
Join, Renew or Donate to PNHP


PNHP is a 501c3 organization. Membership dues and contributions are tax deductible.

Click here to Join PNHP

Click here to renew your PNHP Membership

Click here to donate to PNHP

Ways to financially support PNHP

Gifts of money are accepted online (above), by mail or by phone, by check or credit card:
Physicians for a National Health Program
29 E Madison Suite 602
Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 782-6006

You can donate appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds that you have owned for more than one year to PNHP and avoid capital gains tax. The full market value of these gifts is tax deductible. Please call us to discuss the details.

You can make a bequest to PNHP in your will. For sample language, please contact us by mail, e-mail or telephone. All inquiries will be handled confidentially.