Last updated: September 02, 2010

Weather: Sydney 12°C - 19°C . Few showers.

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Market volatility wipes shine off super

THE new financial year is shaping up as another roller-coaster ride for superannuation balances.

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Split parliament puts super rise in doubt

SUPER fund executives fear the election crisis means changes to the super levy are in jeopardy.

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Aussies in danger of outliving super funds

RETIREES risk being left without retirement income as they switch their super to pension mode.

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Industry uproar over Abbott's super plan


WORKERS' retirement savings are at risk of going backwards under a Coalition government, experts say.

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Opposition policy 'must tackle saving gap'

retirement money

GOVERNMENT demands that the Opposition explain how it will address the economic challenge of the retirement savings gap.

Supercharged super gets tick of approval


THERE is overwhelming support for the Government's plan to lift superannuation to 12pc.

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Finding lost superannuation

How to buy

If you have you ever changed jobs, changed address or changed name then you may have lost track of some of your superannuation. Many of us have worked casual jobs at some point, and it is easy to forget to consolidate your superannuation accounts at the end of it.

Follow the cash trail to find more super

magnifying glass

PAYING extra attention to your super statement this year could put some cash back in your pocket.

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Cooper slams superannuation critics

Jeremy Cooper

SUPERANNUATION review chairman dismisses industry critics of his proposed low-fee super fund.

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