Yesterday - September 24, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Arrives in Court in Cutest Probation-Violating Outfit Yet

[Arriving at a bail hearing for failing a drug test, Lohan flaunts her sassiest courtroom ensemble yet. The quantity and quality of her jewelry suggests she doesn't think she's going to jail. At least, not right away. Image via Splash.]

Jeff Zucker Is Finally Leaving NBC

After a long period of speculation, incompetent NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker finally announced today that he'll be leaving once Comcast's takeover of NBC is complete. He won't be missed. He'll be running for office soon. Mawkish goodbye memo, below. More »

How to Tell If Your Kid Is Gay

Parents often find themselves trying to determine if their little tomboy will end up loving the ladies, or if their Little Lord Fauntleroy will like boy-on-boy. They probably will, say scientists. What are some other signs your offspring is queer? More »

Man Who Killed Himself In Harvard Yard Left a 1,900-Page Online Suicide Note

35-year-old Somerville, MA resident Mitchell Heisman shot himself in Harvard Yard last Saturday in front of a tour group. Turns out he left a sprawling, deeply-researched suicide note, conveniently located at More »

Negotiators just arrived at a Florida bank, where a hostage situation is under way. Comment »


Lenny Kravitz's High Heels: One Wobbly Step for a Man, One Giant Leap for Men's Fashion

[Lenny Kravitz—henceforth known as Lenny Gaga—struts his stuff on a cobbled street in New York. Image via Splash.]

Will Boehner's Rumored Affair Turn Into Another Contest to Scoop the NYT?

Yesterday a blogger accused House Minority Leader John Boehner of having an affair with a lobbyist. Today, Page Six reports the Times is working on a Boehner affair exposé. Will this turn into a speculative free-for-all a la David Paterson?

Latino Company Tells Whites: We Are the 'Bean People'

"¡Goya!" For many Americans, the name alone invokes fearful memories of some weird food that Mexicans probably eat, who even knows. Now, Goya is working to assure white people: This stuff is good! But are whites ready? More »

Which Actor Employs a Full-Time Toupee Handler?

He even has her salary stipulated in his contracts. This star mistakenly tried to employ a journalist in a coke deal and another actor's PR team is ruining the image of the girl he cheated with. What a hairy situation. More »

Today Is the Day Lindsay Lohan Might Go Back to Jail

Lindsay Lohan has a bail hearing today. James Franco got a D in acting class. Taylor Momsen slaps Tim Gunn on the wrist. Nancy Wilson and Cameron Crowe divorce. TGIFriday gossip. More »

The bankrupt Philly papers have been sold to senior lenders for $105 million. Renaissance time! Comment »

Upper East Side Geriatric Melodrama Ends With a Whimper

New York's creepiest-looking couple, Sandy and Brenda Frank, filed assault charges against each other last month after a fight over money and alleged infidelity. All charges were dismissed because there were no witnesses and the two refused to assist police.

Last Suppers: How Do You Choose a Final Meal on Death Row?

Yesterday Virginia executed 41-year-old Teresa Lewis. For her last meal, she requested "two fried chicken breasts, sweet peas with butter, a piece of German cake or apple pie for dessert, and a Dr. Pepper." What would you choose? More »

This Is What Happens When You Crash a Chilean Rodeo

A 17-year-old animal rights activist was lassoed and dragged by rodeo riders in Chile last weekend after she and another protester entered the corral and disrupted the Patriotic Celebration Festival. Chilean cowboys take their rodeo riding seriously. More »

'How Did It Look from Your Angle?'

[Sharon Stone generously spared $5 for a homeless person yesterday outside Mr. Chow Restaurant in Beverly Hills under the watchful eye of her publicist, Paul Bloch. Photos via Splash News]

Computer Genius Slams Oracle CEO: 'Gives Me the Creeps'

James Gosling couldn't stand working for Larry Ellison, the notorious founder of Oracle. Ellison is casting an increasingly fearsome shadow over Silicon Vally these days, but Java inventor Gosling is freely proclaiming that the CEO screwed over his employees. More »

A Mexican journalist, Jorge Luis Aguirre has been granted asylum in the U.S. after receiving death threats from drug cartels. Comment »

Thursday - September 23, 2010

Uggs Season Starts Earlier Every Year

[Alyssa Milano on the set of the Lifetime Movie 'Sundays' in Toronto. Photo via Splash News]

30 Rock Returns with a Hillary Clinton Diss

Rejoice, fellow comedy lovers! Tonight, 30 Rock returned with its fifth season premiere. Summer was remembered, the future was considered, and Hillary Clinton was dissed by Jack Donaghy. Video of that scene—plus a special Ina Garten shout-out—is inside. [Gawker.TV]

Jon Stewart on Republicans: Same Sh*t, Different Day

Tonight, Jon Stewart aired a segment about the "Pledge to America" announcement that Republican lawmakers made today, during which they supposedly unveiled new ideas they had for America. By cutting that footage with archived video, however, Stewart called their bluff. [Gawker.TV]

New Bill and Ted Movie In the Works?

Warm up your catch-phrases, guys: A new Bill and Ted may be unleashed in the near future. Both Alex Winter ("Bill") and Keanu Reeves ("Ted") have expressed interest in a third film, and a script is in development! More »

First Woman Executed by Virginia In 100 Years

41-year-old Teresa Lewis died tonight by lethal injection in Virginia. She offered sex and money to two men in exchange for killing her husband and stepson, though her defense attorney claimed she was borderline mentally-disabled.

Catfish and the Death of Online Anonymity

The new documentary Catfish, which follows a New York 20-something's strange relationship with online strangers, might seem to be about the cloak of anonymity provided by the Internet. It's not. It's about the new impossibility of being anonymous online. More »

Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Week 9

We were very let down that last week's episode of Jersey Shore was a repeat. Absence didn't make our hearts grow fonder, it just made us miserable. Since misery loves company, lets wallow together in this live blog! More »

Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 9

Happy first day of autumn! Why not celebrate the new season by fixing yourself a nice hot toddy, cozying up to a warm television screen, and live-blogging tonight's episode of Project Runway with us? More »

Google Warning Gmail Users: China Spied on Your Account

For days, Gmail has been displaying scary red banners above certain users' inboxes, warning "Your account was recently accessed from China." So, now you at least know if Chinese hackers are spying on your Gmail. More »

Billy Goads Huff

[Bill Clinton teases Web impresario Arianna Huffington at the final day of the Clinton Global Initiative. She gave a speech about ending poverty by not paying writers for content or something. Image via Getty]

'Sea Snot Blizzard' Hits Oil Spill Region

The Gulf of Mexico's latest plague is a "sea-snot blizzard," a "huge, slimy event" covering the ocean floor in suffocating layers of goo that could cause a "deadly void." Apparently phytoplankton create huge amounts of snot when stressed. [NatGeo, image]

Blogger Accuses John Boehner of Sleeping With a Lobbyist

D.C. blogger Mike Stark is circulating a video where he accuses House Minority Leader John Boehner of sleeping with a lobbyist—whom he names. Armed with a flipcam, Stark filmed his ambush at today's Pledge to America press conference. More »

Army Veteran Hoped to Start War Between Christians and Muslims, Assassinate Obama

A 50-year-old Army veteran who was arrested after an eight-hour standoff with federal agents was charged on Wednesday with threatening to kill President Obama. Officials said he planned to ignite a war between Muslims and Christians and "start an apocalypse." More »

Facebook Twins Clutch Man Purses At Movie Screening

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, the devastatingly handsome twins who claim Facebook was their idea, lapse all too easily into self-caricature. Consider their outfits for a screening of The Social Network, which included, says an accompanying journalist, matching man purses. More »