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Blogs about: Parliamentary Cretinism

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So Long, Arnold

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 4 months ago: Arnold the Mighty, fearless defender of wealth and privilege. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s term as … more →

Tags: Cinema, Republicans

Alexander Cockburn

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 6 months ago: Alexander Cockburn’s latest post provides further evidence that he is moving to the right. He … more →

Tags: media, journalists

The Oregon Elections

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 6 months ago: Six more years of this. Here in Oregon’s Fourth Congressional District, the Democrat, Pete DeF … more →

Tags: Democrats, Oregon, Republicans

Democrats Fall Down, Go Boom

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 6 months ago: I had been planning to write another snarcky post about the stupid e-mails that the Democratic Party … more →

Tags: obama, Republicans, Democrats

Republican Sleaze

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 8 months ago: The cynicism of the Republicans is just amazing. Not content with whipping up hatred of Mexicans, th … more →

Tags: Republicans

More Thoughts on Rand Paul2 comments

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 11 months ago: In an article that not quite defends Rand Paul, Alexander Cockburn puts forth a sophisticated form o … more →

A Bitter Pill2 comments

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: Somebody once defined a fanatic as someone who redoubles his efforts after he’s forgotten what … more →

Tags: Democrats

Our Man in Haiti

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: Guess who Obama just picked to head, along with Bill Clinton, the US relief effort in Haiti? That … more →

Tags: obama

Wrapping Up the Naughts

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: Well, not only have we come to the end of the year, but we have also come to the end of the decade. … more →

Tags: obama, Imperialism, capitalism, Iran, Anti-Capitalism, Republicans, Democrats

Worse Than Nothing

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: It now looks as though the Republican party and a few right-wing Democrats are the only things that … more →

The Police State Continues to Grow

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: Those of you who believe that civilian review boards are the solution to the problem of police viole … more →

Tags: eugene, police

When Moore is Less

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: Michael Moore’s new film, Capitalism: A Love Story has just been released. The comments I … more →

Tags: capitalism, Cinema, Michael Moore

The G20 Protests: Getting Back to Where We Were

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: I suppose everyone has seen the disturbing videos of police attacking demonstrators at the G20 prote … more →

Tags: Anti-Capitalism, police

Barack Obombsaway2 comments

The Spanish Prisoner wrote 1 year ago: I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen the Obama “Hope” image in a while … more →

Tags: obama, Imperialism

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