Oddly Enough News

Gang members snort ashes they mistook for drugs

Gang members snort ashes they mistook for drugs

Yahoo! News - 5 hours 34 mins ago

Five teenage burglars snorted human and animal ashes after mistaking them for Class A drugs, it has been revealed. More »

  • Tiny Peggy the dog terrier-ises British postmen

    Tiny Peggy the dog terrier-ises British postmen

    AFP - 7 hours 20 mins ago

    LONDON (AFP) - She is ankle-height and looks cute -- but Peggy the tiny Yorkshire terrier is deemed so ferocious by Britain's Royal Mail that it has halted postal deliveries to the entire street where she lives. More »

  • Bundesliga side ban strippers at games

    Bundesliga side ban strippers at games

    AFP - 7 hours 36 mins ago

    HAMBURG, Germany (AFP) - Top German football club St Pauli has shown the red card to strippers performing inside a corporate box owned by one of Hamburg's many lap dance clubs -- but they can dance once matches are over. More »

  • German tries to cash million-dollar bill

    German tries to cash million-dollar bill

    AFP - 7 hours 51 mins ago

    BERLIN (AFP) - A German pensioner down on his luck has been given a six-month suspended jail sentence for attempting to cash a million-dollar bill at his local bank, a court spokesman said on Thursday. More »

  • New Zealand police Segways fall foul of law

    New Zealand police Segways fall foul of law

    AFP - 8 hours 7 mins ago

    WELLINGTON (AFP) - Police in a New Zealand town have been forced to resume foot patrols after their futuristic Segway scooters were deemed illegal, reports said Thursday. More »


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