Feng Shui

These days, many ancient Chinese practices have come to the attention of patients dealing with a wide variety of disorders and diseases, including cancer. The most prevalent reason that sick individuals cite for looking towards these practices or systems for disease/symptom relief is the fact that they are all very natural and non-invasive and can be used safely. While none of these practices are known to cure cancer, including mesothelioma, many patients note a variety of benefits reaped by giving these ancient therapies a try, including – most notably – the lessening of pain and/or stress and anxiety.

The term “Feng Shui” is one that has become more and more recognized by Americans in the know, particularly those interested in natural or alternative therapies. Feng Shui has become especially popular during the last 20 years, with Americans who have no connections to ancient Chinese cultures choosing to become practitioners of the system, which combines the laws of Heaven and Earth to improve one’s life and balance their Qi – the body’s vital energy. Many patients of mesothelioma cancer have found this practice helpful.

What is Feng Shui?

Specifically, Feng Shui attempts to improve one’s life by allowing it to receive positive Qi. In the modern world, this is most often achieved by situating the human-built environment in locations that are thought to have good Qi. It is the hope of the Feng Shui practitioner that they can create environments that foster individual goals and promote positive energy. Most also believe that Feng Shui can improve both a person’s physical and emotional health, hence it’s use with patients who have a variety of ailments, such as mesothelioma disease.

Those who teach Feng Shui, for example, believe that making certain changes in a cancer patient’s environment can promote healing and/or stifle the progression of the disease. It may be as simple as moving the cancer patient’s favorite chair to a position in his house where the energy is positive; where they can live in harmony with the environment.

Those wishing to try Feng Shui will generally hire a practitioner who will come to their home to examine how the energy flows in that location, looking for “geopathic stress points” that may be affecting the Qi inside the house. Geopathic stress refers to irregularities in the earth's magnetic field, which – experts say - can be aggravated by a number of different factors. The Feng Shui practitioner will suggest ways to improve the geopathic stress situations in the house including rearranging furniture or perhaps changing the room where the patient sleeps.

Does it Work?

While those who practice Feng Shui note that balancing one’s environment can have a positive affect on a person’s well-being, including those who are ill, there is no scientific evidence which suggests that Feng Shui can cure cancer. Furthermore, it is recommended that those interested in trying Feng Shui should not abandon traditional therapies in favor of this ancient practice.

However, most medical professionals will agree that there is no harm in trying Feng Shui as a complementary therapy along with traditional treatments, and many who use this practice note that they feel less stress and anxiety knowing that they have improved their flow of vital energy.

Feng Shui Services Directory

To find those well versed in Feng Shui, as well as nationwide distributors of Feng Shui literature in your area, please fill out your location information in the fields below.

(e.g. “New York, NY” or “10017”)





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David Ettensohn, M.D.
Dr. David Ettensohn is a pulmonary and critical care physician in Pawtucket, Rhode Island specializing in pulmonary diseases like mesothelioma.

Raja M. Flores, M.D.
Dr. Raja M. Flores is an Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Medical Center in New York and is considered a leading expert in the study and treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Arthur N. Mcunu, M.D.
Dr. Arthur N. Mcunu is a thoracic surgeon at Cabell Huntington Hospital in Huntington, West Virginia.

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