Thursday - November 18, 2010

Behemoth New Jersey Mansion Could Be Oprah's New Home

Yesterday Oprah Winfrey toured a $68 million mansion on the grounds of the former Frick estate in Alpine, New Jersey. The 19-bedroom and 12-bathroom home is close to NYC and includes a carriage house, English gardens, and indoor basketball court. [Jezebel]

Twelve easy steps to cutting your NYT print subscription cost in half. Comment »


Katy Perry's Boobs So Big, They Need Extra Retouching

Katy Perry's management forces Vh1 to redo the photoshopping of her boobs. Eva Longoria divorced her husband over romantic text messages, possibly to his teammate's wife. Dina Lohan wants to sue Glee. Thursday gossip isn't ready for its close-up. More »

J-School Professor Sunk by His Second G-Chat Sex Scandal This Year

Monty Cook, a former Baltimore Sun editor, has resigned from his position at the University of North Carolina's journalism school after a mini-scandal over his sexy instant messages with a female student. Remarkably, this wasn't his first sexy G-chat incident. More »

Which Father Shares Hookers with His Famous Son?

After his kid "enjoys" them, dad makes sure he gets his money's worth. This busty star is getting cheated on and this thought-to-be-busty singer is cheating with fake boobs. If she paid for 'em, she can do whatever she wants. More »

Andrea Peyser Can Tell You Sluts How to Land a Man

Sextacular New York Post relationship consultant Andrea Peyser knows a thing or two about what men want, and she's about to hit you with some sexxxy wisdom, ladies. Rule One: don't be such a slut. She's talking to you, Maddie. More »

Why Is Tom Cruise Sitting On Top of the World's Tallest Building?

We got photographs and video of Tom Cruise jumping off the mid-section of the tallest skyscraper in the world. But this is him on the very top of the Burj Khalifa, filmed by an helicopter, taken around 1AM New York time. [Gizmodo]

Right Wingers Lose Legal Fight Over Mosque in Tennessee

A judge in Tennessee yesterday ruled that the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro can be built, despite objections from xenophobes who fear a jihadi incubator is being built in their backyard. The plaintiffs said they may appeal to the Supreme Court.

This Is How You Handle a Loud-Mouthed Politician

Argentina is facing some major budget issues, and tensions among legislators are high. So when lawmaker Carlos Kunkel wouldn't shut up during an Upper House session today his colleague, opposition member Graciela Camano, smacked the shit out of him. Watch! More »

Ladies: Ask for some ID before agreeing to a "breast exam" at a bar, okay? Comment »

The Next Big Facebook-Clogging Scam Game Is Here

Zynga, the more-than-a-little-sketchy company behind the insanely popular Facebook game Farmville, is debuting a new product: Cityville, "Zynga's most social game ever." Great! Because what Facebook really needs is another blockbuster game that constantly encourages people to invite their friends. More »

Losing California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman will pay back wages to her former housekeeper. Guess she had some money left over. Comment »

Sarah Palin Thinks She Could Beat President Obama

Good news, everyone! Sarah Palin is "seriously considering" running for president in 2012. Don't be nervous for her, though—she believes she can beat President Obama. More »

Vote on Whether This Couple Gets an Abortion

The Arnolds are having a baby. Unless the public votes to have the child aborted. Meet the couple behind, where "you can vote and choose whether we abort or keep our unborn child." More »

Harry Potter Stars Attempt American Accents, Starting with Olive Garden

Admit it: You've always wanted to hear the Harry Potter kids say "mozzarella sticks" in an American accent. And now you can, thanks to this MTV video! (Recommended: Watch Emma Watson's face as she says "Olive Garden.") [via Vulture]
Wednesday - November 17, 2010

Physicists Create and Trap Antimatter, Universe Doesn't Explode

In a paper today, scientists from Switzerland's CERN lab reveal they created and trapped a form of antimatter for the first time ever. There's no practical use for this except, you know, figuring out why the universe exists. More »

Doctor Sues Restaurant For Letting Him Eat a Whole Artichoke

A Miami doctor is suing Hillstone Restaurant Group, parent of the Houston's chain, after a bad experience with an artichoke. Apparently Arturo Carvajal ordered the off-menu special of "Grilled Artichokes." Then he ate the entire thing, leaves and all. More »

West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller wants both MSNBC and Fox to disappear. Has he ever watched CNN? Comment »

Doctors Save Girl's Hand By Grafting It To Her Leg For 3 Months

In July, nine-year-old Ming Li lost her hand in a tractor accident. Her arm was too damaged to reattach it, so they grafted it to her leg instead. Three months later, her hand's back on her arm and regaining function. [Gizmodo]

It's OK to Wear Fur If the Animal You Killed Was Annoying

Nutria are really nasty creatures, like a mutant gerbil crossed with a subway rat. So it was only a matter of time before nutria fur became a fashion trend. But did you know it's the most "guilt-free" of all fur? More »

Air Force Warns Troops Not to Check Into Wars on Foursquare

The Air Force recently warned troops about the "devastating operations security and privacy implications" of location-based social networking services like Facebook Places and Foursquare. In other words: Don't check into your spy plane as it cruises over China. (Image via)

Seasons Change

[A leaf blower clears off the plaza in front of the U.S. Capitol, where new members of Congress are in the middle of freshman orientation. Image via Getty]

Worst Bridesmaid Prank Ever Leaves Bride Paraplegic and Unmarried

Rachelle Friedman's bridesmaids pushed her into a pool's shallow end, breaking her neck and leaving her paralyzed from the chest down. Now she can't marry her fiance because their combined income would cause her to lose her Medicaid benefits. More »

Don't Punch TSA Agents

In our little list about how to breeze through airport security we forgot to include one very important point: Do not punch a TSA officer in the chest, even as a joke. Damn—we're too late. More »

Gay Conservatives Come to Willow Palin's Defense

The gay conservative group GOProud, fresh off of warning Republicans to avoid playing up social issues in the next election cycle, has now come to the support of 16-year-old Willow Palin for calling someone a "faggot" on Facebook. More »

Glenn Beck's New Book Cover Is About Two Men Raising a Baby Together

That's sure what it looks like! Here's the cover for the new book by Glenn Beck and conservative psychiatrist Keith Ablow, The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life. It's a very interesting book cover, don't you agree? More »

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Monsoon Wedding Barbie Would Scream, If Only Her Plastic Mouth Could Move

[Pam Anderson wears a sari and tight smile on the set of "Big Boss," India's version of "Big Brother." She is guest starring on the show for three days. Image via INF.]

MySpace Founder's Ugly Divorce, Post Paris Hilton

Chris DeWolfe's divorce is getting ugly. The MySpace co-founder and former CEO now has a restraining order barring contact with his wife and four-year-old daughter. There's also a gag order, reportedly, on unspecified allegations against him involving a minor. More »

Harry Potter and the Leaked Thirty-Six Minutes

Yikes, someone has leaked footage of the penultimate Harry Potter film online and people are mad. Also today: Steven Soderbergh tackles an old TV show, Rocco DiSpirito gets his own show, and another actor loses his. More »

Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Leah Remini goes on a boob-grabbing spree on The Talk, Jon Stewart rips Charlie Rangel, Jay-Z's awkward Late Show interview, and Jimmy Fallon and Bruce Springsteen perform Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair." More »