Last updated: September 02, 2010

Weather: Sydney 12°C - 19°C . Few showers.

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BBC fights to keep The Stig's helmet on

The Stig

A BID to prevent the revelation of the identity of Top Gear's mystery driver The Stig will be heard at the High Court in London.

No wedding bells yet for Cheyenne

Cheyenne Tozzi

SHIRE girl Cheyenne Tozzi, earlier flashing a diamond ring, has snagged a bona fide thoroughbred.

X-Factor upstaged by star's real-life drama

Matthew Newton

A TELL-ALL interview with Matthew Newton's parents outrates the show he was supposed to host.

Did star make good on nude run pledge?

Sofia Vergara

IT'S the kind of promise that can come back to bite you on the bum - or make you streak bare-bottomed through Hollywood.

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Glee star 'not pretty enough' for roles

Lea Michele Emmy Awards

THE woman who once called "just a perfect storm of hotness" couldn't land a TV gig before hit show.

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Samantha Ronson and more...

Samantha Ronson's bulldog is involved in a killer attack plus Lady Gaga freaks out about developing cancer from mobile phones...

Week's hottest celebrity photos..

Snoop Dog trades in the crip walk for the moonwalk to join Spike Lee in celebrating MJ's 52nd birthday in Brooklyn...


Vampires Suck (M)

Vampires Suck

A spoof for anyone who never wants to see another vampire love movie ever again.

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Avatar: special edition (M)

Avatar: special edition

Relive the world of Pandora again in this special extended version of the stunning film.

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Piranha 3D (MA15+)

Piranha 3D

A small earthquake releases killer piranhas that threaten the lives of Spring Break party-goers.

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Top 20 Now Showing

How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother

21:30, Seven

Lily officially moves in with Marshall and Ted, and Ted begins to think he's being pushed out of the apartment. Meanwhile,...

Countdown to Take 40's Top 40 videos and tracks or check out the selection of playlists on offer


Newlywed First pictures of Miranda's baby bump

Miranda Kerr

THOSE who have waited patiently for a glimpse of Miranda Kerr's baby bump have been rewarded.

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Undies Everybody's mad for nanna knickers

Bridget Jones's Diary

BRIEFS are becoming less brief, with skimpy underwear being dropped in favour of nanna knickers.

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Father of My Children

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

THE French drama Father of My Children addresses an extremely confronting subject with both an unblinking gaze an...

The Killer Inside Me

Rating: 1 out of 5

A TORTURE-PORN wolf draped in art-house sheep's clothing, The Killer Inside Me is (de)based on a 1952 book by the...

Vampires Suck

Rating: 0.5 out of 5

A PARODY of the Twilight movies so painfully unfunny it could turn proud Twilight haters into lifelong fan...


Rating: 3.5 out of 5

FAMOUSLY known as the spy thriller Tom Cruise walked away from because he wanted to keep his powder dry for Mission: Imp...

Matching Jack

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

TO its credit, the Australian kids-with-possibly-terminal-illnesses drama Matching Jack refrains from playing it strictl...


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Model Miranda Kerr


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2010 Emmy Awards

Emmy Awards

THE stars of TV come out to shine at the 2010 Emmy Awards in Los Angeles

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

CANADIAN teen heart throb Justin Bieber is the new 'IT' boy melting teen girls across the world even here in Australia. See why he's so drea...


Aug 24 - Sep 23

'Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.' I have been quoting the poet, Khalil Gibran, thi... Read more