Dr. Shahriyour Andaz

Overview, Educational Background and Professional Highlights

A graduate of Grant Medical College in Mumbai, India, Dr. Shahriyour Andaz of South Nassau Communities Hospital on Long Island, NY has established himself as one of the foremost area experts in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. A native of India who is fluent in Hindi, Dr. Andaz furthered his education at a number of different institutions in both the United Kingdom and the United States, including Basingstroke District Hospital, University College Hospital and Mount Vernon Hospital in the England, where he served as the rotating surgical registrar in general and vascular surgery. In addition, he completed residencies at Bronx Lebanon Hospital (general surgery) and Maimonides Medical Center (thoracic surgery), fellowships at the Royal College of Surgeons in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and a thoracic oncology fellowship at UCLA Medical Center.

Known for his work with the community and his keen interest in reaching out to cancer patients in the Long Island area, Dr. Andaz recently received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (CoC), which honored him for his "leadership and direction to establish, maintain, and support" his hospital's cancer center, his collaboration with local cancer agencies, and his assistance in facilitating "quality improvement initiatives utilizing data submitted to the CoC's National Cancer Database."

Affiliations and Clinical Research

Aside from his work with the community, Andaz serves as Director of the Thoracic Oncology program at South Nassau Hospital and spends his time providing treatments to the hospital's lung cancer patients. Dr. Andaz specializes in a number of procedures including lung volume reduction surgery, advanced surgery of the esophagus and trachea, video-assisted thorascoscopy lobectomies, chest wall resections, and pleurectomy for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. He also notes an interest in developing and performing minimally-invasive thoracic surgeries. Other research interests include the development of better early diagnosis tools for lung cancers, including mesothelioma.

Publications and Awards

As the author of nearly two dozen papers and articles, Dr. Andaz has been published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery, the Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, the British Journal of Surgery, and several other peer-reviewed publications. He regularly speaks at national and international conferences and has been a featured guest at meetings of the Royal Society of Medicine and the American College of Surgeons.

Contact Information

Shahriyour Andaz, M.D.
South Nassau Communities Hospital
Dept. of Thoracic Surgery
One Healthy Way
Oceanside, NY 11572
(516) 255-5010


South Nassau Communities Hospital Physician Profile

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