
Importance of The Right Tool

”You can play basketball in sneakers but hi-tops are better.” via

I said this because I feel that a lot of people don’t realize the importance of having the right/precise tool to get things done more effectively.


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Of VCs & Penguins


Last week, I overheard something pretty astute which I tweeted. I thought it would be good to  archive it here for posterity.

“VCs are like Penguins: one term sheet has many following up, and jumping into the fray. And at the same time, no term sheets makes every stay away.”

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Yet Another Bollywood Satire, Thanks The Guild

via The Laughing Squid. This video was also featured on!

If you want to read more about this, check out these two awesome posts from NewTeeVee, a sister site of GigaOM.

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The Jarvis Men

Jeff Jarvis, who writes the awesome Buzzmachine blog and is the author of What will Google Do (and a co-host of This Week in Google) is currently visiting San Francisco Bay Area researching his next book. It is something to do about privacy. He is accompanied by his son, Jake who is very active on Social Nets and is off to college soon. The Father-and-Son team made time to have brunch with me this weekend. Needless to say, it was fun and a reminder why I need to visit New York more often.


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Get out of my Feed is the new Get out of my Face/Life
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The Scent of Money: Tag Cloud

Earlier I wrote an essay about Silicon Valley and the current state of events. It is a fun look at everyday life in tech land. My good pal, Paul Kedrosky summed it up in a few words with this image!


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WholeFoods & Demographic Dissonance

Wholefoods is a living lab for demographic dissonance. Hipsters, yuppies and hippies all in organic bliss and new age harmony

Photo courtesy of Bookgrl via Flickr under Creative Commons

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Kylie Minogue — The Twitter Top Ten


The first time I heard Kylie Minogue was back in 1988. At the time I used to do music reviews for many publications in New Delhi. At the time she was an Australian actress who was big on a soap called Neighbors. As was the fashion back then, like all actors she released a single. She was part of the Stock, Aitken & Waterman music production machine. Loco-motion was a cover version of  Loco-motion and I absolutely loved the pop-groove. I never thought she would amount to much and would fade away as a singer. 

Twenty two years later, she is still going strong. Over the years, I came to love two of her tracks, Chocolate and Slow. I just bought her latest album, Aphrodite. On a lark, I asked my twitter followers, what were their favorite Kylie songs. Here is a list of recommended top ten Kylie Minogue tracks.

  1. Love at first sight. (Most votes.)
  2. Can’t get you out of my head.
  3. Come into my world.
  4. Fever. (Cover of Ella Fitzgerald’s classic.)
  5. Spinning Around.
  6. Chocolate.
  7. Slow.
  8. Loco-motion.
  9. 2 Hearts
  10. Put yourself in my place.

Other songs that are worthy of your time:

Love is the Drug, Confide in me.

You can watch all her videos on her official YouTube channel. If you want to add to the list, please leave the names in the comments, I will add later.

Thank you everyone who followed up with answers on my twitterstream. You guys are awesome!

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Everyday we have a great new opportunity for success and a great opportunity for failure. What happens is entirely upto us.  
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Hot in the City: Washington Square Park, NYC

New York and San Francisco are a weather apart. Short skirts vs long coats. Sweat vs sweats. Hotties vs hipsters.

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