174 East Fifth Ave
Columbus, OH 43201

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[Open Shop:]
Wed., 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Sat. and Sun., 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
[Volunteer Night]
Mon., 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
[Womyn and Trans Open Shop]
Thurs. 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.


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Busiest season ever at THBC!

Third Hand would like to thank all of its volunteers for making it another successful  summer season.  As word of the co-op travels, we have found open shops to be busier than ever.  Because of this, we have a tremendous amount of patrons, but not enough volunteer mechanics.  If you have any mechancial skills and would like to help teach others or would like to staff the front of shop to welcome people and help with questions, please fill out a volunteer form here and stop by the shop during open hours.  We will provide all training neccessary and introduce you to the shop.  

As summer is winding down, Third Hand is looking forward to organizing and cleaning the shop through the winter. If you are interested in helping with shop projects, (no mechanical experience necessary), join us on Mondays for volunteering only night.

Remember, volunteers earn $8/hr in co-op credit to use on used bikes and parts.  It is also a great chance to learn more about bicyces by skillsharing with others, making new friends, and working to better our community by putting more bikes on the road!



THBC at Comfest!

Come visit our booth this weekend, June 25-27, '10, at Comfest (at Goodale Park) where we will have our newly designed T-shirts on sale for only $5!  We'll also have our Mobile Bike Shop (with a skilled mechanic) hanging out at the bike corral (at the entrance to the park) to help you with small bike repairs!

 Please note that our opne shop will be closed this Saturday and Sunday, June 26th and 27th.

***New Hours***

Please notice that the Third Hand is changing its main open shop hours. The new hours are as follows (volunteer attendance permitting):

Open Shop Saturdays 1pm-4pm
Open Shop Sundays 1pm-4pm
Volunteer Night Mondays 6pm
Open Shop Wednesday Night 6pm-9pm

Womyn/Trans Only Open Shop Thursdays 6pm-9pm

We will be updating the main pages of the website with this schedule ASAP. Currently, as you might notice, they do not reflect the new schedule.  

 We will be CLOSED for a holiday break from December 19, 2009 through January 5, 2010.  

© 2010 Third Hand Bicycle Cooperative - Columbus Ohio
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