Evolving Madness

Why does a crazy set of beliefs in one field seem to migrate into unrelated subjects?


The Process Is Dead

It’s already clear that the climate talks in December will go nowhere - so what do we do?


The Smear Storm Widens

Those who made false accusations against Rajendra Pachauri are now turning their fire on me.


Strong Meat

A new book has forced me to reconsider my views on food.


Pachauri - The Smears Continue

The people hounding him have failed to produce a single scrap of evidence to support their accusations, yet there’s no let-up.


The Smearing of an Innocent man

The report we publish for the first time today proves that the serious charges made against Rajendra Pachauri are completely untrue.


Right and Wrong

Why climate science divides people along political lines.


Towering Lunacy

Green enthusiasm for vertical farms shows that no one is untouched by magical thinking.


Words Fail Us

Talking has so far done nothing to protect the world’s biodiversity. So we’re launching a new campaign to get governments to act.


Turning Estates into Villages

How good planning can make us slimmer, fitter, safer and less lonely.


Tory Boy Racers

The Conservative war on road safety has begun


Land of Impunity

If the police can get away with killing Ian Tomlinson, there’s no justice in Britain.


Naming the Nameless

The results of our competition to name England’s threatened species are stunning.


Sending Off the Ref

The government’s disastrous new deregulation programme means that the poor will be fouled by the rich.


Filth and Fury

Was I right, when the hacked climate emails were released, to call for Phil Jones to resign?


A Bookful of Bookerisms

The climate change deniers are digging themselves an ever deeper hole over ‘Amazongate’


The Death of Irony

How could the intent of today’s column have passed so many people by?


A Modest Proposal for Tackling Youth

Here’s how the UK should pursue its war against young people.


BP’s Dumb Investors

The companies now threatening to sue BP have only themselves to blame.


Ridleyed With Errors

Matt Ridley only digs his hole deeper as he attempts to justify his distortions.


Bogus, Misdirected and Effective

The Tea Party movement is steeped in misinformation and denial. But it has a lot to teach the left.


Madder and Madder

Lord Monckton’s increasingly extravagant claims threaten to destroy the movement he champions


The Money Gusher

The oil industry’s decommissioning costs will dwarf those of nuclear power. The money being made now should be put aside to meet them.


The Man Who Wants to Northern Rock the Planet

Matt Ridley’s irrational theories remain unchanged by his own disastrous experiment.


Universal Cure

Here’s a simple means of transforming the UK’s universities, schools and society


Out of Sight, Out of Trouble

A new report shows how the UK could tap into vast renewable resources, without any of the aggro caused by existing wind farms.


Fast Train to Nowhere?

Before the UK commissions a high speed rail network, we should ask ourselves some big questions.


Money’s Hunger

Industrial civilisation is trashing the environment. Should we try to reform it or just watch it go down?


Low-Hanging Fruit

This hung parliament is the first and possibly last chance we have to transform politics. We must seize it.


Carbon Graveyard

Almost half the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions have gone missing. Here they are, and here are the amazing implications.


The Parasites in Labour’s Brain

It’s time we stopped voting fearfully, and rewarding the most right-wing government the UK has had since 1945.


A Ginger Revolution

Grassroots campaigns could break Britain’s corrupt political system


The Welsh Revolution

Why are radical politics electable in Wales but not in England?


An Eruption of Reality

Has our society become too complex to sustain?


Putting the Pope on Trial

International law presents a radical challenge to the powerful: they could be judged by the same standards as the rest of us.


Debate with Steve Easterbrook

We explore the mutual incomprehension across the climate emails divide


Walled In

Science and humanities students view each other with incomprehension: blame our dumb, narrow schooling.


Morality Policing

The police treat protests and festivals as a threat to their power


War With the Ghosts

What are our nuclear weapons for, and who controls them?


Jonathan Porritt’s Strange Slurs

I learn, once again, that telling brutal truths isn’t the best way of winning friends


The Naming of Things

Here’s one small way in which the collapse of biodiversity could be slowed


The German Disease

The scheme for supporting renewables that the UK is importing from Germany has been a disaster there.


The Unpersuadables

In fighting for science, we subscribe to a comforting illusion: that people can be swayed by the facts.


Treachery or Common Sense?

I’m being hounded for taking a stand against feed-in tariffs: here’s a riposte to the critics.


Is the Earth Flat?

A TV debate about whether climate change is happening


A Great Green Rip-Off

The feed-in tariffs about to be introduced here are extortionate, useless and deeply regressive.


Bleak Havens

How the ultra-rich enslave themselves


The Reckoning

Wherever Blair goes, our campaign ensures that he can never be free from the fear of arrest


A Bounty for Blair’s Arrest

Today I am launching a new fund – www.arrestblair.org – to reward people who attempt to arrest the former prime minister


The War Against Nature Resumes

As the new badger cull shows, we revert to irrational destruction as soon as our economic interests are threatened.


The Holocaust We Will Not See

Avatar half-tells a story we would all prefer to forget


Consumer Hell

How do we break a system which now permeates every aspect of our lives?


Requiem for a Crowded Planet

This is what the failure of the climate talks means.


Scramble for the Atmosphere

The useless, destructive talks at Copenhagen show that the treaty-making system has scarcely changed in 130 years.


Showdown With Plimer

We’ve finally had our battle, and it was not to his advantage


Here’s Your Speech Mr Obama

This is what the US president should say in Copenhagen


Bust-Up With Boris

I meet the mayor of London and have a good old ding-dong


This Is About Us

The talks at Copenhagen are not just about climate change. They represent a battle to redefine humanity.


UKIP’s latest acquisition

Is Lord Monckton an asset or a liability?


The Real Climate Scandal

Shocked by the hacked emails? Wait till you see what the other side’s been up to.


Case Studies

Here’s the evidence for the contentions in The Real Climate Scandal


The Urgent Threat to World Peace is … Canada

The harm this country could do in the next two weeks will outweigh all the good it has done in a century.


The Knights Carbonic

Yes, the hacked climate emails are damaging. But here’s the one you’d need to see if you wanted to show that manmade global warming is a scam.


If Nothing Else, Save Farming

It’s probably too late to prepare for peak oil, but we can at least try to salvage food production.


Champions of the Overdog

Local papers are vanishing. Does it matter?


Death Denial

Why the sudden surge in climate change denial? Could it be about something else altogether?


Arresting Blair

His bid for the EU presidency gives us the best chance we’ll ever have.


The Hanging Judge

Why has Mr Justice Eady been allowed to conduct a one-man campaign against free speech?


Justice in Shades

A damning judgement on army killings suggests that officials at every level have covered up torture and murder.


The Population Myth

People who claim that population growth is the big environmental issue are shifting the blame from the rich to the poor


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