Fighting in the New Terrain

Ten years ago we published Days of War, Nights of Love, one of the most influential anarchist books of the turn of the century. Tremendous technological and cultural shifts have occurred since then. On reflection, it seems that many of the incidental changes radicals were calling for have taken place, but none of the fundamental transformations. We can learn a lot from studying how this happened and what is different about today’s context.

Towards that end, we present Fighting in the New Terrain: What’s Changed since the 20th Century, the product of months of discussion. We hope that this will inspire further analysis and strategizing, and we invite you to share your feedback with us.

desiderata said,

August 23, 2010 @ 4:36 pm

About time ya’ll are steppin’ up yer game.

Perhaps someone’s been reading their Tiqqun…

Takku said,

August 25, 2010 @ 9:38 am

(CrimethInc.) Taistelua uudella maaperällä – mikä on muuttunut 1900-luvun jälkeen…

Finnish translation…

ret marut said,

August 25, 2010 @ 10:34 am

Wow, people in Finland are on top of things!

There’s already a Spanish translation here, as well:

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