Last updated: September 02, 2010

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Sydney restaurant replaces menus with iPads

THE iPad is already a tasty product among gadget lovers, but a North Sydney restaurant has become the first in Australia to replace their printed menus with Apple's new touch screen device.

Global Mundo Tapas in the North Sydney Rydges Hotel yesterday introduced a custom-made iPad application which allows customers to browse the virtual pages of the menu with a sweep of their finger.

Diners can peruse the dishes and see a picture of what the dish looks like along with tasting notes before compiling their order and sending it wirelessly to the kitchen.

The iPad menu can also suggest the best wines to go with certain dishes and suggest the best food pairings.

When ordering steak, users can even specify how they'd like the meat cooked and which sauce they'd prefer.

It will even ask them if they'd like fries with that.

Mundo's iPad menu app can also help keep track of stock levels so if certain dishes and wines sell out they will automatically disappear off the on-screen menu.

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  • Daelin of Glenelg Posted at 11:37 AM June 03, 2010

    Really? Are we moving into a society devoid of human interaction? You learn to really appreciate a waitress that knows the menu, makes strong recommendations and serves you with a smile. This definitely detracts from the idea of a 'dining' experience.

    Comment 1 of 40

  • Shaking his head at people Posted at 11:48 AM June 03, 2010

    Love it

    Comment 2 of 40

  • brian of adelaide Posted at 11:50 AM June 03, 2010

    its soooooo hard to turn the page of a menu

    Comment 3 of 40

  • Gavin of Sydney Posted at 11:56 AM June 03, 2010

    This is a really good idea....opps sorry i just spilt my drink all over the menu

    Comment 4 of 40

  • Nick of WA Posted at 11:59 AM June 03, 2010

    I've heard about this app from some other source. ... Don't remeber where from

    Comment 5 of 40

  • unbeliever of GoldCoast Posted at 11:59 AM June 03, 2010

    Excellent, looking forward to paying $50 for tapas to make up for the $580 gap between printed menus and a 90% useless menu "toy".....

    Comment 6 of 40

  • Matt Posted at 12:03 PM June 03, 2010

    The only feature I read here that couldn't be accomplished with a well designed print menu is the ability to hide menu options that the kitchen has run out of. The whole thing sounds like a pointless gimmick.

    Comment 7 of 40

  • scott Posted at 12:04 PM June 03, 2010

    what a joke

    Comment 8 of 40

  • Paul of Frankston Posted at 12:14 PM June 03, 2010

    This is a great method of ordering food, no more stupid waiters to stuff the orders up

    Comment 9 of 40

  • riley of gold coast Posted at 12:15 PM June 03, 2010

    I hope they have serious security there, that is very tempting for opportunists.

    Comment 10 of 40

  • RA Posted at 12:16 PM June 03, 2010

    It doesn't replace the waitress for serving, but definitely it gives us a comprehensive idea about the menu we are going to have. I really appreciate this move.

    Comment 11 of 40

  • Love it! Posted at 12:18 PM June 03, 2010

    Oh, come on Daelin, don't be such a party pooper! Last time I checked there were still a few of waitress-serving restaurants left in Sydney! This is something different and why not? Great idea Mundo!

    Comment 12 of 40

  • Greg of Adelaide Posted at 12:20 PM June 03, 2010

    I'm sure there is still a waiter their watching to make sure you don't run off with their iPad. I bet they are very polite when they had you the iPad and when they take it back.

    Comment 13 of 40

  • David of Perth Posted at 12:25 PM June 03, 2010

    I laughed all the way through that story. Not out of ridicule, but out of awe. What an absolutely fantastic idea, albeit an expensive one. How many would they need to fit out a restaurant? Maybe 30+? And do they ensure these iPads don't go home as a doggybag?

    Comment 14 of 40

  • kramer of Brissy Posted at 12:29 PM June 03, 2010

    Out comes the negative brigade... I like it. It's unique, new and up with the times. How many waitresses actually know the menu these days anyhow and aren't a spotty faced teenager wishing they were at home? It detracts from nothing at all. You can still have a waitress also. Get with the times. It a genius idea and the restaurant can obviously afford it. If you don't like it, simple... go somewhere else but why everyone jumps at the chance to bag someone for being different is beyond me. I hope all restaurants get them so I don't meet you miserable lot out in public!

    Comment 15 of 40

  • foodie of Melbourne Posted at 12:39 PM June 03, 2010

    Anyone know who provided the technology for this and if it integrates into a POS system to provide any useful reporting, or is it just a gimmick?

    Comment 16 of 40

  • Tim Martain of Hobart Posted at 12:40 PM June 03, 2010

    If a customer spills their glass of wine on the menu, can you still get it working again by using a damp cloth?

    Comment 17 of 40

  • Sime of Melbourne Posted at 12:41 PM June 03, 2010

    I can't understand the negativity! What a great idea!

    Comment 18 of 40

  • Jason Posted at 12:42 PM June 03, 2010

    Why are people that keep knocking iPads so obsessed with reading about iPads? You know you want it!!

    Comment 19 of 40

  • john of brisbane Posted at 12:43 PM June 03, 2010

    I'm sure that being on sydneys north shore then the clientelle who would frequent that establishment wouldn't even dream of taking the ipad as they would probably already own one or two or they could afford to buy 10 of them.

    Comment 20 of 40

  • metin2 yang of Posted at 12:44 PM June 03, 2010

    I like it and want to own

    Comment 21 of 40

  • Wagaya Yummy Posted at 12:44 PM June 03, 2010

    Wagaya at Haymarket in Sydney use a touch screen ordering system and have for quite some time ..... Everyone else is a bit behind.

    Comment 22 of 40

  • Richard of Sydney Posted at 12:45 PM June 03, 2010

    So I take it all the nay sayers have never been to the local Asian restaurants where the touch screen menus order direct to the kitchen and waiters only come to the table to deliver food. Touch screen menus are wired tot he walls of each table... I love it!

    Comment 23 of 40

  • Brendon of Brisbane Posted at 12:50 PM June 03, 2010

    Everyone does realise that you have to own your own IPAD and download the app for this to work. dont know if I'm going to pay 1k just to order my lunch.

    Comment 24 of 40

  • tomm of qld Posted at 12:51 PM June 03, 2010

    wow, what a waste of money.

    Comment 25 of 40

  • Drainster of Provvo32 Posted at 12:51 PM June 03, 2010

    Nice free publicity should make up for the cost of the ipads

    Comment 26 of 40

  • Damien of Sydney Posted at 1:03 PM June 03, 2010

    Xerts (I think that's what it was called) had computer based ordering a decade ago. This is just an extension of that, so definitely not revolutionary. I still think the happy medium is waiting staff with PDAs that auto communicate to the kitchen as you order it.

    Comment 27 of 40

  • Paul of Perth Posted at 1:05 PM June 03, 2010

    Ah unbeliever of the Gold Coast (though I am sure you meant - nonbeliever). You can remain on the sidelines with the rest of the haters whilst those who are willing to accept technological advances move on through the marvels of the technical age. Back to the the Abacus with you.

    Comment 28 of 40

  • unco Posted at 1:12 PM June 03, 2010

    japanese restaurants have had touch-screen menus for a long time. Check out a couple in syd, one on george st near cinemas (forgot the name), the other in china town kagaya i think its called.

    Comment 29 of 40

  • Michael of Brisbane Posted at 1:12 PM June 03, 2010

    who tips in Australia,

    Comment 30 of 40

  • Schmavo of Melbourne Posted at 1:22 PM June 03, 2010

    @Paul of Frankston....just to let you know this is a proper restaurant in North Sydney, not a takeway drive-through in "Franga".

    Comment 31 of 40

  • Miles of Adelaide Posted at 1:25 PM June 03, 2010

    So, what if a customer drops one, are they liable? If so then it's not worth the financial risk to dine there.

    Comment 32 of 40

  • Shane Posted at 1:28 PM June 03, 2010

    To all the poeple complaining, WHY ?. Its not your restaurant, if thats what they wanting to implement, why do people care so much. It makes me laugh at all the people that always respond with, "waste of money" if its not your money then dont stress. I have an ipad and might use it one day. But why did I buy it ?....because I can !

    Comment 33 of 40

  • Allen Posted at 1:28 PM June 03, 2010

    Money well spent for all the publicity it has generated for them!!

    Comment 34 of 40

  • fang of syd Posted at 1:29 PM June 03, 2010

    Do they have 'take-away' menu? i would like one...or two.

    Comment 35 of 40

  • Anthony of Sydney Posted at 1:38 PM June 03, 2010

    What is the Kids menu? An iPhone? All Apple products do exactly the same thing. Its a tribute to their marketing genius that they convince consumers that they need to spend more money on something they probably already have.

    Comment 36 of 40

  • Best iDea ever! of Sydney Posted at 1:45 PM June 03, 2010

    I think this has real merit, not only is it inventive, but it means there is a clear indication of what is and isn't available, gives you an uninterupted amount of time to make your choices and can give sage advice on what compliments what rather then some 20something with no idea trying to sound knowledgable giving you the incorrect info. Bravo I say.... Oh and BTW I don't believe it would cost anymore to cover the cost of these, it may be a large outlay cost initially however it means they will not have to have the cost of printing new Menu's each season and reduces costs on staff required. I can see this option as a HUGE saving to restaurants and an ability to pass pay rises to all staff from the bottom up.

    Comment 37 of 40

  • Sleight of Hand Posted at 1:58 PM June 03, 2010

    iPad to go thanks....

    Comment 38 of 40

  • culinary delight. Posted at 1:59 PM June 03, 2010

    Won't eat there obviously they charge to much to afford all the Ipads.

    Comment 39 of 40

  • John of Canberra Posted at 2:36 PM June 03, 2010

    How boring. Microsoft has been doing this for years with "Microsoft Surface" why is it that when Apple copy these ideas everybody gets excited?

    Comment 40 of 40

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