introduction - first of daily videos - Day1
introduction - first of daily videos - Day1
This is the first of my daily videos of my practice/workout routines for Golf The reason for doing this is to make sure that I keep up with my schedule, and to share some of my knowledge with you guys.
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introduction - first of daily videos - Day1
introduction - first of daily videos - Day1
This is the first of my daily videos of my practice/workout routines for Golf The reason for doing this is to make sure that I keep up with my schedule, and to share some of my knowledge with you guys.
Published: 2009-05-25
Uploaded: 2010-09-05
Author: GolfingMan2009
Published: 2009-05-25
Uploaded: 2010-09-05
Author: GolfingMan2009

Golfing with THE DAILY GREG (9/20/10)
Golfing with THE DAILY GREG (9/20/10)
The Daily Greg goes golfing in Reston, Virginia with a special guest appearance by Jonny Mo! Greg destroys a mushroom and many super slo-mo shots!
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Golfing with THE DAILY GREG (9/20/10)
Golfing with THE DAILY GREG (9/20/10)
The Daily Greg goes golfing in Reston, Virginia with a special guest appearance by Jonny Mo! Greg destroys a mushroom and many super slo-mo shots!
Published: 2010-09-21
Uploaded: 2010-09-22
Author: stinkerflat1
Published: 2010-09-21
Uploaded: 2010-09-22
Author: stinkerflat1

Golf Swing Mechanics Now Fixed DAILY!
Golf Swing Mechanics Now Fixed DAILY!
www.PerfectConnextion.com Your golf swing mechanics are being thrown off by all those moving parts! The Perfect Connextion WILL NOT ALLOW moving parts. Period. End of story! Use PIN #PSCR12382 for a HUGE DISCOUNT! The best golf swing mechanics for me are the ones that DO NOT enable me to continue to make the same mistakes with my hands and my arms especially. Although great golf swing mechanics SHOULD take place mostly with the lower body, those of us shooting in the mid to upper 80s fall into those golf swing routines that shoot those scores upward by relying on our arms and hands to save us. Remember to use PIN #PSCR12382 when you order to get your huge discount.
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Golf Swing Mechanics Now Fixed DAILY!
Golf Swing Mechanics Now Fixed DAILY!
www.PerfectConnextion.com Your golf swing mechanics are being thrown off by all those moving parts! The Perfect Connextion WILL NOT ALLOW moving parts. Period. End of story! Use PIN #PSCR12382 for a HUGE DISCOUNT! The best golf swing mechanics for me are the ones that DO NOT enable me to continue to make the same mistakes with my hands and my arms especially. Although great golf swing mechanics SHOULD take place mostly with the lower body, those of us shooting in the mid to upper 80s fall into those golf swing routines that shoot those scores upward by relying on our arms and hands to save us. Remember to use PIN #PSCR12382 when you order to get your huge discount.
Published: 2008-04-14
Uploaded: 2010-08-24
Author: kb62591a
Published: 2008-04-14
Uploaded: 2010-08-24
Author: kb62591a

Vlog day 121 - 7/24/10 leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again
Vlog day 121 - 7/24/10 leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again
Vlog day 121 - 7/24/10 leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- charlestrippy ctfxc alli zoey marley internet killed television huge spider gross food monster epic chubby bunny canon 7d mcdonalds smoothie tallahassee florida jamaica water mario galaxy nintendo wii cute puppy road trip do not eat dude looks like lady ringtone iphone apple vuvuzela how to annoying girl lesson h204k9 pink ranger morphine power rangers life in day charlestrippy ctfxc alli zoey marley internet killed television huge spider gross food monster epic chubby bunny canon 7d mcdonalds smoothie tallahassee florida jamaica water mario galaxy nintendo wii cute puppy road trip do not eat dude looks like lady ringtone iphone apple vuvuzela how to annoying girl lesson h204k9 pink ranger morphine power rangers life in day
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Vlog day 121 - 7/24/10 leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again
Vlog day 121 - 7/24/10 leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again
Vlog day 121 - 7/24/10 leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- charlestrippy ctfxc alli zoey marley internet killed television huge spider gross food monster epic chubby bunny canon 7d mcdonalds smoothie tallahassee florida jamaica water mario galaxy nintendo wii cute puppy road trip do not eat dude looks like lady ringtone iphone apple vuvuzela how to annoying girl lesson h204k9 pink ranger morphine power rangers life in day charlestrippy ctfxc alli zoey marley internet killed television huge spider gross food monster epic chubby bunny canon 7d mcdonalds smoothie tallahassee florida jamaica water mario galaxy nintendo wii cute puppy road trip do not eat dude looks like lady ringtone iphone apple vuvuzela how to annoying girl lesson h204k9 pink ranger morphine power rangers life in day
Published: 2010-07-25
Uploaded: 2010-09-02
Author: DailyOC
Published: 2010-07-25
Uploaded: 2010-09-02
Author: DailyOC

Classic Game Room HD - Wii SPORTS GOLF review
Classic Game Room HD - Wii SPORTS GOLF review
Classic Game Room HD reviews Wii SPORTS GOLF for the Nintendo Wii video game console! This Wii Sports Golf review shows gameplay and the basic layout of this excellent game which uses the Wii controller to great effect. Don't have the time, money or motivation to actually go outside and golf for real? Pick this game up for your Wii and putt, drive and golf in the comfort of your own home. Wii Sports Golf has the traditional graphic styling of the Nintendo created Wii games, where the characters look like little Fisher Price figures. The controls are excellent and the 9 hole course is varied enough to keep the game interesting and give it replay value. You swing the Wii controller like a golf club, hit the ball with a designated amount of force and drive the ball where it needs to go. Then putt it into the hole and attempt to get a score of par or lower. Classic Game Room reviews Wii video games and has numerous Wii reviews. Check back for daily video game reviews and Wii game reviews right here! You may even learn how to improve your Wii golfing skills here with footage of the gameplay.
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Classic Game Room HD - Wii SPORTS GOLF review
Classic Game Room HD - Wii SPORTS GOLF review
Classic Game Room HD reviews Wii SPORTS GOLF for the Nintendo Wii video game console! This Wii Sports Golf review shows gameplay and the basic layout of this excellent game which uses the Wii controller to great effect. Don't have the time, money or motivation to actually go outside and golf for real? Pick this game up for your Wii and putt, drive and golf in the comfort of your own home. Wii Sports Golf has the traditional graphic styling of the Nintendo created Wii games, where the characters look like little Fisher Price figures. The controls are excellent and the 9 hole course is varied enough to keep the game interesting and give it replay value. You swing the Wii controller like a golf club, hit the ball with a designated amount of force and drive the ball where it needs to go. Then putt it into the hole and attempt to get a score of par or lower. Classic Game Room reviews Wii video games and has numerous Wii reviews. Check back for daily video game reviews and Wii game reviews right here! You may even learn how to improve your Wii golfing skills here with footage of the gameplay.
Published: 2008-11-11
Uploaded: 2010-09-20
Author: InecomCompany
Published: 2008-11-11
Uploaded: 2010-09-20
Author: InecomCompany

World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption HD
World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption HD
This video is protected as an instance of ***FAIR USE*** Title 17 USC Section 107 A Political Remix Video by Desiree D'Alessandro As part of the Political Remix Video genre that postures itself as Fair-Use in accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, Desiree D'Alessandro addresses the looming environmental crisis of worldwide water shortage that is destroying the earth and leaving the poor without access to a common life-sustaining resource. With clips appropriated from scientists, politicians, news broadcastings, and popular media, D'Alessandro explores and aims to expose how corporations are maneuvering to convert this critical world resource into a profitable commodity - namely in the form of golf courses. Currently, there are over 32000 golf courses worldwide, over 17000 in the US, and approximately 1137 public and private golf courses are located in California as amongst the leading golf course-congested states in the US. Reports from UN estimate that golf courses consume a staggering 2.5 billion gallons/9.5 billion liters of water DAILY. This remix video aims to facilitate contemplation and recognition of this global crisis via the viral media platform of YouTube. Sources: California Drought (CBS) Statewide Drought (CNBC) Californias Water Woes Worsen (AP) The Valley of Hope Forgot (Fox News) Broken Harvest II - California Water Crisis (2009) Kohler Commercial (2007) Sesame Street: "Rubber Duckie" (1970) Charity: Water - World Water Day (2009) Planet Peril: World <b>...</b>
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World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption HD
World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption HD
This video is protected as an instance of ***FAIR USE*** Title 17 USC Section 107 A Political Remix Video by Desiree D'Alessandro As part of the Political Remix Video genre that postures itself as Fair-Use in accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, Desiree D'Alessandro addresses the looming environmental crisis of worldwide water shortage that is destroying the earth and leaving the poor without access to a common life-sustaining resource. With clips appropriated from scientists, politicians, news broadcastings, and popular media, D'Alessandro explores and aims to expose how corporations are maneuvering to convert this critical world resource into a profitable commodity - namely in the form of golf courses. Currently, there are over 32000 golf courses worldwide, over 17000 in the US, and approximately 1137 public and private golf courses are located in California as amongst the leading golf course-congested states in the US. Reports from UN estimate that golf courses consume a staggering 2.5 billion gallons/9.5 billion liters of water DAILY. This remix video aims to facilitate contemplation and recognition of this global crisis via the viral media platform of YouTube. Sources: California Drought (CBS) Statewide Drought (CNBC) Californias Water Woes Worsen (AP) The Valley of Hope Forgot (Fox News) Broken Harvest II - California Water Crisis (2009) Kohler Commercial (2007) Sesame Street: "Rubber Duckie" (1970) Charity: Water - World Water Day (2009) Planet Peril: World <b>...</b>
Published: 2010-01-17
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: libragoddess04
Published: 2010-01-17
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: libragoddess04

World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
This video is protected as an instance of ***FAIR USE*** Title 17 USC Section 107 A Political Remix Video by Desiree D'Alessandro As part of the Political Remix Video genre that postures itself as Fair-Use in accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, Desiree D'Alessandro addresses the looming environmental crisis of worldwide water shortage that is destroying the earth and leaving the poor without access to a common life-sustaining resource. With clips appropriated from scientists, politicians, news broadcastings, and popular media, D'Alessandro explores and aims to expose how corporations are maneuvering to convert this critical world resource into a profitable commodity - namely in the form of golf courses. Currently, there are over 32000 golf courses worldwide, over 17000 in the US, and approximately 1137 public and private golf courses are located in California as amongst the leading golf course-congested states in the US. Reports from UN estimate that golf courses consume a staggering 2.5 billion gallons/9.5 billion liters of water DAILY. This remix video aims to facilitate contemplation and recognition of this global crisis via the viral media platform of YouTube. Additional Tags: CBC CBS ABC NBC FOX AP news associated press Arnold Schwarzenegger California CA governor water crisis Sesame Street faucet sustainability conservation waste USA America Africa facts statistics drinking resource golf course courses George Carlin resort elitist love hate capitalism <b>...</b>
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World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
This video is protected as an instance of ***FAIR USE*** Title 17 USC Section 107 A Political Remix Video by Desiree D'Alessandro As part of the Political Remix Video genre that postures itself as Fair-Use in accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, Desiree D'Alessandro addresses the looming environmental crisis of worldwide water shortage that is destroying the earth and leaving the poor without access to a common life-sustaining resource. With clips appropriated from scientists, politicians, news broadcastings, and popular media, D'Alessandro explores and aims to expose how corporations are maneuvering to convert this critical world resource into a profitable commodity - namely in the form of golf courses. Currently, there are over 32000 golf courses worldwide, over 17000 in the US, and approximately 1137 public and private golf courses are located in California as amongst the leading golf course-congested states in the US. Reports from UN estimate that golf courses consume a staggering 2.5 billion gallons/9.5 billion liters of water DAILY. This remix video aims to facilitate contemplation and recognition of this global crisis via the viral media platform of YouTube. Additional Tags: CBC CBS ABC NBC FOX AP news associated press Arnold Schwarzenegger California CA governor water crisis Sesame Street faucet sustainability conservation waste USA America Africa facts statistics drinking resource golf course courses George Carlin resort elitist love hate capitalism <b>...</b>
Published: 2009-11-25
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: libragoddess04
Published: 2009-11-25
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: libragoddess04

John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
John Daly is interviewed while he plays a round of golf at Murder Rock Golf Club in Branson, Missouri.
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John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
John Daly is interviewed while he plays a round of golf at Murder Rock Golf Club in Branson, Missouri.
Published: 2008-05-02
Uploaded: 2010-09-24
Author: golf
Published: 2008-05-02
Uploaded: 2010-09-24
Author: golf

GolfNow Trivia Contest Promo
GolfNow Trivia Contest Promo
Here is just some of what you've been missing if you haven't been playing the daily trivia contest at www.GolfNow.com
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GolfNow Trivia Contest Promo
GolfNow Trivia Contest Promo
Here is just some of what you've been missing if you haven't been playing the daily trivia contest at www.GolfNow.com
Published: 2008-08-22
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: GolfNowTV
Published: 2008-08-22
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: GolfNowTV

John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
PGA golfer John Daly is interviewed while he plays a round of golf at Murder Rock Golf Club in Branson, Missouri. Shirtless and shoeless, with a cigarette in his mouth, of course. Classic Big John. Appearance with John's playing partner for the day, country singer Johnny Lee, at the end of the video. Definitely one person I did not want to see topless.
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John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
John Daly Interview While Playing Golf -- No Shirt Or Shoes
PGA golfer John Daly is interviewed while he plays a round of golf at Murder Rock Golf Club in Branson, Missouri. Shirtless and shoeless, with a cigarette in his mouth, of course. Classic Big John. Appearance with John's playing partner for the day, country singer Johnny Lee, at the end of the video. Definitely one person I did not want to see topless.
Published: 2008-04-28
Uploaded: 2010-09-15
Author: Cardsplayer4life
Published: 2008-04-28
Uploaded: 2010-09-15
Author: Cardsplayer4life

Colby Huffman Golf Instructor PGA Pro
Colby Huffman Golf Instructor PGA Pro
Colby Huffman is a Class "A" PGA Professional having taught at the David Leadbetter Junior Academy, and at the International Junior Golf Academy (IJGA) both under Gary Gilchrist. While working for Gary, he developed two Byron Nelson International Junior Golf Award recipients, worked with many other highly ranked juniors, was the director of teacher certification, and assisted Gary with his touring professionals both on and off the tour. Hank Haney then became the director of golf and the academy changed its name to the Hank Haney IJGA. He has been a Hank Haney Lead Instructor for the past two years working with Peter Krause (the 2005 PGA Teacher of the Year) on a daily basis for the past six months. In addition to working with great juniors at the Hank Haney IJGA, he patented a training aid and completed a DVD with Hank to complement the training aid that is scheduled to be in Wal-mart stores this April. With his wife recently accepting a job in Zionsville, IN, their first child on the way, and as a former player at Purdue University, he is looking forward to being back home in Indiana.
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Colby Huffman Golf Instructor PGA Pro
Colby Huffman Golf Instructor PGA Pro
Colby Huffman is a Class "A" PGA Professional having taught at the David Leadbetter Junior Academy, and at the International Junior Golf Academy (IJGA) both under Gary Gilchrist. While working for Gary, he developed two Byron Nelson International Junior Golf Award recipients, worked with many other highly ranked juniors, was the director of teacher certification, and assisted Gary with his touring professionals both on and off the tour. Hank Haney then became the director of golf and the academy changed its name to the Hank Haney IJGA. He has been a Hank Haney Lead Instructor for the past two years working with Peter Krause (the 2005 PGA Teacher of the Year) on a daily basis for the past six months. In addition to working with great juniors at the Hank Haney IJGA, he patented a training aid and completed a DVD with Hank to complement the training aid that is scheduled to be in Wal-mart stores this April. With his wife recently accepting a job in Zionsville, IN, their first child on the way, and as a former player at Purdue University, he is looking forward to being back home in Indiana.
Published: 2009-03-19
Uploaded: 2010-08-26
Author: ColbyHuffmanGolf
Published: 2009-03-19
Uploaded: 2010-08-26
Author: ColbyHuffmanGolf

Vlog day 97 - 6/30/10 car insurance is lame
Vlog day 97 - 6/30/10 car insurance is lame
Vlog day 97 - 6/30/10 car insurance is lame song of the day: ROME - Take It Or Leave It www.youtube.com
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Vlog day 97 - 6/30/10 car insurance is lame
Vlog day 97 - 6/30/10 car insurance is lame
Vlog day 97 - 6/30/10 car insurance is lame song of the day: ROME - Take It Or Leave It www.youtube.com
Published: 2010-07-01
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: DailyOC
Published: 2010-07-01
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: DailyOC

[Extended] World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
[Extended] World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
This video is protected as an instance of ***FAIR USE*** Title 17 USC Section 107 A Political Remix Video by Desiree D'Alessandro As part of the Political Remix Video genre that postures itself as Fair-Use in accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, Desiree D'Alessandro addresses the looming environmental crisis of worldwide water shortage that is destroying the earth and leaving the poor without access to a common life-sustaining resource. With clips appropriated from scientists, politicians, news broadcastings, and popular media, D'Alessandro explores and aims to expose how corporations are maneuvering to convert this critical world resource into a profitable commodity - namely in the form of golf courses. Currently, there are over 32000 golf courses worldwide, over 17000 in the US, and approximately 1137 public and private golf courses are located in California as amongst the leading golf course-congested states in the US. Reports from UN estimate that golf courses consume a staggering 2.5 billion gallons/9.5 billion liters of water DAILY. This remix video aims to facilitate contemplation and recognition of this global crisis via the viral media platform of YouTube. Additional Tags: CBC ABC NBC FOX AP news associated press Arnold Schwarzenegger California CA governor water crisis Sesame Street faucet sustainability conservation waste USA America Africa facts statistics drinking resource golf course courses George Carlin resort elitist love hate capitalism government <b>...</b>
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[Extended] World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
[Extended] World Water Shortage vs. Golf Course Consumption
This video is protected as an instance of ***FAIR USE*** Title 17 USC Section 107 A Political Remix Video by Desiree D'Alessandro As part of the Political Remix Video genre that postures itself as Fair-Use in accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, Desiree D'Alessandro addresses the looming environmental crisis of worldwide water shortage that is destroying the earth and leaving the poor without access to a common life-sustaining resource. With clips appropriated from scientists, politicians, news broadcastings, and popular media, D'Alessandro explores and aims to expose how corporations are maneuvering to convert this critical world resource into a profitable commodity - namely in the form of golf courses. Currently, there are over 32000 golf courses worldwide, over 17000 in the US, and approximately 1137 public and private golf courses are located in California as amongst the leading golf course-congested states in the US. Reports from UN estimate that golf courses consume a staggering 2.5 billion gallons/9.5 billion liters of water DAILY. This remix video aims to facilitate contemplation and recognition of this global crisis via the viral media platform of YouTube. Additional Tags: CBC ABC NBC FOX AP news associated press Arnold Schwarzenegger California CA governor water crisis Sesame Street faucet sustainability conservation waste USA America Africa facts statistics drinking resource golf course courses George Carlin resort elitist love hate capitalism government <b>...</b>
Published: 2009-11-17
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: libragoddess04
Published: 2009-11-17
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: libragoddess04

The Cliffs At Walnut Cove, A Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course
The Cliffs At Walnut Cove, A Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course
Members have access to what will soon be eight incredible courses designed by golfing greats like Tiger Woods, Tom Fazio and Gary Player for one membership fee. All within a hour's drive of each other. Spectacular club houses, restaurants, wellness facilities, hiking trails, Equestrian centers, spas and marina are a daily lifestyle. I am looking to sell or trade property. Please see the video for complete details. For the Official web site go to www.cliffspremierproperties.com or video only: www.thevideointernetcompany.com Contact: Sharon Lingelbach 828-691-5761 cliffspremiereproperties@gmail.com Mr. Pulliam is willing to sale or trade for properties in Florida and LA. In order for trade, Naples, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg or Laguna Beach. Only 2 more people can call this home...should you be one?
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The Cliffs At Walnut Cove, A Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course
The Cliffs At Walnut Cove, A Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course
Members have access to what will soon be eight incredible courses designed by golfing greats like Tiger Woods, Tom Fazio and Gary Player for one membership fee. All within a hour's drive of each other. Spectacular club houses, restaurants, wellness facilities, hiking trails, Equestrian centers, spas and marina are a daily lifestyle. I am looking to sell or trade property. Please see the video for complete details. For the Official web site go to www.cliffspremierproperties.com or video only: www.thevideointernetcompany.com Contact: Sharon Lingelbach 828-691-5761 cliffspremiereproperties@gmail.com Mr. Pulliam is willing to sale or trade for properties in Florida and LA. In order for trade, Naples, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg or Laguna Beach. Only 2 more people can call this home...should you be one?
Published: 2010-08-27
Uploaded: 2010-09-09
Author: sscommunications1
Published: 2010-08-27
Uploaded: 2010-09-09
Author: sscommunications1
video results for: Golfing Daily

Fun Golf Drills: Tom Ward
Fun Golf Drills: Tom Ward
Here's another excellent golf drill for the players serious about improving their games. This one involves taking a seat to help your chipping. Golf pro Tom Ward has yet another innovative way to help solve your golfing issues. So sit back and enjoy the tip...
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Fun Golf Drills: Tom Ward
Fun Golf Drills: Tom Ward
Here's another excellent golf drill for the players serious about improving their games. This one involves taking a seat to help your chipping. Golf pro Tom Ward has yet another innovative way to help solve your golfing issues. So sit back and enjoy the tip...
Published: 2010-03-20
Uploaded: 2010-09-21
Author: pixiesdad
Published: 2010-03-20
Uploaded: 2010-09-21
Author: pixiesdad

Betty Cool Life Episode 4: "Silly Golfing Bussiness"
Betty Cool Life Episode 4: "Silly Golfing Bussiness"
Betty Cool Life Episode 4 - Silly Golfing business While watching the daily news, Betty saw that the new anual golfing competition Is beggining, and Betty wants to enter that competition! Along the way, Betty discovers that Cathrine is in that competition too! And she needs to win the prize money. If Betty wins, she will earn 1000 dollars! Wow! But who Is gonna get all that money? *note: Don`t forget to send your opinions about this episode! If you don`t like It, we`ll make It better! Just send your suggestions and messages and I`ll make some changes.
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Betty Cool Life Episode 4: "Silly Golfing Bussiness"
Betty Cool Life Episode 4: "Silly Golfing Bussiness"
Betty Cool Life Episode 4 - Silly Golfing business While watching the daily news, Betty saw that the new anual golfing competition Is beggining, and Betty wants to enter that competition! Along the way, Betty discovers that Cathrine is in that competition too! And she needs to win the prize money. If Betty wins, she will earn 1000 dollars! Wow! But who Is gonna get all that money? *note: Don`t forget to send your opinions about this episode! If you don`t like It, we`ll make It better! Just send your suggestions and messages and I`ll make some changes.
Published: 2008-07-15
Uploaded: 2010-08-03
Author: alexplayer3
Published: 2008-07-15
Uploaded: 2010-08-03
Author: alexplayer3

It's my brother's birthday! My Twitter: www.twitter.com My Facebook: www.facebook.com My Tumblr: nickdanforth.tumblr.com
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It's my brother's birthday! My Twitter: www.twitter.com My Facebook: www.facebook.com My Tumblr: nickdanforth.tumblr.com
Published: 2010-03-20
Uploaded: 2010-04-25
Author: nickdanforth
Published: 2010-03-20
Uploaded: 2010-04-25
Author: nickdanforth

Vlog day 76 - 6/9/10 Twila Reid Disc Golfing
Vlog day 76 - 6/9/10 Twila Reid Disc Golfing
Vlog day 76 - 6/9/10 Twila Reid Disc Golfing
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Vlog day 76 - 6/9/10 Twila Reid Disc Golfing
Vlog day 76 - 6/9/10 Twila Reid Disc Golfing
Vlog day 76 - 6/9/10 Twila Reid Disc Golfing
Published: 2010-06-10
Uploaded: 2010-08-21
Author: DailyOC
Published: 2010-06-10
Uploaded: 2010-08-21
Author: DailyOC

goo2.be I GUARANTEE You'll Lengthen your Drive and Cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes in Just Two weeks, Unlock Your Hidden Potential by Discovering the Golf Swing that is Delivering Consistent, Accurate Distance to thousands of golfers world-wide. This Information can't be found ANYWHERE else! Word is getting around! So far, we have helped people from 36 countries on each of the 7 continents fix their swing problems. There is a reason why "The Simple Golf Swing" is the # 1 rated golf instruction system on the internet...because IT WORKS. The number of golfers in Australia, Great Britain, South Africa and the United States benefiting from "The Simple Golf Swing" has absolutely skyrocketed! The number of golfers in Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Norway using this golf swing system has doubled in the last 60 days! We are receiving hundreds of letters and emails daily from people who are shooting the best scores in their lives! No other golf instruction method provides hard proof like this!
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goo2.be I GUARANTEE You'll Lengthen your Drive and Cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes in Just Two weeks, Unlock Your Hidden Potential by Discovering the Golf Swing that is Delivering Consistent, Accurate Distance to thousands of golfers world-wide. This Information can't be found ANYWHERE else! Word is getting around! So far, we have helped people from 36 countries on each of the 7 continents fix their swing problems. There is a reason why "The Simple Golf Swing" is the # 1 rated golf instruction system on the internet...because IT WORKS. The number of golfers in Australia, Great Britain, South Africa and the United States benefiting from "The Simple Golf Swing" has absolutely skyrocketed! The number of golfers in Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Norway using this golf swing system has doubled in the last 60 days! We are receiving hundreds of letters and emails daily from people who are shooting the best scores in their lives! No other golf instruction method provides hard proof like this!
Published: 2007-12-13
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: irisnielsen123
Published: 2007-12-13
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: irisnielsen123

China Flexing Its Golfing Muscles
China Flexing Its Golfing Muscles
US PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem has confirmed that the China Golf Association is to be admitted to the International Federation of PGA Tours.
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China Flexing Its Golfing Muscles
China Flexing Its Golfing Muscles
US PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem has confirmed that the China Golf Association is to be admitted to the International Federation of PGA Tours.
Published: 2009-06-01
Uploaded: 2010-08-05
Author: AsianGolfWeekly
Published: 2009-06-01
Uploaded: 2010-08-05
Author: AsianGolfWeekly

Future Tiger Woods - Mac Wilson
Future Tiger Woods - Mac Wilson
Mac got a set of clubs, a golf bag, and glove for his 3rd birthday. He is practicing his golf game daily.
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Future Tiger Woods - Mac Wilson
Future Tiger Woods - Mac Wilson
Mac got a set of clubs, a golf bag, and glove for his 3rd birthday. He is practicing his golf game daily.
Published: 2009-06-19
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: lmwilson27
Published: 2009-06-19
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: lmwilson27

Tiger Woods Golf Instructor Gives Tips
Tiger Woods Golf Instructor Gives Tips
Recorded on May 20, 2008 using a Flip Video camcorder. Witness what happens in this video after a innocent bystander almost loses his life. .Even the guys who play golf for a living and have the best golf instruction ..... It wasn't my swing, I didn't chip in, get an eagle, or do anything great. ... www.howtobreak80.com/ Golf Swing Online - Use the Internet to Get a Great Golf Swing. ezinearticles.com/?Golf-Swing-Online---Use-the-Internet-to-Get-a-Great-Golf-Swing&id=1530503 -Image: Golf swing tips training DVD. The Rights and Wrongs of Golf New DVD reveals long-buried golf secrets penned by the great Bobby Jones, ... www.thinkandreachpar.com/A fast golf swing speed is your ticket to hitting it big. Learn How right here. www.golfequipmentsource.com/golf-swing-speed.htmlYou'll learn the 3 Fundamentals in Every Great Golf Swing! .... Keep up the good work and I hope you have great success with the DVD. ... swingmachinegolf.com/ Overall, you can help your golf swing a lot more with this approach hitting ... Assigned to category: Golf Tips , Golf Swing Help · « Have you seen the new ... www.the-golf-nut.com/best_way_to_practice_your_golf_swing.html I have recorded the aspects of the golf swing that made the most dramatic ..... "I have had two great rounds of golf (81,79)... I do find myself at ease ... www.golfswingeureka.com/ 25] Even some players who are strongly left-handed in their daily lives prefer the right-handed golf swing. In the past, this may have been due to the <b>...</b>
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Tiger Woods Golf Instructor Gives Tips
Tiger Woods Golf Instructor Gives Tips
Recorded on May 20, 2008 using a Flip Video camcorder. Witness what happens in this video after a innocent bystander almost loses his life. .Even the guys who play golf for a living and have the best golf instruction ..... It wasn't my swing, I didn't chip in, get an eagle, or do anything great. ... www.howtobreak80.com/ Golf Swing Online - Use the Internet to Get a Great Golf Swing. ezinearticles.com/?Golf-Swing-Online---Use-the-Internet-to-Get-a-Great-Golf-Swing&id=1530503 -Image: Golf swing tips training DVD. The Rights and Wrongs of Golf New DVD reveals long-buried golf secrets penned by the great Bobby Jones, ... www.thinkandreachpar.com/A fast golf swing speed is your ticket to hitting it big. Learn How right here. www.golfequipmentsource.com/golf-swing-speed.htmlYou'll learn the 3 Fundamentals in Every Great Golf Swing! .... Keep up the good work and I hope you have great success with the DVD. ... swingmachinegolf.com/ Overall, you can help your golf swing a lot more with this approach hitting ... Assigned to category: Golf Tips , Golf Swing Help · « Have you seen the new ... www.the-golf-nut.com/best_way_to_practice_your_golf_swing.html I have recorded the aspects of the golf swing that made the most dramatic ..... "I have had two great rounds of golf (81,79)... I do find myself at ease ... www.golfswingeureka.com/ 25] Even some players who are strongly left-handed in their daily lives prefer the right-handed golf swing. In the past, this may have been due to the <b>...</b>
Published: 2008-07-08
Uploaded: 2010-09-01
Author: JennyTenny20
Published: 2008-07-08
Uploaded: 2010-09-01
Author: JennyTenny20

First Time Golfing (11-29-09) NotoriousVLOGS #3
First Time Golfing (11-29-09) NotoriousVLOGS #3
My first time on the course!! Don't hate. Appreciate. Day 3 of my daily vlog. hope you enjoy keep watching. subscribe!!!
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First Time Golfing (11-29-09) NotoriousVLOGS #3
First Time Golfing (11-29-09) NotoriousVLOGS #3
My first time on the course!! Don't hate. Appreciate. Day 3 of my daily vlog. hope you enjoy keep watching. subscribe!!!
Published: 2009-11-30
Uploaded: 2010-07-29
Author: NotoriousMLC
Published: 2009-11-30
Uploaded: 2010-07-29
Author: NotoriousMLC

Daily Vlog #5 - Mini Golfin' w/ the Cuz...
Daily Vlog #5 - Mini Golfin' w/ the Cuz...
Sorry it's so short and I haven't been able to keep up with daily videos exactly. Anyways at Mini Golf with my sister Angela and cousin Alyssa. Date: August 22nd, 2009
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Daily Vlog #5 - Mini Golfin' w/ the Cuz...
Daily Vlog #5 - Mini Golfin' w/ the Cuz...
Sorry it's so short and I haven't been able to keep up with daily videos exactly. Anyways at Mini Golf with my sister Angela and cousin Alyssa. Date: August 22nd, 2009
Published: 2009-08-23
Uploaded: 2010-08-05
Author: jordanclark1993
Published: 2009-08-23
Uploaded: 2010-08-05
Author: jordanclark1993

Tiger Woods' Seven Deadly Sins
Tiger Woods' Seven Deadly Sins
Rachel Uchitel, Mindy Lawton, Jaimee Grubbs, Kalika Moquin, Jamie Jungers, Cori Rist, and now Holly Sampson all alleged of having an affair with the golf great. With seven women reported to have had alleged affairs with Tiger Woods, there are multiple reports out tonight that Tiger Woods may be seriously considering a Hail Mary confessional on the Oprah Winfrey Show in an attempt to salvage whatever credibility he has left with the public. Victoria Ward of LONDON DAILY MIRROR sources: The golfing stars team of lawyers and PR advisers are desperate for Woods to spill the beans on Oprahs sofa, possibly alongside his devastated wife Elin. Nigel Pauley of LONDON DAILY STAR sources: The disgraced superstar golfer is considering an enticing offer to appear on Oprah Winfreys top-rated chat show. And Philip Sherwell of the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD sources: The Oprah strategy is under discussion in Camp Tiger as a series of tawdry new claims emerge about Woods alleged infidelities after he admitted unspecified transgressions and sins last week. Those speculative reports come after Rob Shuter of AOL gossip website Popeater.com reported last Thursday: Matt Lauer, Barbara Walters and Larry Kings people have all called, but only lady O has personally reached out.
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Tiger Woods' Seven Deadly Sins
Tiger Woods' Seven Deadly Sins
Rachel Uchitel, Mindy Lawton, Jaimee Grubbs, Kalika Moquin, Jamie Jungers, Cori Rist, and now Holly Sampson all alleged of having an affair with the golf great. With seven women reported to have had alleged affairs with Tiger Woods, there are multiple reports out tonight that Tiger Woods may be seriously considering a Hail Mary confessional on the Oprah Winfrey Show in an attempt to salvage whatever credibility he has left with the public. Victoria Ward of LONDON DAILY MIRROR sources: The golfing stars team of lawyers and PR advisers are desperate for Woods to spill the beans on Oprahs sofa, possibly alongside his devastated wife Elin. Nigel Pauley of LONDON DAILY STAR sources: The disgraced superstar golfer is considering an enticing offer to appear on Oprah Winfreys top-rated chat show. And Philip Sherwell of the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD sources: The Oprah strategy is under discussion in Camp Tiger as a series of tawdry new claims emerge about Woods alleged infidelities after he admitted unspecified transgressions and sins last week. Those speculative reports come after Rob Shuter of AOL gossip website Popeater.com reported last Thursday: Matt Lauer, Barbara Walters and Larry Kings people have all called, but only lady O has personally reached out.
Published: 2009-02-12
Uploaded: 2010-09-01
Author: FreeThePinto
Published: 2009-02-12
Uploaded: 2010-09-01
Author: FreeThePinto

Luxury gated golf Cliffs Communities The Cliffs at Walnut Cove
Luxury gated golf Cliffs Communities The Cliffs at Walnut Cove
Spectacular club houses, restaurants, wellness facilities, hiking trails, Equestrian centers, spas and marina are a daily lifestyle. "The Cliffs at Walnut Cove's" A Jack Nicklaus Signature Designed Golf Course is set in the most majestic of natural environments. Members have access to what will soon be eight incredible courses designed by golfing greats like Tiger Woods, Tom Fazio and Gary Player for one membership fee. All within a hour's drive of each other. For the Official web site go to www.cliffspremierproperties.com or video only: www.thevideointernetcompany.com Contact: Sharon Lingelbach 828-691-5761 cliffspremiereproperties@gmail.com Mr. Pulliam is willing to sale or trade for properties in Florida and LA. In order for trade, Naples, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg or Laguna Beach. Only 2 more people can call this home...should you be one?
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Luxury gated golf Cliffs Communities The Cliffs at Walnut Cove
Luxury gated golf Cliffs Communities The Cliffs at Walnut Cove
Spectacular club houses, restaurants, wellness facilities, hiking trails, Equestrian centers, spas and marina are a daily lifestyle. "The Cliffs at Walnut Cove's" A Jack Nicklaus Signature Designed Golf Course is set in the most majestic of natural environments. Members have access to what will soon be eight incredible courses designed by golfing greats like Tiger Woods, Tom Fazio and Gary Player for one membership fee. All within a hour's drive of each other. For the Official web site go to www.cliffspremierproperties.com or video only: www.thevideointernetcompany.com Contact: Sharon Lingelbach 828-691-5761 cliffspremiereproperties@gmail.com Mr. Pulliam is willing to sale or trade for properties in Florida and LA. In order for trade, Naples, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg or Laguna Beach. Only 2 more people can call this home...should you be one?
Published: 2010-08-29
Uploaded: 2010-09-09
Author: sscommunications1
Published: 2010-08-29
Uploaded: 2010-09-09
Author: sscommunications1

It's GOLFIN' TIME! 5/26/10 (Day 218)
It's GOLFIN' TIME! 5/26/10 (Day 218)
For the first time this summer, a few of us went golfing for the first time. And as expected.. I played TERRIBLE. But it's the first game of the season, so you can expect that.. right? Also I added the moderator feature on my channel.. make sure to check that out! Come see all this AND MORE in todays daily vlog! NEW GopherBronze Skit! www.youtube.com DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! I'm doing this daily vlog for a full year! SKIT CHANNEL [SUBSCRIBE] www.youtube.com GAME REVIEW CHANNEL [SUBSCRIBE] www.youtube.com TWITTER twitter.com DAILYBOOTH dailybooth.com
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It's GOLFIN' TIME! 5/26/10 (Day 218)
It's GOLFIN' TIME! 5/26/10 (Day 218)
For the first time this summer, a few of us went golfing for the first time. And as expected.. I played TERRIBLE. But it's the first game of the season, so you can expect that.. right? Also I added the moderator feature on my channel.. make sure to check that out! Come see all this AND MORE in todays daily vlog! NEW GopherBronze Skit! www.youtube.com DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! I'm doing this daily vlog for a full year! SKIT CHANNEL [SUBSCRIBE] www.youtube.com GAME REVIEW CHANNEL [SUBSCRIBE] www.youtube.com TWITTER twitter.com DAILYBOOTH dailybooth.com
Published: 2010-05-27
Uploaded: 2010-07-21
Author: carryoutjon
Published: 2010-05-27
Uploaded: 2010-07-21
Author: carryoutjon

Golf Tips for Practicing at Home : Hitting Golf Wiffle Balls: Driver
Golf Tips for Practicing at Home : Hitting Golf Wiffle Balls: Driver
Hitting golf Wiffle balls with the driver is a great way to practice the golf swing, while witnessing the ball flight. Learn more about hitting golf Wiffle balls with the driver from aprofessional golf instructor in this free golfing video. Expert: Hill Marks Bio: Coach Hill has been teaching tennis, squash, racquetball and golf professionally for about ten years. Filmmaker: Dustin Daniels
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Golf Tips for Practicing at Home : Hitting Golf Wiffle Balls: Driver
Golf Tips for Practicing at Home : Hitting Golf Wiffle Balls: Driver
Hitting golf Wiffle balls with the driver is a great way to practice the golf swing, while witnessing the ball flight. Learn more about hitting golf Wiffle balls with the driver from aprofessional golf instructor in this free golfing video. Expert: Hill Marks Bio: Coach Hill has been teaching tennis, squash, racquetball and golf professionally for about ten years. Filmmaker: Dustin Daniels
Published: 2008-10-06
Uploaded: 2010-09-27
Author: expertvillage
Published: 2008-10-06
Uploaded: 2010-09-27
Author: expertvillage

Tiger Woods' Crash, the FULL CGI Version
Tiger Woods' Crash, the FULL CGI Version
Chinese animated cartoon- A Taiwanese newspaper website has posted a video report featuring a computer-generated interpretation of the events surrounding Tiger Woods' late night car crash. (Check out the animated domestic slap and violence at 0.56) The video piece, on Taiwan's Apple Daily website, uses CGI footage to "re-enact" a rumoured incident between Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren over infidelity allegations. Real-life scenes showing police interviews, the hospital where Woods was treated and the golf star's family were interspersed with the CGI images. In one of the CGI scenes, a cartoon-like Nordegren is seen scratching the golfing legend's face while a thought bubble hovers over her head with Woods' supposed mistress Rachel Uchitel pictured inside. In another, Tiger drives off while being chased by his wife who is swinging a golf club at the car. According to the CGI interpretation, Woods crashed his car into the fire hydrant and tree after he failed to pay attention to where he was driving. See my other versions, check out my video response list down below.
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Tiger Woods' Crash, the FULL CGI Version
Tiger Woods' Crash, the FULL CGI Version
Chinese animated cartoon- A Taiwanese newspaper website has posted a video report featuring a computer-generated interpretation of the events surrounding Tiger Woods' late night car crash. (Check out the animated domestic slap and violence at 0.56) The video piece, on Taiwan's Apple Daily website, uses CGI footage to "re-enact" a rumoured incident between Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren over infidelity allegations. Real-life scenes showing police interviews, the hospital where Woods was treated and the golf star's family were interspersed with the CGI images. In one of the CGI scenes, a cartoon-like Nordegren is seen scratching the golfing legend's face while a thought bubble hovers over her head with Woods' supposed mistress Rachel Uchitel pictured inside. In another, Tiger drives off while being chased by his wife who is swinging a golf club at the car. According to the CGI interpretation, Woods crashed his car into the fire hydrant and tree after he failed to pay attention to where he was driving. See my other versions, check out my video response list down below.
Published: 2009-12-02
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: rishian222
Published: 2009-12-02
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: rishian222

Hilton Head Island -Ocean Palm Villa-Westin Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort and Spa
Hilton Head Island -Ocean Palm Villa-Westin Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort and Spa
Thank you for visiting our site on YouTube! ** Hilton Head Island, South Carolina is world renowned for its ideal year-round weather, tropical environment, nationally recognized dining, and clean,uncongested beaches. Our Ocean Palms Villa is located in Port Royal Plantation on Hilton Head Island- maintained and operated by the Westin, an oceanfront Resort and Spa. Enjoy a spacious 2-level 3BR luxury condo in a tropical village at the foot of the Westin. After just 2 visits to Ocean Palms, our family was hooked. Now, we're owners! Whether your vacationing with family, kids, friends, or your golfing buddies, it's truly paradise for all. Our condo building sits on a quiet tree-lined lot with no thru traffic. Our rear balcony stairs are only steps away from the gate of the largest villa pool with a children's pool. Guests love the location. It's convenient for watching your kids, or taking a quick break. Rarely crowded even in peak summer, it's relaxful and convenient when you are not in the mood to head to the beach or resort. The three bedroom, three bath luxury villa is very spacious(1750 SF), and offers a large living area with a cathedral ceiling consisting of a beautifully decorated area with a sleeper sofa, chairs, entertainment center armoire with cable TV, DVD, and wireless internet. Adjacent to the living area is the dining area with seating for six. Each bedroom can be arranged with 1 King or 2 Twins. With the sleeper sofa in the living area, your villa's capacity <b>...</b>
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Hilton Head Island -Ocean Palm Villa-Westin Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort and Spa
Hilton Head Island -Ocean Palm Villa-Westin Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort and Spa
Thank you for visiting our site on YouTube! ** Hilton Head Island, South Carolina is world renowned for its ideal year-round weather, tropical environment, nationally recognized dining, and clean,uncongested beaches. Our Ocean Palms Villa is located in Port Royal Plantation on Hilton Head Island- maintained and operated by the Westin, an oceanfront Resort and Spa. Enjoy a spacious 2-level 3BR luxury condo in a tropical village at the foot of the Westin. After just 2 visits to Ocean Palms, our family was hooked. Now, we're owners! Whether your vacationing with family, kids, friends, or your golfing buddies, it's truly paradise for all. Our condo building sits on a quiet tree-lined lot with no thru traffic. Our rear balcony stairs are only steps away from the gate of the largest villa pool with a children's pool. Guests love the location. It's convenient for watching your kids, or taking a quick break. Rarely crowded even in peak summer, it's relaxful and convenient when you are not in the mood to head to the beach or resort. The three bedroom, three bath luxury villa is very spacious(1750 SF), and offers a large living area with a cathedral ceiling consisting of a beautifully decorated area with a sleeper sofa, chairs, entertainment center armoire with cable TV, DVD, and wireless internet. Adjacent to the living area is the dining area with seating for six. Each bedroom can be arranged with 1 King or 2 Twins. With the sleeper sofa in the living area, your villa's capacity <b>...</b>
Published: 2009-06-27
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: johnf625
Published: 2009-06-27
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: johnf625

Vlog day 5 - 3/30/10 Disc golf vs ball golf!
Vlog day 5 - 3/30/10 Disc golf vs ball golf!
I had more problems with the camera today..ran out of battery at like the start of my day but I still manged to get some clips together from today..Didn't do much today..disc golf and driving range, just the usual.
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Vlog day 5 - 3/30/10 Disc golf vs ball golf!
Vlog day 5 - 3/30/10 Disc golf vs ball golf!
I had more problems with the camera today..ran out of battery at like the start of my day but I still manged to get some clips together from today..Didn't do much today..disc golf and driving range, just the usual.
Published: 2010-03-31
Uploaded: 2010-08-20
Author: DailyOC
Published: 2010-03-31
Uploaded: 2010-08-20
Author: DailyOC

Tacky Vlog 11: Personal Best Score In Monsoon Golf 6/03/09
Tacky Vlog 11: Personal Best Score In Monsoon Golf 6/03/09
My son graduated from kindergarten today! My brother and I get caught in a rain storm golfing, but we pressed on, and I scored my personal best 9-holes! I think rain is my lady luck! SUBSCRIBE TO MY VIDS! Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com
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Tacky Vlog 11: Personal Best Score In Monsoon Golf 6/03/09
Tacky Vlog 11: Personal Best Score In Monsoon Golf 6/03/09
My son graduated from kindergarten today! My brother and I get caught in a rain storm golfing, but we pressed on, and I scored my personal best 9-holes! I think rain is my lady luck! SUBSCRIBE TO MY VIDS! Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com
Published: 2009-06-06
Uploaded: 2010-04-30
Author: discotacky
Published: 2009-06-06
Uploaded: 2010-04-30
Author: discotacky

daily vlog
daily vlog
i had a good day, for once so i decided to talk about it.
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daily vlog
daily vlog
i had a good day, for once so i decided to talk about it.
Published: 2010-09-12
Uploaded: 2010-09-12
Author: krystinmari3
Published: 2010-09-12
Uploaded: 2010-09-12
Author: krystinmari3

Vlog day 118 - 7/21/10 Buy me head
Vlog day 118 - 7/21/10 Buy me head
Vlog day 118 - 7/21/10 Buy me head ------------------------------------------------------------ wild catnip cat nip harvest pick grow plant herb yt:crop=16:9 harvested davidsfarm wild catnip cat nip harvest pick grow plant herb yt:crop=16:9 harvested davidsfarm wild catnip cat nip harvest pick grow plant herb yt:crop=16:9 harvested davidsfarm
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Vlog day 118 - 7/21/10 Buy me head
Vlog day 118 - 7/21/10 Buy me head
Vlog day 118 - 7/21/10 Buy me head ------------------------------------------------------------ wild catnip cat nip harvest pick grow plant herb yt:crop=16:9 harvested davidsfarm wild catnip cat nip harvest pick grow plant herb yt:crop=16:9 harvested davidsfarm wild catnip cat nip harvest pick grow plant herb yt:crop=16:9 harvested davidsfarm
Published: 2010-07-22
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: DailyOC
Published: 2010-07-22
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: DailyOC

3putters online golf club www.3putters.com
3putters online golf club www.3putters.com
a 100 % free online golf network where you can upload pictures, videos, take part in forums. You can buy, sell or trade equipment. There is even a daily video golf lesson. Please share with your golfing friends..Cooper www.3putters.com
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3putters online golf club www.3putters.com
3putters online golf club www.3putters.com
a 100 % free online golf network where you can upload pictures, videos, take part in forums. You can buy, sell or trade equipment. There is even a daily video golf lesson. Please share with your golfing friends..Cooper www.3putters.com
Published: 2009-02-28
Uploaded: 2009-07-14
Author: barkeeper60
Published: 2009-02-28
Uploaded: 2009-07-14
Author: barkeeper60

Tiger Woods? or 2 year old Lil J
Tiger Woods? or 2 year old Lil J
Our Lil J is almost 2 1/2 years old and has been golfing since he could swing a club at 12 months. Golfing is a part of his daily life & is this childs very favorite thing to do. This is lil J's 2nd time at the range with dad and big brother. He loves it more than the park which falls a close second in his life.
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Tiger Woods? or 2 year old Lil J
Tiger Woods? or 2 year old Lil J
Our Lil J is almost 2 1/2 years old and has been golfing since he could swing a club at 12 months. Golfing is a part of his daily life & is this childs very favorite thing to do. This is lil J's 2nd time at the range with dad and big brother. He loves it more than the park which falls a close second in his life.
Published: 2009-12-30
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: wildlilJD
Published: 2009-12-30
Uploaded: 2010-08-27
Author: wildlilJD

Mayscenes (1971) Part 2
Mayscenes (1971) Part 2
Mayscenes was a promotional film produced by the University of Utah, and was filmed in the Spring of 1971. In contrast to Looking For A Space produced a year earlier, the film presents a campus of students engaged in peaceful classwork and extracurricular activities. The film approaches its subject through a day in the life of the University, beginning in the early morning and ending in the late evening. This second segment includes students enjoying athletic activities, conducting research, and working on projects until the evening. This item is protected by copyright. If you have footage of the University of Utah, or would like to know more about this film, please contact the Moving Image & Sound Archivist by email at justin.riley@utah.edu or by phone at 801-585-3073.
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Mayscenes (1971) Part 2
Mayscenes (1971) Part 2
Mayscenes was a promotional film produced by the University of Utah, and was filmed in the Spring of 1971. In contrast to Looking For A Space produced a year earlier, the film presents a campus of students engaged in peaceful classwork and extracurricular activities. The film approaches its subject through a day in the life of the University, beginning in the early morning and ending in the late evening. This second segment includes students enjoying athletic activities, conducting research, and working on projects until the evening. This item is protected by copyright. If you have footage of the University of Utah, or would like to know more about this film, please contact the Moving Image & Sound Archivist by email at justin.riley@utah.edu or by phone at 801-585-3073.
Published: 2009-11-23
Uploaded: 2010-02-16
Author: MarriottLibrary
Published: 2009-11-23
Uploaded: 2010-02-16
Author: MarriottLibrary

marcy and i.....mainly i went golfing
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marcy and i.....mainly i went golfing
Published: 2009-09-22
Uploaded: 2010-09-12
Author: coltrain12345
Published: 2009-09-22
Uploaded: 2010-09-12
Author: coltrain12345

Valencia Golf and Country Club - Naples Florida's Premiere 18-Hole Public Golf Course (High-Res)
Valencia Golf and Country Club - Naples Florida's Premiere 18-Hole Public Golf Course (High-Res)
Offering a full 18-Hole Public Golf Course and Driving Range to all of the Naples FL and surrounding area. Full service Pro-Shop and Golf-Pro available daily located just 9 miles East on Immokalee Rd. Noted golf course architect Gordon Lewis has created a masterpiece, taking advantage of the pristine natural beauty and carving out a spectacular course, which has quickly become one of Naples' premier public golf courses. Highlighting the unique features of the landscape and native plants, Valencia Golf and Country Club features undulating fairways, sparkling lakes and lush stands of palms, pines and cypress preserves. A "MUST PLAY COURSE" for golfers of all skill levels, rated 4-stars by Golf Digest. Work on your game at the best public practice facility in Naples, FL. Within minutes of Bonita Springs, Fort Myers and Immokalee, our facility features a 30 station all grass range with target pins located from 100-270 yards. Our practice facility also has a 5000 sq ft putting green and 5550 sq ft chipping green to improve your short game.
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Valencia Golf and Country Club - Naples Florida's Premiere 18-Hole Public Golf Course (High-Res)
Valencia Golf and Country Club - Naples Florida's Premiere 18-Hole Public Golf Course (High-Res)
Offering a full 18-Hole Public Golf Course and Driving Range to all of the Naples FL and surrounding area. Full service Pro-Shop and Golf-Pro available daily located just 9 miles East on Immokalee Rd. Noted golf course architect Gordon Lewis has created a masterpiece, taking advantage of the pristine natural beauty and carving out a spectacular course, which has quickly become one of Naples' premier public golf courses. Highlighting the unique features of the landscape and native plants, Valencia Golf and Country Club features undulating fairways, sparkling lakes and lush stands of palms, pines and cypress preserves. A "MUST PLAY COURSE" for golfers of all skill levels, rated 4-stars by Golf Digest. Work on your game at the best public practice facility in Naples, FL. Within minutes of Bonita Springs, Fort Myers and Immokalee, our facility features a 30 station all grass range with target pins located from 100-270 yards. Our practice facility also has a 5000 sq ft putting green and 5550 sq ft chipping green to improve your short game.
Published: 2010-09-14
Uploaded: 2010-09-14
Author: ValenciaGolfNaples
Published: 2010-09-14
Uploaded: 2010-09-14
Author: ValenciaGolfNaples

Golfing Fail/ Flog Day 6
Golfing Fail/ Flog Day 6
I go golfing and suck. then we go to the pool www.youtube.com/BalFieldFilms www.youtube.com/cbeltproductios.com Office Videos www.twitter.com/FieldOfBrothers youtube.com/FieldOfBrothers
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Golfing Fail/ Flog Day 6
Golfing Fail/ Flog Day 6
I go golfing and suck. then we go to the pool www.youtube.com/BalFieldFilms www.youtube.com/cbeltproductios.com Office Videos www.twitter.com/FieldOfBrothers youtube.com/FieldOfBrothers
Published: 2009-06-25
Uploaded: 2010-08-26
Author: FieldOfBrothers
Published: 2009-06-25
Uploaded: 2010-08-26
Author: FieldOfBrothers

photo: Creative Commons / Slackenerly
Karon Sunset

photo: Creative Commons / Benscripps
10th and 11th holes overlooking Lake Michigan

photo: European Community / Matteso Snapped
Professor WEM's Adventure Golf Professor WEM's Adventure Golf is an 18-hole miniature golf course. The miniature golf course was originally known as Pebble Beach Mini Golf, and was designed to be a mini golf version of Pebble Beach Golf Links

photo: Creative Commons / Multichill
A common golf cart.A golf cart or golf buggy (officially referred to as a golf car according to ANSI standard z130.1, since "carts" are not self-propelled)

photo: Creative Commons / Shooburhunrid
An off road gas golf cart. A golf cart or golf buggy (officially referred to as a golf car according to ANSI standard z130.1, since "carts" are not self-propelled)[1] is a small vehicle designed originally to carry two golfers and their golf clubs around a golf course with less effort than the traditional method of walking.

photo: WN / John Sahid
The Freetown Golf Course, the only active golf course in Sierra Leone.

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(8)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(1)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(2)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(3)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
()Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(4)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(5)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(6)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(7)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(9)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(21)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(22)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(10)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(11)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(12)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(13)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(14)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(15)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas

photo: WN / Sebastián Castillos
(16)Huelga Funcionarios Club de Golf – Punta Carretas
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