
Open debate on immigration?

Friday, October 01, 2010

I know, I'm off on my holidays. I can't leave this alone though.

MigrationWatch have threatened Sally Bercow with legal action for comments she made about a Daily Express article that was supposedly covering one of their reports.

Yeah, I know. Hardly open and honest if one side threatens to sue the other.

MigrationWatch is concerned about a few things, but one that stands out for me is that they don't like that Ms Bercow allegedly suggested their report said immigration causes youth unemployment. They say it was careful not to come to that conclusion.

Ringarangadong for a holiday

Check out the new style we just play.

I am off on holidy for a little over two weeks.  Not anywhere hot or dusty like Minority Thought though.  Let's just say there's more chance of me meeting Scott Pilgrim where I'm going.  I plan to blog a bit more when I get back, and there'll be one or two new regular features, I think.  I won't be cutting down on the bum jokes though.  Relax, bumface.

While I am gone, I might as well  nick Minority Thought's idea and give you a list of other media watchy type blogs to pay attention to - although it appears to be media watchy blog holiday season at the minute with me, Anton Vowl and Primly Stable all being away.  In different places, I think.

Angry Mob
On Twitter as @uponnothing

Atomic Spin
On Twitter as @atomic_spin

Enemies of Reason
On Twitter as @antonvowl

On Twitter as @exclarotive

Express Watch
On Twitter as @expresswatch

Mail Watch
On Twitter as @mailwatch

No Sleep 'Til Brooklands
On Twitter as @RopesToInfinity

only that in you
Not on Twitter

Press Not Sorry
On Twitter as @press_not_sorry

Primly Stable
On Twitter as @primlystable

Roy Greenslade's Blog
On Twitter as @GreensladeR

Tabloid Watch
On Twitter as @tabloidwatch

Also, check in with Obsolete while you're at it.  Never miss that one.  Or Minority Thought himself, who incidentally is on Twitter as @MinorityThought.  If you're into Tsonga Disco (for some reason), there's also Ernie Goggins at 27 Leggies.

After the jump - a song!

Barnet Council haven't banned you from telling mother in law jokes

Monday, September 27, 2010

Something that never fails to amuse me in a good 'PC Gone Mad' story is the idea that if an organisation produces guidelines for their staff, they've banned everyone from doing the thing the guidelines advise against.

'Sense of humour failure: Council slaps ban on mother-in-law jokes for being 'offensively sexist'' said the Mail earlier today, while the Telegraph went with 'Council outlaws mother-in-law jokes' and the Star bellowed 'MOTHER-IN-LAW JOKES: BARNET COUNCIL IMPOSES BAN'. All cobblers, of course. Barnet Council themselves said:

"Barnet council does not have a policy on mother-in-law jokes.

"There is no booklet and no ban on mother-in-law jokes.

"Our advice to staff is that they should be polite and avoid giving offence to any member of the public."

'Debunking the 'Islamisation' myth' could have debunked other myths, too

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Edmund Standing has produced a report, 'Debunking the 'Islamisation' myth', which is well worth a look.

Now, I might have problems with some areas of the report (like cousin intermarriage and congenital birth defects, and perhaps the overall tone) but I won't be going into those here. Of more interest to this blog is section headlined 'The myth of Muslim power in Britain is largely fuelled by sensationalist and inaccurate media reports'.

What's the point?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Slim pickings around these parts recently, for which I apologise.

A few things contributing, but one of the main ones is the demoralising spectacle of the News of the World phone hacking scandal diminishing back into obscurity, looking less and less likely to actually go anywhere as time goes by. The ludicrousness of trusting the police to investigate a case in which they themselves have been accused of previously pursuing without due vigour has been exposed with witnesses threatened with being treated like suspects, thus successfully discouraging anyone from coming forward. Job done. 

What would the Met get in return for not looking hard at News of the World phone hacking?

Friday, September 03, 2010

You might not have noticed because most of the British press seems curiously reluctant to cover it, but earlier in the week, the New York Times produced some new evidence that the Conservative party's chief spin doctor Andy Coulson knew much more about the phone hacking scandal of 2006 than he was letting on. Maybe they were too busy covering allegations regarding William Hague's sexuality, and his emotional revelations about not being gay that came out at the same time, handily and totally coincidentally for the Conservatives' spin doctor. Ahem.

Immigration scare tactics. Get Bruce Willis!

Monday, August 30, 2010

When the big hand hits 12...well...I dunno
The 'England is the most overcrowded country in the EU' meme that I looked at in my last couple of posts is just one of many that make up one of the anti-immigration lobby's (MPs, tabloids, MigrationWatch) wider narratives.

Immigration is unusually high in the UK compared to similar countries, we're supposed to believe, and we're about to reach breaking point. We're full up! Something must be done before our population hits 70 million, dammit!