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   Afghan Police Death Toll Climbing 

   ETA Ready for Permanent Truce 

   Peace Activists Set Sail for Gaza 

   Salimi Crowned World Champion 

   Absurd Territory 

   Venezuelans Vote 

   Real Aims 


   Promonal Item 

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 Bushehr Plant Safe From Stuxnet Worm 


 Reports that a malicious Stuxnet computer worm had infected the nuclear power plant is Bushehr were denied Sunday. "This virus has not caused any damage to the main systems of the Bushehr power plant," project manager Mahmoud Jafari told the Arabic-language Al-Alam satellite TV. "All computer programs at the plant are working normally and have not crashed" said Jafari, adding that there was no problem with the plant's nuclear fuel loading process. The denial came after officials in Tehran had confirmed that the worm infected about 30,000 IP addresses. Stuxnet, which was publicly identified in June, was tailored for Siemens supervisory control and data acquisition, or SCADA, systems commonly used to manage water supplies, oil rigs, power plants and other industrial facilities, AFP reported. The worm is able to recognize a specific facility's control network and then destroy it, according to German computer security researcher Ralph Langner, who has been analyzing the malicious software. Langner suspected Stuxnet was targeting Bushehr nuclear power plant. Siemens, however, said its software has not been installed at the plant. IRNA quoted Jafari as saying that some "personal computers of the plant's personnel" were infected by the worm. He told Fars News Agency that so far, five versions of the malware had been detected inside the country. The self-replicating worm has been found lurking on Siemens systems mostly in India, Indonesia, Pakistan, but the heaviest infiltration appears to be in Iran, according to software security researchers. Telecommunications Minister Reza Taqipour said "the worm has not been able to penetrate or cause serious damage to government systems." "No serious damage to industrial systems (by Stuxnet) have been reported in the country," he said.  


 Afghan Police Death Toll Climbing 


 Almost 2,000 Afghan police officers have been killed or injured by insurgents in the past six months as many are forced onto the frontline in the war against the Taliban, an official said Sunday. Taliban-style bomb attacks, suicide bombings, direct clashes and military operations had killed 595 police officers and wounded another 1,345, said Zemarai Bashary, spokesman for the interior ministry, AFP reported. "In the past six months 595 policemen were martyred and another 1,345 were wounded," he said. Afghanistan's police force has long been asked to fight the spreading insurgency alongside soldiers, despite lacking the training and equipment of the army. At the same time, the force is generally regarded by ordinary Afghans as ill-disciplined, predatory and corrupt, though a massive recruitment and training program is boosting numbers and competence.   2014 Pledge The United States is bankrolling the program to build Afghanistan's army and police so they can take over responsibility for security by 2014, as pledged by President Hamid Karzai. It is spending 9.2 billion dollars in the fiscal year 2010. The NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan has so far trained more than 136,000 Afghan soldiers and over 119,600 police, it said, and aims for 171,600 soldiers and 134,000 police by November 2011. Building Afghanistan's security forces is pivotal to President Barack Obama's plan to start drawing down American troops by July 2011. The United States and NATO have around 150,000 troops in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban-led insurgency now dragging towards its 10th year. To fill the immediate gap the interior ministry said in July it would establish the Afghan Local Police (ALP), which has raised concerns that these armed village constabularies could morph into militia groups. Bashary said the ALP would eventually total 10,000 nationwide, comprised of armed villagers with the support of local councils and tribal elders. They would receive three weeks' training, be paid 60 percent of a normal police salary and act purely as a defensive force against the Taliban, he said. The Taliban presence has spread in the past year to most of the country, straining the capacity of the NATO and US military presence.  


 ETA Ready for Permanent Truce 


 The armed Basque separatist group ETA is ready to observe a permanent and verifiable ceasefire, two members of the outfit said in an interview published Sunday. "ETA is willing to take that step and also to go further if the conditions for it are created," the unnamed ETA members told the pro-independence Basque newspaper Gara, which has often published statements from the group, AFP reported. The ETA members said a halt in offensive actions announced earlier by the group was long term, and that the group would like to see a dialogue on ending the conflict with discussions involving Basque parties and civic groups. All sides in the conflict needed to make concessions in order for any peace process to advance and reiterated that international mediation would be welcome, they added. "The key is not in which steps ETA must give, on its own. The goal is to resolve the (Basque) political conflict democratically, to close the wound forever, and in order to do that we are all obliged to act responsibly. "We feel that an international contribution is necessary during the entire process, to give it an uninterrupted impulse, protect it, and to an extent to reinforce the process and guarantee its results," they added. But the Spanish government rejected ETA's latest move, the third since the start of September, just as it did the first two by the group that is considered a terrorist by the European Union and the United States. A government source quoted by the website of daily El Mundo said, "Statements and interviews are a waste of time, the only thing we're waiting for is a final end to violence." 

  News Continued ... 


 Peace Activists Set Sail for Gaza 


 A boat carrying peace activists from Israel, Germany, the US and Britain set sail on Sunday for Gaza, hoping to breach Israel's blockade there and deliver aid. Richard Kuper, an organizer with the UK group Jews for Justice for Palestinians, said one goal is to show that not all Jews support Israeli policies toward Palestinians, AP reported. Kuper said the boat, which set sail from northern Cyprus flying a British flag, won't resist if Israeli authorities try to stop it. The trip came nearly four months after Israeli commandos boarded a flotilla of Gaza-bound ships, killing nine Turkish peace activists and aid workers. The voyage also came as Israelis, Palestinians and US mediators sought a compromise that would allow Mideast talks to continue after an Israeli settlement slowdown expires at midnight. 

  News Continued ... 


 Salimi Crowned World Champion 



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 Absurd Territory 


 Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani strongly censured US President Barack Obama for claiming last week that his administration wants to support the Iranian people. “How dare Obama utter such words that he seeks to help the Iranian people? 

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 Venezuelans Vote 


 Venezuelans voted in a parliamentary election on Sunday with President Hugo Chavez expected to keep control of the National Assembly in a poll testing his support ahead of a presidential ballot in 2012.  

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 Real Aims 


 Today, financial maneuvering and debt leverage play the role that military conquest did in times past. Its aim is still to control land, basic infrastructure and the economic surplus--and also to gain control of national savings, commercial banking and central bank policy. 

  News Continued ... 




 Number 3786 ● Monday September 27, 2010 ● Mehr 5, 1389 ● Shavval 18, 1431 ● Price 2,000 Rials ● 12 Pages 

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