
BoRev Musicology Archives

December 3, 2007

And Now For Something Completely Defiant


It’s a new day in Venezuela, and so it’s a new day here at BoRev, tambien. And, really, nothing says “fresh start” quite like free music downloads, right? Starting today we are psyched to introduce a partnership with the University of Iowa’s own token ethno-musicologist, T.M. “Tomás” Scruggs, who got back this January from an 18-month stint in the Bolivarian Republic, where he documented, catalogued and recorded the diverse musical sounds of a revolution in progress.

You can listen to his kick-ass hour-long ethno-musical journey through the country here. And in the weeks and months ahead, you’ll also find a frequently updated archive of Venezuelan music on this site, complete with pix and Ph.D. quality descriptions, or your money back!

This week we’re starting out with streaming, but soon (i.e. “once we figure out how to do it”) we’ll be offering actual free MP3 downloads of music, never before heard outside Venezuela. Let’s kick it off with a fierce all-woman salsa band from the Caracas barrios.

Let the healing begin! After the jump…

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December 20, 2007

BoRev Musicology: Rebelíon Andina


The Doctor is in! Every fortnight or so, University of Iowa's own ethno-musicologist T.M. "Tomás" Scruggs classes the up the joint with his exploration of the diverse sounds of Venezuela from just about every region, class, sect, ethnicity and political persuasion going. Oh and there are free music downloads, too. Check out our archive of previous songs, or click here to listen to Dr. Scruggs's hour long audio-ethno-musical journey through the country.

This Week:
Rebelíon Andina takes on big media. Join the revolution, after the jump.

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April 7, 2008

BoRev Musicology: Luis Canaguá


The Doctor is in! Every fortnight month whenever or so, The University of Iowa's own ethno-musicologist T.M. "Tomás" Scruggs classes the up the joint with his exploration of the diverse sounds of Venezuela from just about every region, class, sect, ethnicity and political persuasion going. Check out our archive of previous songs, or click here to listen to Dr. Scruggs's one-hour audio-ethno-musical journey through the country.

This Week: Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be Venezuelan cowboys. Listen to Luis Canaguá. Liner notes and lyrics after the jump.

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May 22, 2008

BoRev Musicology: Los Gaiteros del Pueblo

The Doctor is in! Every fortnight month whenever or so, The University of Iowa's own ethno-musicologist T.M. "Tomás" Scruggs classes the up the joint with his exploration of the diverse sounds of Venezuela from just about every region, class, sect, ethnicity and political persuasion going. Check out our archive of previous songs, or click here to listen to Dr. Scruggs's one-hour audio-ethno-musical journey through the country.

This Week: We head up to oil country. Listen to Los Gaiteros del Pueblo. Liner notes and lyrics after the jump.

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