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The supreme clerics vs Joe Biden’s hidden agenda

Too early to judge Biden’s visit and the U.S. Sug­ges­tions regard­ing the for­ma­tion of the Iraqi gov­ern­ment as fail­ure or suc­cess, but the only thing the Amer­i­cans need to under­stand, is that his­tory in Iraq does not sig­nif­i­cantly change its tac­tics and behav­ior. There­fore, an end to the polit­i­cal vac­uum cri­sis should be an Amer­i­can res­o­lu­tion forces all polit­i­cal sides to form a gov­ern­ment. Data from the per­for­mance of the Iraqi polit­i­cal behav­ior shows, the buy and sale deals occurred dur­ing Biden’s visit: The Prime Min­is­ter Maliki, a Shi­ite polit­i­cal leader .. But, a few months before the expiry of his man­date, he sold every­one includ­ing his Shiite-allies in Washington’s favor .. In exchange for the U.S. sup­port to continue …

Biden’s visit to Baghdad and the U.S. three power-sharing scenarios

As often, the Sadrists did not hes­i­tate to express their rejec­tion to the U.S. Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s visit to Bagh­dad with their own style, by putting their mark on this visit with three Katyusha rock­ets exploded around the U.S. embassy in the Green Zone. At the same time, the Supreme Coun­cil led by Ammar Al-Hakim did not issue an offi­cial posi­tion on the sce­nario for the for­ma­tion of the gov­ern­ment, but the con­dem­na­tion expressed by the Sadrists, either through a state­ment released by Muq­tada Al-Sadr, in which he called, Maliki and Allawi not to bow to the U.S. Pres­sure, or a state­ments made by the leader of the Supreme Coun­cil Sadr al-Din Qabanji — close to Iran, which he noted …

Grand Ayatollah Fadlallah, the black sheep of the Hawza … Why it is important to watch Maliki’s reaction?

With the death Hizballh’s and Maliki’s Dawa Party spir­i­tual leader Grand Aya­tol­lah Sayyed Mohammed Hus­sein Fad­lal­lah died today, it is very inter­est­ing to watch the posi­tion of the Iraqi Hawza, espe­cially Sis­tani. Since Maliki wants to change the Islamic face of his Dawa Party to a sec­u­lar party, at the same time he Maliki needs to the Shi­ite pub­lic sup­port. Fadlallah’s mod­er­ate ideas to reform the Shi­ite Hawza and take it back to its orig­i­nal roots caused anger among other Grand Aya­tol­lahs who decided to remove him from Al-Hawza cir­cle and forced him to go to exile in Lebanon. In my arti­cle “What is Al-Hawza?” I wrote about Fadlallah’s prob­lems with the Hawza. In his many writ­ings Fad­lal­lah says: We must emerge …

The three factors determining the formation of the Iraqi government

there are three fac­tors that can affect the slow­down or the speed up of the for­ma­tion of the com­ing gov­ern­ment: The meet­ing between Maliki and Allawi: once again Maliki revived this tac­tic to break the “iron cur­rtain” put by his INA allies to block his nom­i­na­tion. Since the Prime Min­is­ter knows that this alliance between the “State of Law” and INA is blessed by Iran and build in hurry through the pres­sure on all its com­po­nents, then the best way is to pres­sure on the Iran­ian side to exer­cise its role in per­suad­ing the Supreme Coun­cil, and the Sadrists to lift the veto and accept him as a can­di­date. Unlike the last meet­ing between Maliki and Allawi, Al-Iraqiya showed disinterssts …

The revolution of electricity in the southern provinces topples the Minister, eyes on Maliki, while new names of candidates emerged

First– A funny-sad Q&A ses­sion with the U.S. ambas­sador in Chatham House, which is not cov­ered by Reuters — A reporter asked Hill: How come that the U.S. after seven years of occu­pa­tion failed to repair the basic pub­lic ser­vices in Iraq, espe­cially water and elec­tric­ity while Sad­dam manged to to pro­vide these ser­vice in a very short time, after the Gulf-war? Hill’s answer was: no com­ments. Beside Ja’afari, Adel Abd Al-Mehdi and even Ja’afar Al-Sadr, Kuwaiti news­pa­pers say there are new names started to emerge as set­tle­ment can­di­dates: — Habib Al-Sadr, the for­mer direc­tor of the Iraqi Media Net­work. – Ali Al-Dabbagh, Maliki’s spokesman. – Kho­dair Al-Khuza’i, Min­is­ter of Edu­ca­tion. – Sher­wan Al-Wa’ali, Min­is­ter of National Secu­rity. In my …

Feltman’s suggestion of sharing power rejected

The absence of an offi­cial insti­tu­tion to reg­is­ter the “newly” formed Shi­ite alliance between the “State of Law” and “Iraqi National Alliance”, forced Maliki to renew his nego­ti­a­tion with the Sadrists, in an effort to counter the Supreme Council’s move­ments, who is try­ing to hide behind the Sadrists in order to hijack the prime min­is­ter office for his can­di­date, Adel Abdul Mahdi. Leaked infor­ma­tion con­firmed that Jef­frey Felt­man, in his visit to Bagh­dad tried to revive the U.S. agenda to bridge the gap between the Maliki and Iyad Allawi, on the basis of part­ner­ship. how­ever, informed sources con­firmed that the leader of Al-Iraqiya List Iyad Allawi has rejected this view, stress­ing on his com­mit­ment to form the gov­ern­ment. The Supreme Council …

Allawi, Maliki and the political message of the meeting

Despite the announce­ment of a merge between the “State of Law” and the Iraqi National Alliance”, the sched­uled meet­ing between Maliki, Allawi has dom­i­nated the polit­i­cal scene in Iraq. Both lead­ers have their own agen­das for this meet­ing, the dif­fer­ence between the two is very clear, which makes it dif­fi­cult for this meet­ing to achieve its goals. Maliki, aims to inform Allawi that all the attempt car­ried out by Al-Iraqiya to head the next gov­ern­ment are fruit­less, and the list should rec­og­nize the de-facto. But Maliki also seeks to send a mes­sage to his INA allies that the “State of Law” could play Allawi’s card, if they insist on not to choose him for Prime Min­is­ter. As for Allawi, he felt …

At the eve of the parliament’s first session .. The possible Iraqi scenarios

At a time when it was announced that the new Iraqi par­lia­ment to hold its first ses­sion next Mon­day, Iraqi sources pre­dicted that the U.S. Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden will arrive to Bagh­dad within the next two days, to dis­cuss the U.S. Admin­is­tra­tion views of the prepa­ra­tion for the with­drawal of the U.S. forces from Iraq (there are also rumors say that Shi­ite coali­tions will try to maneu­ver around Talabani’s deci­sion and announce the first par­lia­ment ses­sion as “an open ses­sion for at least 40 days”). In the mean­time, Iyad Allawi launched an attack on the Iraqi gov­ern­ment for the first time using the word “Iraqi regime”, a term that now reflect the extent of the inter­sec­tion with the Prime Minister …

How Allawi managed to split the Shiite coalition!

The short ver­sion is in the first para­graph, for more detailed ver­sion read below. Infor­ma­tion avail­able says: next week Alawi will begin his nego­ti­a­tions with the polit­i­cal coali­tions on the for­ma­tion of the next gov­ern­ment after the rat­i­fi­ca­tion of the elec­tion results. Signs of a rift within the Iraqi National Alliance (INA), because of the Supreme Council’s new direc­tion to form an alliance with Al-Iraqiya, which is rejected by the rest of INA coali­tion. A split led by Ahmad Al-Chalabi (National Con­gress) joined by the Sadrists and the Virtue Party (Al-Fadhila) threat­ened to form an alliance with the State of Law, if the Supreme Coun­cil con­tin­ues its Al-Iraqiya approach (Iran promised to appoint Cha­l­abi as deputy-Prime Min­is­ter, if he suc­ceeded convincing …

Egypt’s media attacks Turkey’s PM Erdogan

As I said yes­ter­day, Arab rulers started to rally beside Israel attack­ing Turkey. “A strike of mas­ter”, that is the head­line on one of Egypt’s news­pa­pers (image above), describ­ing the Egypt­ian pres­i­dent Mubarak posi­tion com­pared to the Turk­ish PM Erdogan’s posi­tion. Semi-official state run Egypt­ian News­pa­per Algo­mhuria attacked the Turk­ish posi­tion on the flotilla mas­sacre, say­ing that the Turk­ish reac­tion is weak and cold com­pared to the Egypt­ian posi­tion, which was brave, reject­ing the Amer­i­can and Israeli dic­tates: The Turks used the Ara­bic rhetoric and words, which are same used fre­quently by Syria to threaten Israel … Erdo­gan is a voice only .. and he he can not do any­thing or he will face the U.S. anger. While Pres­i­dent Mubarak’s …

  • Political Islam in turkey: Running West, Heading East: For all the attention to radical political Islam, there is little awareness that the democratically elected government of Turkey has an Islamic flavor. This book places within historical context the rise of the Islamic political party now governing Turkey and examines the implications of its rule for that country and its relations with Europe, the United States and the Middle East.