What’s it all about?

(If you are the representative of a public relations or advertising company thinking about bothering me with your press release, please start here.)

Justin McKeatingHello, I’m Justin McKeating. I’m a writer living in Brighton and Chicken Yoghurt is my blog where I howl and whine about politics and other assorted rubbish. How are you? Love your shirt.

I like blogs and blogging and writing and words. I’m currently also blogging for Greenpeace’s Nuclear Reaction, recording for history the meltdown of that most over-rated, over-subsidised and over-confident of industries, the nuclear industry.

I wrote regularly for the rather ace, now sadly deceased and much missed (by me at least) The Friday Thing and also occasionally at Liberal Conspiracy, The Sharpener and The Guardian’s Comment is Free.

In 2006 I curated a book, The Blog Digest 2007, which was a collection of some of the very best writing by some of the UK’s very best bloggers. Not many people bought it but I was quite proud of it. You can get it on Amazon for £0.01.

A few years back I had a blog called Bar Room Philosophy which a few people quite liked and which was shortlisted for The Guardian‘s Best British Blog award in 2002.

What else? I have a partner, two daughters and a dog. I like beer, Star Wars, comics, Etnies trainers, le cinéma de Jason Statham, and many other signifiers of a desperately deferred adulthood. Have a look at my online photo albums on Flickr and moblogUK or enjoy my impeccable music taste at last.fm.

You can email me at chickyog@gmail.com if you like. Please do.

J x