed has what,s got us to where we are today, and no one gave us an example to follow of how to be greedy and sucessfull at it than"the honest kind of a guy" and his bunch of fourty thieves. Under the guise of "the working class party " they conned the workers into voting them in THREE times(sad how gullible people are) and this w...ker is no different. On the conference table to day were a line of privately educated men and women who know NOTHING of the working class they claim to represent!!

    glynnis.blackwell From glynnis.blackwell on Mon Sep 27 01:02PM

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  10. Ed Milliband is just the young progressive leader that UK needs to renew the economy and save British principles. He is the opposite of old Etonian pro-banker Cameron and will amke this nation a fairer place for all of us to live in.
    The trouble is that most of the media is owned by billionaires who want everyone else to be their serfs. Wake up this is not the Middle Ages or even Victorian/Thatcherite Broitain, it is the 21st century.

    rhmeakins From rhmeakins on Mon Sep 27 01:05PM

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