Last updated: September 02, 2010

Weather: Sydney 12°C - 19°C . Few showers.

Stay up to date with the latest iPhone reviews, apps, pictures and prices on the new iPhone 4 models and iPhone 3G models.  A must read if you're thinking about buying a new Apple iPhone or just checking out the latest iPhone news.


With Apple battling to defend the reputation of its new iPhone, website Scoopertino has come up with its own novel solution to solve those pesky signal dropouts - the iHand.


Want to have more lovers? Get an iPhone

iPhone 4

DATING site says iPhone users have had sex with more people than those with other handsets.

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'Apple Peel' turns iPod Touch into a phone

A CHINESE firm has reportedly developed a special protective case known as the "Apple Peel" for converting the iPod Touch into a mobile phone.

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Exec could be first scalp of 'antennagate'

Apple iPhone

THE man in charge of iPhone hardware is leaving Apple in the wake of the "death grip" problems.

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Exec leaving Apple after antenna problems

Apple iPhone 4

THE man whose responsibilities included iPhone hardware set to leave Apple after "antennagate".

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Hackers 'ready to attack iPad, iPhones'

iPad APlus pic 100729

APPLE'S iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch have serious security problems, German government agency claims.

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iKnow what your house is selling for now


NEW iPhone app allows strangers to look inside your house and check out how much it's worth.

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Apple's epic fail - the Kiwi iPhone launch


HUNDREDS of New Zealand customers turned away empty-handed after marketing cock-up.

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No Antennagate issue in Aussie iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

APPLE'S latest has taken a pounding over its antenna but the death grip is not a killer in Australia.

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What embargo? iPhone 4 already on sale

iPhone 4

APPLE fan says he got his hands on an iPhone 4 a day early - and now they desperately want it back.

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Quiz: How much of an Apple fan are you?

HOW much of an Apple fanboi are you? Take our quiz and find out.

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'Ultimate geek' sets up camp for iPhone 4


HERE they go again - Apple fans begin traditional vigil in long, cold wait for release of mobile phone. 

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Telstra doubles data plan for iPhone 4


TELSTRA has buckled under the pressure of competition around data plans for the iPhone 4.

Telcos go to war over iPhone 4 price plans


AUSTRALIA'S telcos determined to give the iPhone 4 a good reception — even if it's got reception issues.

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Apple 'saved $1.5 billion' with low-tech fix

Apple iPhone 4

APPLE'S low-tech solution to its high-tech problem could save it up to $US1.5 billion, analysts say.

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Apple boss 'told antenna wouldn't work'


APPLE insider claims Steve Jobs liked new iPhone design so much he ignored antenna warning.

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iPhone Pictures

The Apple iPhone


Following the iPhone from its announcement in early 2007 up to the present day.

iPhone 4 launch in Sydney

iPhone 4 launch

Hundreds of Apple fanatics lined the streets for the first touch of the controversial iPhone 4.

Most stylish phones

Dolce and Gabbana

iPhone not impressive enough already? Here's how some owners have added some bling to their ring...

Apple iPhone 4G

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs learns a few things about Apple's new iPhone 4G at its launch.


Australian IT

ANZ offers free payments on iPhone

ANZ Bank's iPhone users will be able to transfer money to anyone with a mobile phone free of charge, thanks to a new application dubbed goMoney.