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January 13, 2010 1:58 PM

Pat Robertson: Haiti "Cursed" After "Pact to the Devil"

(AP Photo/Jorge Cruz)
NEW YORK (CBS) Pat Robertson, the American Christian televangelist and host of "The 700 Club," said that Haitians need to have a "great turning to god" while he was reporting on the devastating 7.0 earthquake that shook the island nation — the most powerful to hit the country in a century.

Video: Pat Robertson's controversial quote is 6 minutes in on this video.

PICTURES: Pat Robertson's 10 Most Controversial Quotes

As Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said "well over" 100,000 people may have died in the natural disaster, Robertson took to the airwaves Wednesday on his show and said that the country has been "cursed by one thing after another" since they "swore a pact to the devil."

"Something happened a long time ago in Haiti and people might not want to talk about," Robertson said Tuesday.

Photo: Pat Robertson.

"They were under the heel of the French, you know Napoleon the third and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said 'We will serve you if you will get us free from the prince.' True story. And so the devil said, 'Ok it's a deal.' And they kicked the French out. The Haitians revolted and got something themselves free. But ever since they have been cursed by one thing after another," Robertson said.

Photo: Injured person in Port-au-Prince, Haiti after 7.0 earthquake, Jan. 12, 2010.

This is not the first time the former Republican presidential candidate has made controversial comments in the wake of disasters.

He has linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion.

"I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood…But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way?" Robertson said in a September 12, 2005 broadcast of "The 700 Club," soon after Hurricane Katrina.

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by lukeweyland March 12, 2010 1:49 AM EST
You can use the Bible to promote peace, human rights & justice. You can use also it to justify murder and genocide. Robertson does the latter.
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by Emanprinting123 March 8, 2010 7:19 AM EST
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by February 21, 2010 12:02 PM EST
President Bill Clinton did more damage to Haiti than any devil. His
allowing the undercutting of the Haitian farmers with US Subsidized rice for the USA, sucked what little money these people had into the banks of those who supported BIll and GW and I guess Obama. No one tried
to undo what Bill Clinton Started. To have Bill and GW ask for money when
they are partially responsible for the plight of these people demonstrates how stupid the media and the administration thinks we are!
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by carlosbr21 February 4, 2010 7:48 PM EST
Good post...

&lt;A HREF="http://whatisthebible"&gt;what is the bible?&lt;/A&gt;
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by carlosbr21 February 4, 2010 7:48 PM EST
I think Pat Robertson is the curse, but alas the crazy ones always get the publicity ergo more of this I see in the future unless we start to ignore them...
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by boomerful February 27, 2010 3:43 PM EST
'hfhefjkerwf', I feel compelled to apologize on behalf of Chistians worldwide for Mr. Robertson's dumb comments. Believe me, he's NOT typical of Christian knowledge or viewpoints. I can best compare him to one of those crazy uncles that say and do the most embarrassing things at the worst possible time, but unfortunately, the family has to tolerate him at Thanksgiving or other family get-togethers. To all: Please don't judge us based on this one silly person who suffers from a bad case of "FootinMouth" disease. Signed, Thoughtful Loving Christian
by hfhefjkerwf January 28, 2010 11:32 AM EST
I have always respected different viewpoints, but as time goes on, its getting very difficult to respect judeo christian philosophy...

Wow, the Bible said this would happen? More like this has already happend for millions of years and the Bible came around trying to interpret it but comes off horribly wrong...

Its situations like these that just PROVES TO EVERYONE that the bible is a display of human fabrication, its a man made book, and it shows! When people like Pat Robertson come out and try to intertwine world events with the bible they come off sounding terribly ridiculus and ignorant.

We live on a cooling planet with a volcanic interior that is insecurely coated with a thin crust of grinding tectonic plates. Earthquakes and tsunamis are to be expected and can even to some degree be anticipated. It?s idiotic to ask whose fault it is. The Earth?s thin shell was quaking and cracking millions of years before human sinners evolved, and it will still be wrenched and convulsed long after we are gone. These geological dislocations have no human-behavioral cause.

You people make me sick.
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by seaweed22 January 28, 2010 10:16 AM EST
Pat Robertson, please re-read the Book of Job.
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by TruthIsLight January 23, 2010 10:29 AM EST
Either God causes these kinds of tragedies, or he sits back and watches as they happen. Why allow this to happen? Some kind of duplicitous test of faith? Some kind of great Plan? What kind of plan necesitates the death of hundreds of thousands of people?

Please, I implore you, free yourselves from the tyrrany known as religion. Your life will still have meaning. Life will still be worth living. The only thing that has to change is your mind. Medieval superstitions are no longer necisarry in this great age of discovery.

P.S. I have read the bible from cover to cover. I really tried, with all my heart. In the end though, how can any Being be infinitely loving and wrathful at the same time? How can love manifest itself as hate? --Seek Humanity
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by Jack Charlie January 26, 2010 11:29 PM EST
I agree with many comments pertaining to the dislike of Robertson's comments. This is not a time for judgmental statements that man is unequipped to make. We hold no ability as finite man to understand all the workings in this world. However, I would challenge some of you who have commented to question your outward proclamations against God. Or statements alluding that "if there is a God, this wouldn't happen", etc.


I do not understand the meaning behind your name, yet in truth I need no explanation. I would submit to you that though there may be strife, division, and even tyranny in some religion, there is no tyranny in a relationship.

"Medieval superstitions are no longer necessary in this great age of discovery."

Are you suggesting that certain portions of history should not be studied because we in our "great age of discovery" are beyond such information?

Let this apply to whomever desires to apply it... but where do we get this sense of right an wrong? or is there one. When a child disobeys at school, or gets in trouble at home, why do question it? Why do we automatically, without question obtain an understanding that punishment is needed and required. Why is it that when I rob your house, I go to jail. Why when you "TruthIsLight" murder another man, you receive due justice?

If we answers these questions in our mind with little or nor thought given to them, then why would it be so difficult to believe or even suggest that God (if you believe in Him) who sets a standard of which to follow, punishes and sentences those to judgment who deviate from His law.

We all understand the concept of law. Yet where do we believe this concept comes from? The standard surely could not have been born with any one man, for man is fickle and desires those things which gain him most. I would surely not set laws for your good, my own well-being would saturate my decision making. This truth of there being right and wrong had to have come from somewhere... this is where many of men turn to a belief that God created such order. Believe it or not, the truth of it lives on through eternity.

Good luck to you all and your studies. I could never say this current event or any other is in direct relationship to God's judgment on the earth. The earth has been cursed from the first man and woman; lots can happen in a fallen world without the direct judgment of God upon an entire nation.

Woe to those who deem this disaster a definite act of judgment by the hand of God.

Your final question TruthIsLife; how can any Being be infinitely loving and wrathful at the same time? How can love manifest itself as hate?

Your assessment of a Being is somewhat distorted my friend... Example: Do you have a sister, a wife maybe? maybe not, so lets take your mother for example (trust me I don't take lightly my talking about anyone's mother). So you live in a nice home with your mother and family. I'm your neighbor, and seem to be a nice guy. I come over every once in awhile and help your mother with some gardening...

However, one afternoon you get home and your mother is missing - you call the cops, nothing. Come to find out I picked your mother up to go get some plants for the garden, however we didn't come home... I took your mother, raped her, and left her in a ditch for dead.

Now I am surely caught, and soon brought before a judge. I stand in my defense, while you look on in disgust. You would kill me if you had the chance. (Note: There is DNA evidence all confirming it was I who committed the crime)

So, I am proven guilty of rape and murder in court of law with the DNA to prove it. I ask you, TruthIsLight, should I go free or should be placed at least behind bars?

You see there is no innocent person in this world. I have lied, well is lying wrong? I have stolen things, small things, but stolen just the same - well wait, who says that is wrong? I have been disrespectful, dishonest, and disloyal to many friends and family members throughout my life. Again, SO WHAT!? - There has to be punishment for wrong, this is not my law.
by Jack Charlie January 26, 2010 11:31 PM EST
You would assuredly say that I was guilty and deserve punishment for killing your mother... but does that mean the judge hates me, and wants to sentence me behind bars for the rest of my life; no. He might even care about me, and my future, but He realizes that based upon what is right (who decides that??) he must past judgment upon be based upon the wrong I have committed. I commend you for reading the bible all the way through; yet too often in my own reading to I simply skim over it rather then diving into it. I would challenge you to read it again.

God is the God of Love; He graciously loves us, the sinner, but hates the sin we commit. Just as you might not hate me for robbing you, or hurting you in some way, but you surely hate the act I inflicted upon you.

Why is it so unjust to apply our standards of justice, love, hate, and forgiveness to God. But if we look closely we'll see that it is God who imputes His standards into the World He created.

God bless friend...

Good Luck
- Jack
by TruthIsLight January 23, 2010 10:12 AM EST
Either God causes these kinds of tragedies, or he sits back and watches as they happen. Why allow this to happen? Some kind of duplicitous test of faith? Some kind of great Plan? What kind of plan necesitates the death of hundreds of thousands of people?

Please, I implore you, free yourselves from the tyrrany known as religion. Your life will still have meaning. Life will still be worth living. The only thing that has to change is your mind. Medieval superstitions are no longer necisarry in this great age of discovery.

P.S. I have read the bible from cover to cover. I really tried, with all my heart. In the end though, how can any Being be infinitely loving and wrathful at the same time? How can love manifest itself as hate? --Seek Humanity
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by sfl_jack January 22, 2010 10:23 PM EST
Is he kidding? Please, tell me this is some awful joke. As much of a problem as I have with an "authority" telling anyone that the suffering that they are experiencing due to a natural disaster is somehow their own fault. I'm more concerned about the countless dollars in aid that could be withheld because his message of hate might be believed by people who could actually help.
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