Last updated: September 05, 2010

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Boy left with 'dirty great hole in his belly' after sea lion attack at Taronga Zoo

sea lion

Jack Lister is recovering after undergoing abdominal surgery last night. He was bitten on his stomach and chest / Supplied Source: Supplied

  • Boy, 11, invited to meet the animals
  • Spooked sea lion bit him twice
  • Boy "screamed out several times"

A YOUNG boy has been attacked by a sea lion at Taronga Zoo.

THE stepmother of a schoolboy mauled by a sea lion during show at Sydney's Taronga Zoo yesterday told of her horror as she watched the animal attack the boy.

"It wasn't until I heard the scream come from him that I realised what was happening," Dalitta Wright said of the attack on 11-year-old Jack Lister.

But for a boy who had just survived a nasty attack Jack was in "great spirits' as he prepared to be operated on last night.

This was despite the fact the schoolboy had, in his father's words, a "dirty great hole in his belly".

Jack underwent abdominal surgery at Sydney Children's Hospital in Randwick in order to thoroughly clean the wound and ascertain whether he had any internal injuries.

As he remained in hospital in a stable condition, Jack's step-mother Dalitta Wright recounted her horror at witnessing the attack during a popular sea lion show.

Ms Wright was among hundreds of zoo-goers who watched as Jack was repeatedly bitten on the stomach and chest by the sea lion.

In Sydney on a family holiday from Cairns, Ms Wright said Jack had just finished taking part in the sea lion "encounter" - during which an audience member gets to meet one of the animals - when he mistakenly followed the seal as it was being led off stage.

The frightened animal then turned and lunged at the boy.

"Jack had stood back to walk away and the seal just turned around and lunged at him," Ms Wright said. "I can only assume he was going for the smell of the fish. Jack pulled himself away and it then lunged for his back.

"It all happened so quickly ... I was totally focused on Jack. It was quite traumatic."

Witnesses told how frightened audience members in the first few rows screamed and scrambled backwards as the sea lion attacked Jack.

Audience member Kate Miranda said it appeared the animal got a fright and turned and bit the boy, who then fell on top of the sea lion and was bitten a second time before the keeper had a chance to regain control of the animal.

"He screamed out several times, as you would," Ms Miranda said.

The encounter part of the show has been suspended pending an investigation.

Zoo spokeswoman Danielle McGill said: "The boy unfortunately walked behind her and she got a fright and ... she had a flight or fight response and bit the boy."

Taronga said the sea lion had a long history of taking part in animal encounters and had never before displayed aggressive behaviour.

"There is no known precedent for any to have bitten a member of the public," the zoo said.

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  • Realist of Adelaide Posted at 2:42 PM September 04, 2010

    Responsible Steven, do your kids get every bug known to man, are they allowed to play in the dirt or is the cotton wool you have them wrapped up in too tight for them to be able to have such fun. You have got to be kidding. How many people visit zoos and aminal attractions around the world each day and come home without being "maimed or killed" UNBELIEVABLE!

  • Irresponsible Steven Posted at 2:24 PM September 04, 2010

    Oh dear, save us all from the horrors of the world Responsible Steven. Don't let your children do anything or make any decision for themselves. Let them add to the current generation of kids incapable of making a decision unless they see it on facebook (but then, you probably keep your kids off the internet too)

  • Damo Posted at 2:10 PM September 04, 2010

    The seals at the zoo are really well trained. The smell of fish on someone, I would highly doubt it, would cause the seal to attack the kid. Why would she when the keeper has a pouchful of fish right in front of her?

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