Herbal and Nutritional Supplements

Herbal and Nutritional Supplements

The inclusion of various herbal and nutritional supplements into the daily health routine of individuals has been conclusively linked to better health and overall wellness. Many people choose to supplement the foods that they eat with additional vitamins and minerals. For cancer patients, like those with mesothelioma cancer, the implementation of specified herbal and nutritional enhancements can be a very integral part of their treatment plan. The supplements that a cancer patient may take can often strengthen their immune system and contribute to their overall wellness.

Many cancer patients, including those who suffer from mesothelioma, may experience debilitating side effects as a result of traditional malignant mesothelioma cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation. These side effects include a decrease in iron and protein levels within the body, as well as fatigue and other unfortunate consequences. Several clinical studies show that cancer patients can benefit greatly from the intake of various herbal and nutritional supplements and that the implementation of these supplements may actually boost cell resistance and promote cell regeneration. Additionally, cancer patients that couple the intake of nutritional supplements with chemotherapy have shown increased responses to cancer treatments.

Doctors that treat cancer patients believe that certain vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin C, A, and E, as well as Selenium, a naturally occurring antioxidant that can be found in dairy products and fish, may be beneficial to cancer patients. The majority of physicians will recommend that patients take in these crucial vitamins via the food that they eat, but in the event that a cancer patient is unable to digest regular food items, the inclusion of supplements can be an asset to traditional treatments. On the contrary, Vitamin B and calcium have not demonstrated beneficial health effects in cancer patients.

As with all alternative treatments, cancer patients must discuss the inclusion of nutritional and herbal supplements with their physician before beginning a new treatment regimen.

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Stephen C. Yang, M.D.
Dr. Stephen C. Yang is an Associate Professor of Surgery and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine specializing in mesothelioma research.

Lary Robinson, M.D.
Dr. Lary A. Robinson is the Director of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute in Tampa, Florida where he evaluates and treats mesothelioma.

Timothy W. Mullett, M.D.
Dr. Timothy Mullett is an Associate Professor of Surgery in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. His surgical interests include general thoracic surgery and lung cancer surgery.

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