An Arab Creativity in Betsalel Graduation 2010

July 23rd, 2010

An Arab Creativity in Betsalel Graduation 2010 273  320x240 nada nafar1 The Betsalel Academy has celebrated graduating its students for the year 2010 last week. The ceremony included a show of the artistic and fashion works that the students made. An interesting phenonmenon that I saw in the ceremony was the Palestinian Arabs success and creativity in making fashion and artistic works that represented their history and feelings.

An Arab Student Nada Nafar made a seam garment that looked different and interesting. Once Nada was asked about her project she replied by saying: The cloth embraces the Human body, the house embraces the Human and the space embraces the house, the human, the culture and the identity. Read more…

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Palestinian, Israeli Conflict> Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad116 views

The way the West sees the Israeli Palestinian Conflict

July 14th, 2010

Many Western countries tried to play a mediator role between the Israelis and the Palestinians in order to reach a peace agreement that would put an end to The way the West sees the Israeli Palestinian Conflict 272  320x240 clintonquartet the long conflict. Most of these mediators tried to search for tools that would bring both sides close to each other and reach an understanding regarding the matters that stayed until today as an obstacle in the way to achieve peace. Read more…

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Palestinian, Israeli Conflict> Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad212 views

Lessons in Leadership XXXVI – Responsibility

July 13th, 2010

Taking responsibility no matter what happens is one of the attributes of a leader. Responsibility is related to the decisions we make in our life. Our decisions Lessons in Leadership XXXVI – Responsibility  271  320x240 rainbowtree bring us the result of what we do and then we either declare our responsibility of the consequences of our actions results or we simply try to escape from it.

Taking responsibility affects on us and those who are around us especially when we are leading others and trying to bring them together or develop the thoughts they have about life or the field that we are leading in. In order to succeed in leading we must make sure to make those who believe in us feel Read more…

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Lessons in Leadership> Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad218 views

An Israeli Lebanese war….either Tomorrow or the Day after it…

July 12th, 2010

It seems that the situation between Israel and Lebanon will not stay calm as it was in the last year. After an Israeli published report about Hezbullah targets An Israeli Lebanese war….either Tomorrow or the Day after it...  270  320x240 lebanon israel war 06 on the borders, the latter states that Israel will be targeted in several places including sensitive targets if a new war is started.

In Israel and Lebanon the media is talking about a possible confrontation between the two sides especially that officials from both sides have been talking about the importance of facing the dangers of the other side and putting an end to it. The latest war on Lebanon resulted in killing more than 1200 Lebanese Read more…

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Iranian Issues, Palestinian, Israeli Conflict> Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad452 views

قصة لحن اندلسية

July 10th, 2010

قِصْةْ لحنْ اندلسية قصة لحن اندلسية 269  320x240 alandalus
حلوة بعيون عسلية
حبينها وحبتنا
وضلّت بالعشية

هي ياسمينة عربية
زي الغربية
ما ابنقدر نلمسها
بس ريحتها…احلى هدية
بتلف وبتفتل Read more…

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شعر و نثر> Muaz Qaimmari111 views

The New Israeli Political Ploy…. Direct Peace Talks

July 9th, 2010

It seems that Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu thought very well of what kind of statements he should make while visiting the United States. While the The New Israeli Political Ploy…. Direct Peace Talks 268  320x240 mideast popup Israeli army is marketing a new file that includes several Hezbullah targets on the borders, the Israeli Politicians are trying to fix Israel’s picture around the world. Ben Eliezer’s call for a real Israeli action to stop the damage that is happening to Israel’s reputation because of its ongoing occupation of the Palestinian people was answered by a new Israeli smart plan that would take the Palestinians into another round of fake negotiations. Read more…

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Palestinian, Israeli Conflict> Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad182 views

A destiny… or an epiphany?

July 8th, 2010

Is this destiny? A destiny... or an epiphany? 267  300x200 guardian angel by mis destiny
Or just an epiphany
To make mistakes, that seem so right
And make up right after every fight
To find you here, to love and hold
To throw the memories that were fold Read more…

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Uncategorized> Rene Farraj133 views

Lessons in Leadership XXXV – Challenge Life or Life will Challenge You

July 7th, 2010

One of the things that can be easily done is to isolate yourself and live a secured life. Some of us may think that by staying alone everything will be just fine. Lessons in Leadership XXXV – Challenge Life or Life will Challenge You 266  300x200 journey We start to isolate ourselves by staying alone and away from those who are usually around us. In the end we find ourselves living a life that may be stable but lacks any kind of challenges.

Some would prefer a life that is quiet, stable and empty of any kind of surprises. We convince ourselves that by staying alone we wont be hurt and that no one Read more…

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Lessons in Leadership> Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad136 views

Negotiations or another round of Conflict Direction?

July 6th, 2010

President Obama is supposed to meet Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu today at the White House to discuss the Israeli Palestinian talks and the Negotiations or another round of Conflict Direction? 264  320x240 0518 obama netanyahu importance of starting direct negotiations between the two sides.

Another Political development which the Israeli and Palestinian sides witnessed was a surprising meeting which took place between Prime Minister Fayyad and Minister Ehud Olmert at Western Jerusalem yesterday to discuss the Palestinian demands regarding the siege on Gaza, checkpoints in the West Bank Read more…

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Palestinian, Israeli Conflict> Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad257 views

نتنياهو اوباما هل من جديد ؟

July 6th, 2010

يلتقي اليوم رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو في البيت الابيض الرئيس الامريكي باراك اوباما في محاولة جديدة نتنياهو اوباما هل من جديد  ؟  265  320x240 1 2010318 10254
من قبل البيت الابيض لدفع عجلة المفاوضات الى الامام وبداية اتخاذ قرارات وخطوات على ارض الواقع من قبل الطرفين.
من الجدير ذكره ان الهدف الرئيسي للزيارة هو الانتقال الى مرحلة المفاوضات المباشرة في الوقت الذي فشلت فيه مهمة المبعوث الامريكي للشرق الاوسط جورج ميتشل في احراز اي تقدم في المفاوضات Read more…

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سياسات الشرق الاوسط> Dahoud Abu Lebdeh158 views

كيف انسى

July 5th, 2010

كيف انسى 263  260x200 jxq98535 كيف انسى
ولي بضعةٌ من ذكرياتْ
امشي اريدُ ان انسى دفاترَ الزمانِ
اقلّـبُ الصفحاتْ…كما التاريخ قلّب
كلّ ما في الدهرِ من بطولات Read more…

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شعر و نثر> Webmaster153 views