Ghoulish East Side Decorations

Building superintendent Tony Braga stands in front of the creepy Halloween display he created for the residents of 221 East 78th Street. He has been decorating the East Side backyard for Halloween for the past 21 years.

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Bloomberg For Krueger

By Dan Rivoli

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is sticking with his representative in the State Senate, Liz Krueger. The Upper East Side Democrat earned Bloomberg’s praise for being an “independent, principled and smart legislator.” Read more

Survey: Cars, Pedestrians Clutter Bike Lanes

By Dan Rivoli

Borough President Scott Stringer released a survey confirming what many New York City bicyclists already know: bicycle lanes are routinely misused and cluttered with cars. Read more

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Crime Check

Weekly, monthly and year-to-date crime stats from the 19th Precinct, on the East Side from 59th to 96th streets. Read more

Crime Check

Weekly, monthly and year-to-date crime stats from the 19th Precinct, on the East Side from 59th to 96th streets. Read more

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Decision 2010: Our Political Picks

Governor: Andrew Cuomo

With the amount of dissatisfaction and disappointment that many have expressed toward New York State government, it’s clear we need a governor who has a strong vision for the office and who can take control of a Legislature that has caused embarrassment on a national level. The choice for voters is between Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, and the Republication businessman from Buffalo, Carl Paladino. We wholeheartedly endorse Cuomo for governor. Read more

Phantom Phobias: Fear Propels Children’s Series

By Linnea Covington

At various points in her life, author Gitty Daneshvari has shared phobias with the four main characters in her School of Fear book series. Bugs freaked her out like Madeleine, the ocean gave her chills like Garrison, everything worried her like Theo and, until recently, she madly avoided elevators like Lulu. Read more

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