University of Colorado Cancer Center

When deciding on a center that provides treatment for asbestos cancer, including peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma, there are many factors that patients ought to think about. One of the challenges that face those who have mesothelioma is that while the disease can often take decades to begin showing symptoms, once it does show up and has been definitively identified, it is generally at advanced stages. Consequently it is vital that people with malignant mesothelioma seek out oncologists and treatment centers that possess expertise in treating this serious disorder; this is definitely a time in which it is a good idea to go to someone who has specialized in the mesothelioma care. In addition to offering medications, radiation and surgical treatment, many cancer centers also provide counseling to assist patients and their family members cope with the difficulty of fighting the cancer. Depending on where you live, the best option isn't always located near your home; if that is the case you will have to balance the difficulties of traveling to obtain treatment (and the associated expenses for you and your family) with the advantages of obtaining medical care from those who are expert in mesothelioma treatment.

The University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center consists of several campuses, consisting of a complex system of schools, hospitals, treatment and research centers, and institutes. School of Medicine faculty members include experts in all types of cancer including breast cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer. The School of Medicine houses 25 departments ranging from Anesthesiology to Radiation Oncology.

The University of Colorado Cancer Center (UCCC) has been ranked 35th in the nation for excellent cancer care by U.S. News & World Report.In addition it is one of 39 Comprehensive Cancer Centers to have been designated by the National Cancer Institute; it is the only institution to be so designated in the Rock Mountain region. Several UCCC physicians have been also ranked among 5280 Magazine's "Top Doctors" (a local publication reporting on news and institutions of interest to residents of the Denver Metropolitan Area).

Five-year survival rates for UCCC patients are higher than those for the state of Colorado at large; the center's early detection, screening, and prevention program is among the largest in the country.

Contact Information

Anschultz Medical Campus
13001 E. 17th Place
Aurora, CO 80045
(720) 848-0000


University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center

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Hedy Lee Kindler, M.D.
Dr. Hedy Lee Kindler is a top cancer researcher investigating new treatments for malignant mesothelioma and is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago Medical Center in the Department of Hematology/Oncology.

Lary Robinson, M.D.
Dr. Lary A. Robinson is the Director of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute in Tampa, Florida where he evaluates and treats mesothelioma.

Rebecca S. Wolfer, M.D.
Dr. Rebecca S. Wolfer is board certified in both general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery and is an associate professor in the Department of Surgery at the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University.

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