The Intelligence Daily: Uncensored News

By Rick Rozoff On September 17, 2009 U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and President Barack Obama separately announced plans to shift the emphasis of the global American interceptor missile – so-called missile shield or anti-ballistic missile defense – project from the previous George W. Bush administration’s plans to a more mobile, flexible and geographically [...]

by Tom Burghardt In a scandal-plagued era such as ours, scarred by murderous wars, occupations and corruption that would make a Roman emperor blush, accused crooks have names; even juiced ones like R. Allen Stanford. Last year, when a federal court in Texas handed down indictments charging Stanford International Bank (SIB) and its officers with [...]

By John Michael Greer Over the last few weeks, this blog has sketched out the basic outline of a green wizardry rooted in the appropriate tech movement of the Seventies but reshaped to meet the needs of the deindustrial future now taking shape around us. So far that outline has been drawn on a relatively [...]

By Michael Roberts This essay could also be entitled “The Jaipur Foot and its Universe of Renewable Being.” As such it is a testimony to that great unsung invention produced in 1971 by Dr. PK Sethi of Jaipur with the aid of an illiterate craftsman named Rām Chandra Sharma. Through tales of its spin-offs and [...]

By Rady Ananda Seductive, fascinating and frightening, Countdown to Zero motivates the public to support complete nuclear disarmament and to fear Iran, which is conveniently the next country the US wants to invade. Framed in no-nuke rhetoric, Countdown to Zero is not-so-subtle agitprop. The film relies on conventional geopolitics to whip up conventional audiences into another conventional state of [...]

The August 3, 2010, armed clash along the Israeli-Lebanese border was a significant strategic incident. On Thursday, July 29, 2010, Israel notified UNIFIL that a few Israeli soldiers would be crossing the security fence in order to cut a tree and remove a few shrubs in Israeli territory but near the Blue Line (the actual [...]

Intelligence/Surveillance/Privacy Documents reveal surveillance of Olympia groups Feds admit to saving body scan images  7 million surveillance cameras operational in China China tightens internet censorship in Tibet Australian attorney general defends Web snooping plan Saudi Arabia beats UAE to BlackBerry ban (Death of piracy for the locals) Lebanon detains Israel spy suspect Israel accusses 3 Israeli Arabs of spying [...]

By Phil Rockstroh Given the level of cultural absurdity at large, both the commercially tormented landscape and the mass media dominated mindscape of the United States seem a Gogol goof-take. If a person had traveled forward in time, arriving from even the recent past, of say, twenty-five to thirty-years ago, and looked upon the present [...]

By Gareth Porter Seventeen months after President Barack Obama pledged to withdraw all combat brigades from Iraq by Sep. 1, 2010, he quietly abandoned that pledge Monday, admitting implicitly that such combat brigades would remain until the end of 2011. Obama declared in a speech to disabled U.S. veterans in Atlanta that “America’s combat mission [...]