CUPE Local 543

CUPE Local 543


Welcome to the CUPE Local 543 Web-site 

Instructions for those who are having problems navigating the site - scroll down below to the 'in this section' section that you want to look at (i.e., 'Negotiations') and click on it - once in that section click on the update that you want to read.  You do not log in or need to have a password.



E-mail contact information:

Jean Fox, President at

Sandra Tisch, Office Secretary at

David Petten, Treasurer at

Teresa Fracas, Chief Steward at


See 'Community Events' section below for info on the 2010 Labour Day Parade/Festivities.  Hope to see you all there!


Bumping - new section below.


New Section Below titled 'Newsletter'


One of our members, Greg Rumpel, is running for Town Councillor in the Town of Lasalle.  He is looking for volunteers to put flyers in mailboxes.  If you are able to donate a couple of hours of your time please contact Greg at and visit his web-site at or


The next General Membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 15, 2010.


§        Call Meeting To Order
§        Roll Call Of Officers
§        New Members
§        Read And Approve Minutes
§        Matters Arising
§        Treasurer’s Report
§        Communications And Bills
§        Executive Committee Report
§        Committee Reports
§        Nominations And Elections
Elections for 1 Trustee position
§        Unfinished Business
§        New Business
§        Good Of The Union
§        Adjournment  
Thank you for visiting!
In this Section


Current CUPE Local 543 By-laws

City of Windsor Child Care Centres

Info re City Council trying to close all of the City of Windsor Child Care Centres

CUPE Local 82

CUPE Local 82's website

Executive Board

Meet your Executive Board.

Helpful Union Links

Assistance for members.

Keep Windsor Public

Web-site for CUPE Local 82 and CUPE Local 543

Social Committee

In this section you will find info re Big Bike For Heart & Stroke; Christmas Party; Dragon Boat Races; Labour Day Parade; United Way

Special Assessment Dues ($5.00)

Special Assessment as of January 2010

Specials for Members

From community businesses