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Workers Solidarity 117

category ireland / britain | anarchist movement | link to pdf author Tuesday September 21, 2010 13:56author by Workers Solidarity - WSM Report this post to the editors

Ireland's anarchist paper Workers Solidarity No 117 is now online to be read or downloaded.


Inequality is the problem
Haiti: A New Beginning?

Ardoyne Riots
Thinking About Anarchism: People Are Selfish
That's Capitalism!
FAS says 'Work for No Pay'
Spanish Celebrate 100 Years of Anarchist Trade Unionism
Institutionalised Discrimnation

Click on one of the links below for a PDF version of Workers Solidarity 117.

PDF of Workers Solidarity 117 Web Edition 1.95 Mb

Anarchism and the WSM

With the summer months traditionally a quiet time politically, we have been focusing on internal discussions around how to mount an opposition to the next round of cuts that we will face in the 2011 budget. We have also been involved in external dialogues and, to this end, we attended the Kilbarrack Activist Fleadh in mid-August. As per their programme, this event was “designed to enable us all - activists and non-activists, radicals of all ages and people in many different communities, movements and struggles - to find spaces to talk to each other about what we have in common.” It aimed to address the following questions: “What are the big structures of power and inequality that shape our world, and how do we meet them? How can we find effective ways of protesting, disrupting, constructing alternatives and taking action? How can our local struggles connect to large-scale strategies for change that have a real chance of success? What is the “big picture” in terms of global justice and ecological sustainability, and where do we fit in? How do personal transformation and the development of leadership come into the struggle for a better world?” With this in mind, there were workshops on social inequality, fighting the cutbacks, sustainability and global justice, creative media and bringing about change, amongst others.

Around 60 people from different community and political organisations, as well as individuals, attended the event to try and provide answers to the above questions. One of our contributors at the event pointed out that “we need to use the [trade union and community sector] structures that exist, as they can … mobilise the greatest numbers. … We need to instil in our unions that ability to organise and fight again.  We need to spread … this into the communities where the brunt of these cuts is being felt.  We need … to build a widespread network of people who are going to resist what is going on, and to build towards change. It is also time to eradicate this fear, … fighting for something is better than accepting the idea that your neck is free from the axe for now.” Another WSM member who attended the event concluded that “it appeared to be the first step in bringing together various groups, community activists, political parties, organisations and campaigns to get us moving in the same direction.” As ever, such proposed solutions will only succeed if we get large numbers of people involved so if you want to be part of that solution, or simply would like to find out more about the WSM, then contact us!

In This Issue

Inequality is the problem
The 2010 Inequality Survey published by independent thinktank TASC has shown that 87% of respondents believe that wealth in Ireland is unfairly distributed.  This is up from 70% in the equivalent survey carried out in 2008

Haiti: A New Beginning?
The earthquake that devastated Haiti and shook the world could have heralded a new start for the perpetually impoverished Caribbean nation. But the reconstruction plans have made it clear that local and global elites wish to continue the policies that lie behind Haiti’s history of violence and deprivation.

Ardoyne Riots
This summer’s Belfast riots must have been the most anticipated for some time, being widely predicted throughout politics and the media. The August rioting in Ardoyne (and Short Strand, the Markets, Lower Ormeau, New Lodge, Broadway; and Lurgan, Derry & Armagh) saw three days of trouble, shots fired at police and a landmine attack in South Armagh.

Thinking About Anarchism: People Are Selfish
“Human nature being what it is, you could never have an anarchist society – not one in which both individual freedom and co-operation exist anyway”. How often have people who are fighting for real change heard statements like that?

That's Capitalism!
Dublin jewellery shop Weirs know the recession isn’t hitting most of the rich. The Grafton Street business is currently taking orders for a limited edition Patek Phillipe watch that costs more than €250,000. This summer Weirs sold one watch for €454,000.

Spanish Celebrate 100 Years of Anarchist Trade Unionism

2010 marks the 100th anniversary of the National Confederation of Labour (CNT), a militant anarchist union in Spain.

Institutionalised Discrimnation
The Civil Partnership Bill was signed into law in July and the first civil registrations are expected early next year. The new legislation provides same-sex (and heterosexual) couples with ‘marriage-like benefits’ and can be seen as a move towards equality for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transsexual)

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Workers Solidarity 117

Front page

International support for the General Strike in Spain on 29 September

Declaração de Princípios e Intenções do FAO

Declaración Pública de Solidaridad con Huelga de Hambre Presos Políticos Mapuches

Georges Fontenis : une figure internationale du communisme libertaire nous a quittés

[Costa Rica] Ya no quedan más mejillas

Une solution : la liberté de circulation pour les migrant-e-s

¡Todo nuestro apoyo a las luchas del pueblo panameño!

FIAT, Telecom... La strategia del vampiro!

Then we take Costa Rica... The USA and the militarization of the Caribbean

Anarchism: A Documentary

Porque sí y ahora defender el Municipio Autónomo de San Juan Copala

Résistances au G20

2010 Soccer World Cup: All in the Name of the Beautiful Gain

The Anarchists Against the Wall and the Israeli radical left demonstrated today solidarity to GAZA

An anarchist talks on the Greek Crisis "The people have had enough"

Αλληλεγγύη στον αγώνα των Ελλήνων εργαζομένων!

ChuzaDAS: Otra olla podrida de la seguridad democrática


Declaración Política de VOCAL sobre la Agresión Paramilitar en San Juan Copala, Oaxaca

نداء لوضع مانيفستو أناركي تحرري عن فلسطين

Death and the Mielieboer: The Eugène Terre’Blanche Murder & Poor-White Canon-fodder in South Africa

¡Alto genocidio silencioso de las comunidades y los mineros artesanales en Perú!

Anarchist Accountability

The IWW and Music: Creating a Working Class Counter-Culture

Latest News

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