
The new Twenty Ten theme is now live on WordPress.com and the default for all new blogs created on the service. As an aside, WP.com (11 million sites) was switched over to 3.0 over the weekend. I love it when we’re able to do that early because we find a ton of bugs in the integration and merge, and then we have 11 million beta testers banging on the software before we do the shrink-wrap release.


We’re now about a week away from WordCamp San Francisco 2010. I am extremely excited about the speaker lineup this year (6-7 not listed yet), we’ll have a jazz performance, awesome shirts… best WordCamp SF yet. Get your tickets ASAP if you hope to attend.


7on7 Event Photos

Photos from the day of Seven on Seven, and the ensuing drinks and dinner.

This album contains 56 items.


JJJ at BuddyPress has some Helpful Resources for Ning Users. I’ve seen smaller startups rush to fill the space left by Ning’s announcement they’re getting out of their free tier, but honestly if a company with $120,000,000 in funding can’t figure that business out, I wouldn’t hitch my horse to a company with $5-6M. It’s better to get a $10/mo hosting account you know will be around forever and install BuddyPress and have complete and total control over your network, from the domain to the source code.


Working on Seven

A few vignettes of the 1-day collaboration with Evan Roth for Seven on Seven.

This album contains 11 items.


Two reminders for upcoming appearances: This Saturday I’ll be presenting a 24-hour art collaboration with Evan Roth at Seven on Seven at the New Museum. On Monday I’ll be in Durham, North Carolina to speak at Duke University. If you’re interested in the latter, leave a comment and I’ll make sure you get the details. We don’t have a ton of room but I’d like ma.tt readers to be able to attend. After that I’ll be in Houston briefly if anyone wants to do a meetup.


Back, Feeling Good

Filed under: Video

I’ve been offline (mostly) for the past week while at Tracker School and over the next few days I’ll be catching up on what happened while I was out. You guys were busy. :) As I pulled into my garage after a long drive this song came on shuffle and I wanted to share it with you guys — Nina Simone’s Feeling Good:


How many people aren’t going home for Easter weekend because they want to get their iPad shipment on Saturday? :) BTW we have an iPad-optimized WordPress app in for review, hopefully it makes the cut for launch.