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Haha the American Spectator Spells Everything Wrong, The End


Important scholarly magazine "The Amurikan Specktater" published a very serious article this week about the important issues in contemporary Honduras. Did you know that this violent coup actually SAVED Honduran democracy, from Hugo Chavez? No? Well also did you know that everybody in the whole world has been misspelling Zelaya and Micheletti's names all this time? Three cheers for the Amercian Specdater!!


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“We are constantly engaging our co-workers about unions,” said Mona Liss, a spokeswoman for Ikea.

Re: Bosque

"Mona Liss" sure does sound like a pseudonym.

If the pharmaceutical industry can rehabilitate cheerleaders...
Why can't IKEA rehabilitate pornstars?

Either way, these folks know how to f*ck the workers.

Bosque Author Profile Page:

What???? Her name is Mona Liss and not Mona Lisa?

What is this world coming to, eh?

Ikea douchebaggery...

Ikea in America:

Companies are rallying to fend off a so-called card-check law sought by labor leaders and backed by President Barack Obama.

...unions have received calls from workers at Ikea about “captive audience” meetings with an anti-union theme at stores where no organizing is going on.

“They try to scare the hell out of them, and it’s over the top,” O’Neill said.

“We are constantly engaging our co-workers about unions,” said Mona Liss, a spokeswoman for Ikea, the world’s biggest home-furnishings retailer.

Ikea in Australia:

Staff have endorsed a new union collective agreement for employees at IKEA overwhelmingly after negotiations between the company and the union.

The abolition of junior rates of pay will deliver an immediate pay rise to 15% of IKEA employees who are under the age of 21; they will now receive adult rates of pay.

The company, hailed as "extremely progressive" by SDA national secretary Joe de Bruyn, will also offer employees 26 weeks maternity leave on full pay.

IKEA Australia East currently employs approximately 1200 people, around half of whom are female, and plans to grow its employee base to 3000 by 2015.

God, you're so gay for that Romanian drug mule...

Sorry. We haz tecknickal diffickulties at this end.

My gosh, a woman with prettier eyes than El Ecuadorable? That took some doing. LOL!

My gosh, a woman with prettier eyes than El Ecuadorable? That took some doing. LOL!

My gosh, a woman with prettier eyes than El Ecuadorable? That took some doing. LOL!

Socialism of the XXI?
Or socialism of the XXX?

Check out this hilarous Studmuffin clip:
Watch from the 41 second mark

Which comes on the heels of Evo's very smooth operation:
Yes she's a Bolivian beauty queen.
No, she's not a white supremacist.

They warned us he'd be a bad influence:
Hugo handles some phone-throwing, bitch-slapping, cop-beating HEAT!

Bosque Author Profile Page:

I see someone has made use of their fine 'ejumakashun' by producing utterly useless commentary.

This is the result of endless frat drinking binges & a 2.3 GPA.


PS: Why not go for the full "Michalatti", you ginks?

Well, it's not as if their E key was busted or anything. Must be the stupidity. (We could tell it from their politics already.)

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