Mesothelioma Experts

As attention to the plight of mesothelioma sufferers grows, more and more medical professionals have dedicated their practices to treating those with the disease. Mesothelioma experts are located all around the country and can include oncologists, thoracic surgeons, and those in various other disciplines. Each of these individuals has earned the right to count themselves among the best in their field and mesothelioma patients often travel long distances to take advantage of their knowledge of the disease.

Many large hospitals have also gained a reputation as the place to go if one has been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma. They offer not only an expert staff but also the latest surgical procedures and cutting-edge technologies to insure that meso victims are receiving the best care possible in hopes of defeating this difficult-to-treat cancer.

Dr. David Sugarbaker

Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Dr. David Sugarbaker has long been at the center of malignant mesothelioma research. A graduate of Cornell University Medical Center and a Professor of Surgical Oncology at Harvard University Medical School, Sugarbaker – one of the country’s most renowned mesothelioma experts – is best known for developing and promoting the multi-modal approach to treating mesothelioma. This approach – which includes extrapleural pneumonectomy as well as chemotherapy and radiation – has done much to improve the survival rate for mesothelioma patients.

Sugarbaker also founded the International Pleural Mesothelioma Program, which is a worldwide research and clinical project that focuses on finding new and better treatments for pleural mesothelioma, the most common form of the disease. As the founder and coordinator of this program, Sugarbaker lectures extensively about the disease, both at meetings and workshops for medical professionals as well as for gatherings of meso patients and their families.

Dr. Harvey Pass

Director of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at New York University (NYU) Hospital, Dr. Harvey Pass is considered an expert in the treatment of a number of malignant lung diseases, including mesothelioma. Formerly with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Pass continues his relationship with the NCI and NCI-funded research work in his role as director of the Bellevue Hospital Laboratory, which is home to the Mesothelioma Pathogenesis Program Project.

Pass has also conducted numerous clinical trials investigating the use of intraoperative photodynamic therapy for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. As a matter of fact, Dr. Pass was the first surgeon in the country to contemplate the use of this form of therapy for patients suffering from thoracic cancers. In addition, he lectures extensively about the dangers of asbestos use, is a keynote speaker at mesothelioma awareness events, and has been published in countless peer-related journals. 

Dr. Valerie Rusch

Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, Valerie Rusch is considered one of the most notable women in her field and a renowned mesothelioma expert. Formerly on the staff at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, Rusch focuses her research on the genetics of lung cancers like mesothelioma and centers not only on the treatment of thoracic cancers but also on ways to better detect them at an earlier stage.

In addition, Rusch has also chaired the Lung, Esophagus and Thoracic Malignancies Task Force and is the past-editor of The Oncologist magazine. As a writer, she has contributed to numerous peer-review journals. She is also co-editor of “Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma”, a book that represents a comprehensive overview on the subject of pleural malignancies, considered a must-read for those assisting patients with this form of mesothelioma.

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

The M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas was founded in 1941 and has grown since that time to become one of the nation’s top cancer hospitals, attracting patients from around the country and throughout the world. The Thoracic Cancer Center at M.D. Anderson boasts the latest in diagnostic equipment and offers cutting-edge treatments for all types of cancer. Mesothelioma patients at this renowned cancer center are treated by multi-disciplinary teams of mesothelioma experts that include oncologists, thoracic surgeons, radiologists, pulmonary doctors, and others, assuring that patients will receive the best possible treatment that will include input from medical professionals in a variety of disciplines.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

One of the most renowned cancer centers in the world and the location where many new treatments for mesothelioma have been pioneered, New York City’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering is dedicated to the best in patient care for those with all types of cancer. Home to the newest treatment technologies, Memorial offers multi-disciplinary teams of mesothelioma experts who work together to determine the best course of treatment for each person with malignant mesothelioma that walks through their doors. This well-respected cancer center is also responsible for establishing the largest database of mesothelioma patients in the U.S., tracking their progress and analyzing the gathered data for use in studies and workshops.

Roswell Park Cancer Center

Located in Buffalo, NY and affiliated with the state university there, the Roswell Park Cancer Center was America’s first, founded in 1898. Home to a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment center as well as an extensive medical research complex, Roswell Park boasts a large thoracic cancer center offering a large staff of mesothelioma experts who specialize in a variety of disciplines including thoracic surgery, oncology, and radiology. Patients at this facility can take advantage of the latest cancer treatments available including photodynamic therapy, which was developed at Roswell Park Cancer Center. The facility continues to be a worldwide leader in its use.


Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

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Scott Swanson, M.D.
Dr. Scott Swanson is board certified in General Surgery, Surgical Oncology and Thoracic Surgery and is currently the Director of Thoracic Oncology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

Michael Mulligan, M.D.
Dr. Michael S. Mulligan specializes in Thoracic Surgery and the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, mesothelioma and sarcoma at the University of Washington Medical Center.

Timothy W. Mullett, M.D.
Dr. Timothy Mullett is an Associate Professor of Surgery in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. His surgical interests include general thoracic surgery and lung cancer surgery.

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