Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

The only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in South Florida, the Sylvester Cancer Center of the University of Miami is affiliated with the University's Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. Established in 1992, Sylvester reaches out to the people of the Miami area, including the large geriatric population of South Florida, to assist in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of all types of cancer like, asbestos cancer. Through top-notch patient care, research, and education, Sylvester CCC strives to offer new hope for cancer patients not only in South Florida and beyond but also hopes to eventually reach populations in the neighboring Caribbean and in South America.

Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center employs 250 physicians who are specifically dedicated to the treatment of various kinds of cancer, like mesothelioma. Most are specialists in particular types of the disease and all work together to form multi-disciplinary teams that include oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, oncology nurses, and support personnel. Teams are charged with designing treatment protocols for each patient that walks through the door and for regularly accessing these protocols.

Approximately 4,000 new cancer patients are seen at Sylvester each year. Outpatient visits number near a quarter-million annually and inpatient admissions stand at approximately 1,500 a year. The facility has 40 inpatient beds and 4 surgical suites.

Cancer patients at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center have access to the best and latest treatments offered, including state-of-the-art surgical procedures, non-invasive radiation therapies like NanoKnife® and CyberKnife®, and less traditional treatments including immunotherapy and photodynamic therapy. In addition, a host of support services are available for patients and their families, including psychological and spiritual counseling, pain management, and food and nutrition services.

Contact Information

1475 N.W. 12th Ave.
Miami, FL 33136
(305) 243-1000


Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer at the University of Miami

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Richard L. Kradin, M.D.
Dr. Richard Kradin is an Associate Pathologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in the Immunopathology Unit where he performs tissue culture and immunocytochemistry.

Michael Mulligan, M.D.
Dr. Michael S. Mulligan specializes in Thoracic Surgery and the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, mesothelioma and sarcoma at the University of Washington Medical Center.

Rebecca S. Wolfer, M.D.
Dr. Rebecca S. Wolfer is board certified in both general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery and is an associate professor in the Department of Surgery at the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University.

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