Campsfield Detainees on Hungerstrike

From 1st to 9th August, 147 detainees were protesting their detention by refusing meals at Campsfield immigration removal centre. Two solidarity protests were held outside the detention centre.

Metro's cage rattled by anti-racist spoof

Metro spoofLondon commuters were surprised on Friday morning to find that their usual Metro paper was a bit thinner, yet more interesting and engaging, than usual. Tens of thousands of copies of a spoof newspaper that looked very similar to the free daily were distributed at 20 busy tube stations around the capital during rush hour. Thousands more were distributed in other cities around the country. >> report and pix

The Metro has obtained a High Court injunction against "all persons responsible for the publication and/or distribution" of a Metro spoof paper that was distributed by campaigners at London tube stations on Friday morning. But since the spoof was produced and distributed anonymously, the injunction seems to have been served upon the wrong people, in what appears to be a guilty-by-association verdict. >> press release

The 'spoofing operation' was part of Two Days of Action Against Racist Press, called by a coalition of anti-racist and migrant rights groups under the name Press Action.

Calais: Africa House evicted for demolition

One of the many CRS raids on Africa HouseAfrican migrants are today going to be left homeless after the French Police this morning evicted an abandoned warehouse in Calais that was home to around 80 African migrants from Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia.

The eviction had been pre-announced in yesterday's local newspapers for 13:00 today. Most of the migrants had therefore left the building when the police arrived. The police have sealed off the building and have placed a chemical toilet outside for the workers who will carry out the demolition.

A round-up of local actions against the Deportation Machine

As part of the Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine (1-6 June), different groups around the UK and Europe organised various events, protests and actions in their area. Here's a round-up put together by Stop Deportation.

No Border lasts forever!

No Border logoVarious noborder-groups and initiatives all over Europe and beyond have started to mobilize for a series of events between may and october 2010. These protest events will start on 23rd of may in Warsaw against the 5 year birthday "celebration" of the Frontex headquarter and they will end at 5th of October in Melilla in remembrance of the incidents in Ceuta and Melilla in September and October 2005. Read on for a (very brief) summary of the upcoming activities.

European Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine

Stop Deportation logo Stop Deportation, along with other groups in Europe, are proposing a European Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine, with a focus on joint European mass deportation flights and Frontex. The proposed date is the first week of June 2010, 1st-6th.

Links: Stop Deportation | Callout | Resources | Things to do

No Borders report from Bolivia

Migration and climate change
The article below is taken from ayya, where a couple of Bristol No Borders activists have reporting from the World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth Rights in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 19-22 April 2010.

19th April – From the Migration and Climate Change Working Group

Un-policing the borders of Fortress Europe

Unpolicing the borders On 23rd March 2010, a high-profile conference about 'policing the borders' that brought together Frontex, the UK Border Agency and senior police officers from various UK police forces was disrupted by No Borders activists protesting against Fortress Europe [press release | video]. Protesters have since posted two of the main presentations that were included in the welcome packs left behind by the delegates who rushed out of the conference hall, one by Frontex on "how to solve cross-border challenges and create an integrated border control system" and the other by ACPO on "the national strategy for UK border policing."

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