Last updated: September 02, 2010

Weather: Sydney 12°C - 19°C . Few showers.

Apple swamped, but no iPad queues elsewhere

IT TOOK less than two hours for Apple to start selling out of its iPad tablet computers today amid huge queues outside its stores across the country.

But few buyers seemed to know the iPad was also on sale at electronics retailers including selected JB Hi-Fi, Myer and David Jones stores.

One JB Hi-Fi store in Sydney's George St, just metres from Apple's flagship Australian store, had no queues, available demonstration models and plenty of stock at 10am, even though Apple fans queued in their hundreds nearby.

The store did sell out of the iPad's 16GB 3G model, but a bemused salesman said plenty of the other models were in stock.

Both WiFi and 3G models of the cheaper, 16GB iPad sold out in Apple's Sydney store before 10am, and the 3G model also sold out in its newly opened Bondi store.

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  • Yawn of Melbourne Posted at 1:35 PM May 28, 2010

    I hear Sunbeam are releasing a new kettle next month.

    Comment 1 of 66

  • Ron Posted at 1:35 PM May 28, 2010

    I feel sorry for them...

    Comment 2 of 66

  • DanMunchie of Brisbane Posted at 1:38 PM May 28, 2010

    That's apple fans for you.

    Comment 3 of 66

  • Renato of Sydney Posted at 1:41 PM May 28, 2010

    Apple fanboys will always go to their dear Apple store, while others will be smart enough to go to the other stores where there will be less hassle and no queues.

    Comment 4 of 66

  • Kucing Posted at 1:42 PM May 28, 2010

    Shows you how smart Apple product buyers really are...duh!

    Comment 5 of 66

  • John Jacobs of Sydney Posted at 1:42 PM May 28, 2010

    The reason nobody knew that JB etc would have them is because of Apple's paranoid secrecy nonsense. Retailers weren't allowed to mention it as Apple likes to create fear of 'not getting one' to make sure they get the publicity of long queues outside their stores. Oh, and all the pre-order customers who are still waiting for theirs late afternoon if not Monday!! bad Apple, bad!!

    Comment 6 of 66

  • Leo of QLD Posted at 1:43 PM May 28, 2010

    Many of these buyers knew it was available elsewhere, but they still lined up for hours at Apple stores. Most of them do it because they want the experience of being a "fanboi".

    Comment 7 of 66

  • meatmachine of coolville Posted at 1:45 PM May 28, 2010

    From what I've been reading, a lot of people (incl. journos) are missing the point here. It's an EVENT for most fans. Queuing and getting in amongst the action with other fans is all part of the experience. I work near the Ginza store here in Tokyo and 1200+ queued outside the store. 1200 people. And that's just one store!

    Comment 8 of 66

  • RJ of Sydney Posted at 1:45 PM May 28, 2010

    It's easy - just buy one next week - what's the rush?

    Comment 9 of 66

  • Paul Posted at 1:47 PM May 28, 2010

    It's all about the experience. Duh. Isn't that what retail is all about?

    Comment 10 of 66

  • craig mcdemitt Posted at 1:49 PM May 28, 2010

    thats because apple fanboys love being seen getting apple stuff at the apple store. I don't even understand the hype, its overpriced and under optioned... there is going to be far better products out in less than 6 months... and im sure apple will release a ipad thats not the equivalent of a disabled computer once the hipster fanboy sales have subsided

    Comment 11 of 66

  • Nathan of Qld Posted at 1:50 PM May 28, 2010

    There is surely something wrong with these people who queue up for hours waiting for a new product to be released. The iPad doesn't even look that great, my 2 year old samsung mp3 player is waaay better!

    Comment 12 of 66

  • Rick Posted at 1:53 PM May 28, 2010

    Probably because all of those retailers had the Apple ballgag in and weren't allowed to talk about it until today...

    Comment 13 of 66

  • Anton of Realityland Posted at 1:58 PM May 28, 2010


    Comment 14 of 66

  • Bemused Posted at 1:59 PM May 28, 2010

    Nobody ever said that these people that camped overnight were intelligent... Not only that, but why would I want a computer that has less storage capacity than either my phone or mp3 player??

    Comment 15 of 66

  • Jason of Sydney Posted at 2:03 PM May 28, 2010

    Next Byte around the block from the George St Apple store also has iPads and nobody waiting in line. I got to try one within 3 mins of walking in.

    Comment 16 of 66

  • Ananon Posted at 2:15 PM May 28, 2010

    Nextbyte are also selling the ipad today..

    Comment 17 of 66

  • Dale Posted at 2:21 PM May 28, 2010

    Is this not in violation of the Trades Practices Act? Clearly there has been a direction given to resellers that they not advertise the availability of competing products (Yes, it's the same product, but because it is sold on their own terms, it is a competing product with those other units sold by Apple stores) in order to gain a financial benefit: - increased media attention and marketing - increased sales for the distributor over resellers

    Comment 18 of 66

  • phuong of canberra Posted at 2:22 PM May 28, 2010

    eeew i don't want to tell people i bought my iPad from JB

    Comment 19 of 66

  • David Fletcher of Joondalup, Perth. Posted at 2:23 PM May 28, 2010

    The gullible and cashed up will always behave irrationally. It's just another damned computer, for goodness sake! That's all it is! It's not the second coming!

    Comment 20 of 66

  • Damo Posted at 2:24 PM May 28, 2010

    haha silly Apples! Lining up in their hundreds and JB had them on sale down the street. Doh!

    Comment 21 of 66

  • Amber of Stockholm Posted at 2:24 PM May 28, 2010

    *facepalm* Silly Apple sheep.

    Comment 22 of 66

  • zarbi Posted at 2:25 PM May 28, 2010

    hahahha hilarious that no one knew about Dicky Smiths

    Comment 23 of 66

  • Sam of Perth Posted at 2:26 PM May 28, 2010

    I read an article on this website about the iPad being available at JB's, it was published last week? Apple fanbois have a one-track mind when it comes to the apple brand, which is why few queued at other retailers. another example of iSheep.

    Comment 24 of 66

  • smug cat Posted at 2:27 PM May 28, 2010

    buying them from apple is much more cooler

    Comment 25 of 66

  • Ol of Gold Coast Posted at 2:29 PM May 28, 2010

    Nothing makes me cringe or shudder more, than the smug applause in an Apple Store.

    Comment 26 of 66

  • Disco75 of Adelaide Posted at 2:31 PM May 28, 2010

    I just saw a family of 6 buy one each (2 parents + 4 kids) plus a keyboard each in Myer in Adelaide - crazy to see.

    Comment 27 of 66

  • Josh of Sydney Posted at 2:33 PM May 28, 2010

    This article prooves the typical Apple user is not very intelligent and requires to be told what the can and can not do on their i-whatevers. It also shows that Apple are extremely inaffective at launching products outside the USA.

    Comment 28 of 66

  • Steve Posted at 2:45 PM May 28, 2010

    Played with one at a JB Hi Fi store today. Not sure what all the fuss is about! The keyboard (or lack of one) is the big problem. If you want to type more than "Hi Mum" you feel like you want to throttle someone!

    Comment 29 of 66

  • Kaine Sherwood of Brisbane Posted at 2:46 PM May 28, 2010

    I got mine from JB Hifi @ Adelaide Street today 10am - no waiting.

    Comment 30 of 66

  • AJ of Sydney Posted at 2:46 PM May 28, 2010

    Yep funny I looked at the bustling crowd outside the apple store, and popped down to dick Smith next door. Had a very relaxing time playing around with Ipads, could have walked out with one if I wanted to buy.

    Comment 31 of 66

  • hctibelttil of Sydney Posted at 2:47 PM May 28, 2010

    people are strange.

    Comment 32 of 66

  • AJ Posted at 2:48 PM May 28, 2010

    IT`s call "Marketing" and Apple know to milk it for everything its worth.

    Comment 33 of 66

  • well rested of Sydney Posted at 2:50 PM May 28, 2010

    OK, I cant figure out for the life of me why ANYONE would queue up for anything in this day and age. Dont get me wrong, Im a bit of an apple fan, I have mine in my hands right now and yet and didnt queue anyway. I just went online when they became available, ordered in a matter of about 2 mins, and this morning I had to go as far as my front door when it was delivered at a nice casual time of 1030am. I barely had to even get dressed! To be honest I think if you cant figure out how to order one of these online, perhaps you shouldnt be investing in this piece of technology....

    Comment 34 of 66

  • Pete of Adelaide Posted at 2:51 PM May 28, 2010

    I, for one, welcome Earth's new Overload Steve Jobs. hail Apple. Please don't put us all to work in mines...

    Comment 35 of 66

  • Ozshanel of Sydney Posted at 2:59 PM May 28, 2010

    I bought a 64gb 3G just after 9:30 at David Jones in Market St Sydney. No queues. In and out in 5 minutes. Beats waiting in the street all night in the rain!!

    Comment 36 of 66

  • Eric of Sydney Posted at 3:02 PM May 28, 2010

    The big reason there was noone queuing at the other vendors is that they couldn't tell customers that they had stock and was able to sell them this morning. People have been calling around Myers, JB Hifi etc to find out if they had stock for sale, but Apple had gagged the vendors. So people went to where they knew there was stock, the Apple stores, rather than where there may have not been any for sale.

    Comment 37 of 66

  • Marcus of Sydney Posted at 3:06 PM May 28, 2010

    I recently moved from the iPhone to a HTC Desire. It really opens your eyes to how limited you are on apple products. They are very well designed but there are some better gadgets appearing now.

    Comment 38 of 66

  • Brad of Ferntree Gully Posted at 3:06 PM May 28, 2010

    I got mine last month.

    Comment 39 of 66

  • Ben of Brisbane Posted at 3:11 PM May 28, 2010

    I got my iPad by just walking into a David Jones, easy simple and quick, they had nearly all models available in stock. I wasn't really that interested until I had a play with one in the store, and it is so good, already have it sync'd and going, awesome new toy, just love it.

    Comment 40 of 66

  • Brad of Gilead Posted at 3:20 PM May 28, 2010

    I beat everyone today, I brought two in Las Vegas last friday and have been busy using it ever since. Atleast I can get an Australian Telco today so I can dump AT&T; roaming.

    Comment 41 of 66

  • deemacgee Posted at 3:23 PM May 28, 2010

    Gagged the vendors? How is that not anticompetitive?

    Comment 42 of 66

  • Laughing of Sydney Posted at 3:31 PM May 28, 2010

    Yawn of Melbourne: you're a legend.

    Comment 43 of 66

  • Oranges of Sydney Posted at 3:40 PM May 28, 2010

    I bought Apples form my local greengrocer, they had plenty!

    Comment 44 of 66

  • marty Posted at 3:41 PM May 28, 2010

    I agree with Marcus (comment 37) Unfortunately Apple gear is mainly targeted towards people who are technophobes, and are uncomfortable to look outside the comfort zone of great marketing. Hense the sheep tag.

    Comment 45 of 66

  • StefanB of Sydney Posted at 3:44 PM May 28, 2010

    People shop at Apple Store for the experience, why would you go to JB Hifi to buy Apple products? There is a reason why Apple stores bring in the most money per square meter. And probably if you understood that the 16Gb and the other iPad models differ in PRICE and FUNCTIONALITY you and the salesman would not be so bemused. It's like going to buy new Toyota Corolla which is sold out but look there's still Lexus - I don't know why don't buy that one instead ... doh journalists.

    Comment 46 of 66

  • Max Posted at 3:50 PM May 28, 2010

    It's called marketing and a lot of 'intelligent' people fell for it.

    Comment 47 of 66

  • Dood Posted at 3:55 PM May 28, 2010

    You're my hero Brad!

    Comment 48 of 66

  • Dave of Sydney Posted at 3:57 PM May 28, 2010

    Look how cool those people lining up look? Oh wait.

    Comment 49 of 66

  • Anthony Posted at 4:04 PM May 28, 2010

    Perhaps its because the only people stupid enough to buy an iPad are Apple fanboys, and real consumers who want an actual computer, and not a $1200 iPod touch, can see past the Apple spin

    Comment 50 of 66

  • Steven Lawler of Australia Posted at 4:06 PM May 28, 2010

    Like lemmings off a cliff.

    Comment 51 of 66

  • Mike G of Brisbane Posted at 4:08 PM May 28, 2010

    Got mine today from David Jones @ Westfield Chermside (and the Apple store there is only a few metres from DJ's) at approximately 11am - no waiting; was served and back in the car 10/15 minutes later (even with the staff person attempting some suggestive sells). Been playing with the iPad nonstop since then (even using it to type this) - very happy!

    Comment 52 of 66

  • Craig Posted at 4:08 PM May 28, 2010

    Wow, so many sheep.

    Comment 53 of 66

  • Martin of Sydney Posted at 4:13 PM May 28, 2010

    I knew they had them... got to know the know... But hey... mine was delivered to my desk in the office...

    Comment 54 of 66

  • Oscar of Wollongong Posted at 4:14 PM May 28, 2010

    I dont line up. Id rather wait until June. It will give me time to figure out what the point of an ipad is.

    Comment 55 of 66

  • Bill Lovett of Orange Posted at 4:26 PM May 28, 2010

    I was saddened to see that there was enough stock for Sydney and the east coast and prob other capital cities, but alas, if you live in a regional/rural area forget it. I saw on TV the ipad was avaiable Australia wide....hmmmm

    Comment 56 of 66

  • GMan Posted at 4:35 PM May 28, 2010

    You don't get on TV for lining up for hours if you buy elsewhere. What's the point of getting an Ipad if you don't get on TV?

    Comment 57 of 66

  • ben Posted at 4:50 PM May 28, 2010

    I'm still not entirely sure what the fuss is about... it's just a battery powered etch-a-sketch...

    Comment 58 of 66

  • Sharon R of NSW Posted at 4:51 PM May 28, 2010

    Got the iPad when in the US a couple months back. Not sure what the hype is all about, its just a larger version of the iPhone and nothing more! Burned US$499!

    Comment 59 of 66

  • bigmaxy of Sydney Posted at 6:03 PM May 28, 2010

    I had a play with one today in Nextbyte. What exactly is so good about this thing again ?

    Comment 60 of 66

  • Wayne Jean of perth Posted at 6:03 PM May 28, 2010

    I judge my self worth by the up-to-dateness of my possessions. Needless to say with my 3 year old prepaid, small screen nokia phone I am a miserable person indeed.

    Comment 61 of 66

  • Dan of Sydney Posted at 7:55 PM May 28, 2010

    Hahahah got my from jbhifi. NO queue. No media. Same price. Sucked in those who waited in line.

    Comment 62 of 66

  • von Mises of Brisbane Posted at 8:18 PM May 28, 2010

    Well done Apple. They've made a product people want to buy, and marketed it in a way that enticed them to buy it. Again. In a time when companies are daily in the news for fleecing their customers and taxpayers with deceptive and predatory products and demands for bailouts (think big US & Euro banks), or incompetence (US car companies, banks and BP), its good to see companies making money, and thus value for their shareholders, the old fashioned way- making their customers happy. So what if many of them are fanbois- its their money.

    Comment 63 of 66

  • BlowToConsumerism Posted at 8:29 PM May 28, 2010

    Someone should buy one and as they walk out to see the media with the camera flashes going off, switch on the brand new iPad, put it on the sidewalk and just jump all over it and smash it to smithereens. Would just blow the Apple people's minds.. ahahah

    Comment 64 of 66

  • Davni Posted at 8:36 PM May 28, 2010

    I was the first customer to buy mine at DJ's Mt Gravatt at 10am (Just rocked up served straight away) and even got it on 2 years interest free!!.

    Comment 65 of 66

  • maximus of Sydney Posted at 9:19 PM May 28, 2010

    The really incredible thing is that in a couple of years the IPad will be sitting in the back of the cupboard unused. Remember the PSP anyone? There you go.

    Comment 66 of 66

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