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Posada Carriles (blew up Cuban airliner ‘76) marches w/ Gloria Estefan & Ladies in White
03/28/2010 Only in Miami.... Despite the seventy-three outstanding first-degree murder charges against him related to the mid-air explosion of a Cubana Airlines passenger jet, Luis Posada Carriles has not been extradited to Venezuela nor has he been indicted in the United States for these crimes. He wanders unleashed and un-vaccinated along Calle Ocho in Miami, marching alongside Gloria Estefan in support of the so-called Ladies in White.

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2010 Vancouver Olympics: The Movie (by WeAreChange)
03/11/2010 Highlights from The Olympic Torch Blockade, the Gold Medal Celebration to the Protests, provocateurs and Vancouver 911 Truth Society’s (soon to be legendary) 911 Banner Jamming of CTV’s National Olympic Nightly News Broadcasts (in solidarity with the brave and courageous members of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth).

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Translations with Father Charlie: The Making of the Video
03/07/2010 Charlie Hardy is a former Catholic priest, Wyoming native, residing for the past 25 years in Venezuela, and three-time participant in the School of Authentic Journalism. The variety of online videos coming out of the 2010 Narco News School of Authentic Journalism ranges from the deadly serious (as with the Torture in Egypt video that we premiered last week) to the humorous one we now unveil: Translations with Father Charlie. As part of our continuing series on “The Making of the Video” I asked Katie Halper to share her notes on how this video was made and what she learned in the process.

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Why Do People Loot?
03/06/2010 What is looting? Is it the taking of property after a disaster? If so, then was it looting when some World Trade Center evacuees on 9/11 broke into soda machines and distributed water to people in the stairways? What about when civilians took water trucks in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and drove around neighborhoods distributing clean water? Where is the line?

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The Olympics' Shady Side
03/02/2010 Before the official games in Vancouver, downtown and unemployed groups called attention to social injustices. To the regret of organizers, the 21st Olympic winter games in Vancouver have refractory competition. Five days before its opening, unemployed-, activists and community-groups will start a “Poverty Olympics” in the western Canadian metropolis as already happened in 2007 and 2008. Its relay race began on Sunday. The goal of both actions is to move the social misery and massive indebtedness surrounding the prestige-project into the limelight. The self-styled “world-class province” is also “world-class in poverty.”

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All out against the 2010 Winter Olympic Games – Why the resistance?
02/09/2010 In 1936 the Nazis introduced the Olympic Torch relay to the world. Since then the Olympics has acted as a fascist Trojan Horse masquerading as a international sporting event, but benefiting the military industrial complex, sucking billions of taxpayers dollars from host cities, displacing the homeless, criminalizing the poor, devastating the environment and stealing indigenous lands. On February 15, 2010 the Olympic spectacle begins.

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Haiti’s Earthquake Coverage - video updates
02/09/2010 The video “Haiti Earth Quake Coverage” is excellent coverage by Amy Goodman of the earthquake in Haiti and the US role in Haiti not having the infrastructure to deal with the catastrophe. Kim Ives tells us about what the real meaning of the IMF & World Bank loan agreements forced on Haiti by the US. They had to sell off vital state enterprises, such as a flour mill and a cement factory, things desperately needed now!

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Forbes declares Monsanto “Company of the Year” (Has Forbes Gone Psychotic?)
02/09/2010 Forbes has declared Monsanto “Company of the Year,” calling criticism of the notorious company “vicious” attacks against a company that “has been working to make humanity better fed.” What’s more, Forbes claims that the attacks come because Monsanto has close to a monopoly in some seed markets, which Forbes argues is because they are making “seeds that are too good.”

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ALERT- Two Bills before Congress will criminalize and end Organic Farming
06/03/2009 There are two bills going through Congress right now (HR 875 and S 425) that will, in essence, very likely be the end Organic Farms and virtually all organic forms of growing food in our country. They are being touted as being about food safety, i.e.: the recent spinach ecoli scares. (The husband of one of the Senators* behind this bill works for Monsanto, the chemical giant whose intention it is to control the world food supply.)

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Passing of Legendary Haitian Political Leader Father Gerard Jean-Juste
05/28/2009 It is with profound sadness and unshakable grief, that we announce the passing of legendary activist, Father Gerard Jean-Juste at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami at approximately 5:00 p.m. today, May 27, 2009 from complications of a prolonged illness.

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Florida Fascism: Broward Elections Official Has Opponent Ellen Brodsky Arrested
11/17/2008 Ellen Brodsky, a widely respected and well liked election reform advocate, was jailed after seeking to attend a Broward County Canvassing Board meeting. Brodsky, a long time election reform advocate was a candidate for Broward County Secretary of Elections. An employee of her opponent and winner in the Supervisor of Elections had Brodsky arrested.

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Arizona Senator Karen Johnson Calls for a 911 Investigation
07/29/2008 You don’t have to embrace every theory about 9/11. Indeed, there are some that should be soundly rejected. But if you believe, as these scientists, architects and engineers do, that the buildings were brought down by explosive demolition – then you must also agree that we need a new investigation.

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2012: Free Internet Ends - unless we fight for "net neutrality"
06/11/2008 Every significant Internet provider around the globe is currently in talks with access and content providers to transform the internet into a television-like medium: no more freedom, you pay for a small commercial package of sites you can visit and you'll have to pay for seperate subscriptions for every site that's not in the package.

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Military Test is Mandatory in Hundreds of High Schools
04/19/2008 The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB provides the military easy access to more than a half million high school students nationwide. Although the military calls the ASVAB voluntary, thousands of high school juniors are forced to take it.

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Don’t drink USA tap water: Fluoride Horror Stories Report - lowers IQ, causes cancer
03/26/2008 The establishment media will have to find a new tactic with which to ridicule those who oppose the fluoridation of water after a major new Scientific American report concluded that "Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift" as new evidence emerges of the poison's link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.

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Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
03/08/2008 BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time.

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Legislators vote fraud caught on video
12/23/2007 I don’t even know what else to say other than this makes me sick. The elected representatives of the citizens of the state of Texas are caught on film casting votes on one another’s machines and all they can say is “well, we’re very busy”?

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Fla & Calif Senator speak out-oppose EPA nazi-style experiments on US children
12/23/2007 Bush adminstration supports Program to deliberaretely subject infants and small children to known toxins. Of course they manipulate poor people into subjecting themselves to poison for money.

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Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report
10/02/2007 Seven CIA veterans HAVE denounced the official account of 9/11 as: "a joke", "a cover-up", "a monstrous series of lies", "a pretext for war", "not a serious piece of analysis", riddled with "serious shortcomings", "omissions" and "major flaws."

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Global Warming Solution. Will it make it through the bureaucracy to the upper atmosphere?
08/02/2007 Recently, a scientist who wants to remain anonymous, invented a modality to absorb CO2 in the atmosphere and reverse the global warming problem in days. He is submitting his plan to The Virgin Earth Challenge (Richard Branson-Al Gore) is a prize of $25m for whoever can demonstrate to the judges' satisfaction a commercially viable design which results in the removal of anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases so as to contribute materially to the stability of Earth’s climate. The only problem is that it will be 3 years before they look at all the plans and judge who will receive the prize money.

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Alan Greenspan & former Bank of England Governor reportedly arrested in London for fraud
07/10/2007 On 2nd July 2007, the former Governor of the Bank of England, Sir Eddie George, was reported to have been arrested, after he had been apprehended ‘in flagrante’ interfering with the banking codes and sequences affecting the Wanta Settlement. Our sources confirm that there have been ‘multiple confirmations’, since we first reported the matter, that Greenspan himself was arrested. Although there have been conflicting reports from unreliable sources about his fate, the preponderance of authoritative reports from Group of Eight intelligence community and Gold Badge informants, reiterate that Dr Alan Greenspan is in solitary confinement, with no access to a telephone, and that he was not granted bail (1).

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93 Bombing World Trade Center Revisted: FBI Linked To Bombing
05/22/2007 Tapes made secretly by an FBI informant of conversations between him and his agency handlers have linked the nations largest law enforcement agency to the "the most destructive terrorist act in U.S. history." Emid Ali Salem, an FBI informant used hidden microphones given him by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to record his conversations with agents of the bureau. A Los Angles Times article on 10/28/93 revealed to shocked readers details of FBI involvement in the terrorist act. FBI spokesmen in Washington refused comment.

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