$2.5 million on a Super Bowl ad? Pro-choice people have better use for their money!

By now most of you have probably heard about the anti-choice ad CBS plans to run during the Super Bowl. Multiple media sources have reported that the segment will cost sponsors Focus on the Family $2.5 million.

Here at NYAAF, we have been wondering: what kind of non-profit has an extra $2.5 million lying around to spread misinformation to sports fans? How, we wonder, was such an expense justified to their individual supporters and their board?

While extra cash lying around has never been our problem, neither has irresponsible spending. Our pledge to our supporters remains true: 100% of your tax-deductible donations go directly to helping women obtain abortions they need but cannot afford. Our board is 100% volunteer and our personal donations as board members cover all overhead costs.

In light of the high profile madness stirring around what will air on TV next weekend, we thought we’d reach out to you now and ask you to join us in a fundraising campaign. Because we know PRO-CHOICE PEOPLE HAVE BETTER USE FOR THEIR MONEY. Instead of $2.5 million on a Super Bowl ad, consider donating $25 or $250 to help break down barriers in women’s access to abortion.

Help us take this campaign viral! Make a donation today and post it to your wall or change your status to say: “$2.5 million on a Super Bowl ad? Pro-choice people have better use for their money!”

I’m about to donate myself.

On behalf of the board of the New York Abortion Access Fund (NYAAF)

Please Help Save NYAAF for 2010

Dear friends and supporters,

It has been a tough year for the New York Abortion Access Fund (NYAAF). The nationwide economic downturn and upsurge in unemployed and uninsured Americans have lead to a rise in demand for our services. More and more we are getting calls not just from clinics, but directly from women asking for help to pay for an abortion.

This increase in the numbers and types of requests we receive means we are reaching a wider population of women and families than ever before. It also requires more time and effort. Our all-volunteer board is stretched thin responding to requests for funding, referring women to clinics that can serve them and negotiating with those clinics to provide the most timely and affordable services possible.

The women NYAAF serves are ones who might otherwise slip through the cracks, including those who make just a little too much to qualify for public assistance, who do not qualify due to immigration status, who live in states that do not help cover the cost of abortion, or who face emergency situations that do not leave them enough time to apply for government help.

The emergencies, of course, are the most expensive. Last month, we helped a fifteen-year-old rape victim pay for a procedure that required hospital treatment. Arranging for her care took more than ten phone calls, countless emails and hours of negotiation. We contacted every known source of abortion funding for which this young woman qualified and every time heard the same message: we are out of money, please call back later. In the end, the doctor involved in the case waived the usual fee and NYAAF agreed to pay the remaining hospital costs: $4000. We were able to make that pledge and save that young woman?s life because we had the funds on hand and a mechanism in place to get them quickly to where they needed to go. But that pledge nearly drained our remaining 2009 budget, and in order to meet the demand for our assistance in 2010, we need your help.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to NYAAF to help us face the challenges of the coming year. The obstacles are only increasing: We lost a hero this year, Dr. George Tiller, whose murder in August has left us with few places to turn when a woman comes to us in need of a later-term procedure. On top of this, the ongoing healthcare debate in Congress may carry with it new restrictions on abortion funding, thus increasing the need for our fund. NYAAF is an all-volunteer organization, which means that 100% of your tax-deductible contribution goes directly to women in need. Even small amounts can make a huge difference in the lives of the women we help. Give online now at www.nyaaf.org or send a check to:

New York Abortion Access Fund
FDR Station, Box 7569
New York, NY 10150

Thank you for helping to ensure access to abortion services for all women!


Lauren Alexander
On behalf of the New York Abortion Access Fund

Holiday Closing Dates

The NYAAF phone lines will be closed for December 24th – 25th and December 31- January 1st for the Holiday – However we will be checking messages for the rest of the week – so if you are looking to speak with us please call and leave a message.



Donate to NYAAF today!

NYAAF is a volunteer-run, 501c3 non-profit organization that provides financial assistance to low-income women in New York State who cannot afford to pay for an abortion. We are an affiliate of the National Network of Abortion Funds.
We have  had a large number of calls recently and are struggling to meet the need. Please help us by donating what you can! Click the “How You Can Help” button to find out more.

Thank you!

The Ban On Abortion Coverage – New York TImes Op Ed

This is the New York Times Op Ed Piece examining what will happen with Abortion Coverage under the STUPAK amendment to the Health Care Reform Bill.

MARIA event

Abortion Funding and Social Justice: A Perspective from Mexico

Please join The Center for Reproductive Rights, the Guttmacher Institute, the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, New York Abortion Access Fund and Ipas for a special event with Eugenia López Uribe, a Mexican activist and coordinator of the MARIA Abortion Fund for Social Justice.

Ms. López is on a speaking tour of the U.S. from Mexico, where she advocates for sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people.

In her work with the MARIA fund, she helps Mexican women access safe, legal abortion and defends the right to abortion in Mexico.  Ms. López will talk about the liberalization of the abortion law in Mexico City and the critical role of funding for women to exercise their right to abortion.

Tuesday, November 10 at 6:30 pm

The Center for Reproductive Rights

120 Wall Street, 14th Floor, New York

Please RSVP by November 9th by contacting Yasmine at yasmine@latinainstitute.org or 212-422-2553.

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Island Party Event Oct 29 2009 – Park Slope


Dear everyone,

The New York Abortion Access Fund is having a party. You should come. Especially if you missed our killer fall fundraiser at Gallery Bar. This event is taking things a notch up. My amazing friends Jen and Matt have offered up their beautiful Park Slope duplex, are mixing up some rum punch and providing island refreshments for a tropical evening in October. To keep things warm, DJ extraordinaire Flex Unger will be spinning reggae, soul, R&B, Hip Hop, Funk, Dub and all kinds of strange and wonderful stuff. There’s even a rumor of heat lamps for the deck and paper umbrellas for your drinks. So please, stop on by.
We’re asking for $75 at the door because the demand for NYAAF’s services have never been greater. We have three emergency cases pending this week alone, meaning hundreds of dollars stand between three women and their ability to keep their appointments. NYAAF is pledging funds to help each of these women, but at this rate, we just can’t keep up. We are spending faster than we are raising money and really need to replenish the coffers to ensure that we are able to help every woman who needs but cannot afford an abortion.
RSVP to me and please feel free to extend the invitation to friends and allies.
PS If you aren’t able to make it, please consider donating online.

Reproductive RIghts and Health Care Reform

Hi All,

Myra sent this Op-Ed – saying that it is a good look at what is missing in the HealthCare reform bill. So I thought I would make it accessible.

Missing from Health Care Reform Bill: Reproductive Health”

by Sulvia Law

The Nation



The Invite to the October Fundraiser

nyaaf fall invite

NYAAF in the news

NYAAF is in the news today. Check out Retuers’ article about the effects of the recession on family planning. Keep the movement going, donate today.
